Guest haviik


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Big fan of the blaster pistol enhancement for K1 & TSL. Any chance of this mod expanding to include rifles/heavy weapons?

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Big fan of the blaster pistol enhancement for K1 & TSL. Any chance of this mod expanding to include rifles/heavy weapons?

I suggest you ask in that mod's release thread.

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I would love to see a mod that shows a numerical value for the number of influence points gained or lost after a conversation next to the influence gained or lost statement.  TSLRCM compatible of course.

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Hello there, I am asking for anybody who is could help me.

I have a problem - I can't decompile scripts and I have no way to do that, but I am working on a very big mod and I just want to ask someone to decompile for me a .ncs file. PM me for information.


Thanks for listening!



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Hello there, I am asking for anybody who is could help me.

I have a problem - I can't decompile scripts and I have no way to do that, but I am working on a very big mod and I just want to ask someone to decompile for me a .ncs file. PM me for information.


Thanks for listening!



Have you tried using DeNCS?

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Yeah, I tried. It's failed decompiling

That's odd. What error did you get?

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I simply got a an error named Decompiling: failure.
Script is works, and I can decompile scripts but not this one, but I have to know what in that absolutely cause I'm working on a big mod.


Could you try to decompile for me maybe?

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It's me.. again. I wanna ask you something

So, I need a script if an NPC has died PC gets some xp. (repeatable).

(and.. is it possible without dialogue file?)


I tried this:

void main(){
if SWMG_OnDeath(GetObjectByTag(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "sithsoldiertag3"));
{GiveXPToCreature(GetFirstPC();, 325);

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I'd like to request two items that can be used in a TSLRCM game: a data pad and the sonic sensor (the one that opens the HK Factory Request.) It would be nice to actually have a sonic sesnor you can actually show in game to HK-47 when having that conversation. The datapad on the other hand would be helpful for those making movies/machinima using TSL.


These two items would have able to be seen in the hands of either the PC or any of the part's NPC characters. For the datapad, I picture something very simple - like an iPad.  For the sonic sensor, here's the model that I had in mind.

The top of the item is a miniature TV but it isn't necessary to animate it. (Either leave off the picture of the man's face on the side or replace it with the Peragus Maintenance Officer's face - the guy with the goggles.) Oh, and I'd change the numbers and text to Aurebesh. Finally, I'd also like to have custom icons for these items as well.

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So, I need a script an NPC has died PC gets some xp (repeatable).

(and.. is it possible without dialogue file?)

I'm going to assume that's for KOTOR1? Since it's completely the wrong syntax for KOTOR2.


Best is simply to make a custom on_death event for said NPC(s).

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I have a request for 2 mods.


1. Is it possible to make a mod that removes the skirts from Zeison Sha and Jal Shey armors?


2. Is it possible to replace Mira's headband with the Peragus Maintenance Officer's goggles?

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I have a request for 2 mods.


1. Is it possible to make a mod that removes the skirts from Zeison Sha and Jal Shey armors?


2. Is it possible to replace Mira's headband with the Peragus Maintenance Officer's goggles?

For 1 the skirt is part of the model, so you/the modder would have to either edit the model to remove the skirt portion, or alternatively reskin a suit of your choice to look like the Zeison Sha.



For 2 the headband is part of Mira's head model and the goggles are part of the maintenance officer's head model.


However, a way to make it work could be to make a new headgear item which looks like the maintenance officer's goggles and apply them to Mira's NPC appearance.


I don't know how you'd make them sit on her head the way the officer's do, but it's at least a probable solution.

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Hello DS,


My mod request is pretty simple and I read through several pages but not all of them so I hope I am not repeating a request. One of the things that bug me is that Constitution bonus that you get from either items (Personal Light saber crystal especially) or from Light Side Mastery and I think my prestige class also gives a bonus(not sure) does not count for Implants.


Because of that I am sitting on 25 Constitution but my Raw Constitution is less then 18 and there fore I can't use the higher implants. I understand if it is a bit hard to add the item bonus because you want to exclude bonus from Implants but even just the Light Side Mastery bonus would get me and many others I assume over that hurdle.


It's less of need so much of being tired of being taunted by the game by having such high Con and still not being able to equip the Implants.

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I was recently playing K1 again or at least played short parts to test stuff and I found myself in one of those random space battles that sometimes occur when leaving a planet.

And the thing I noticed is that you can always see Taris and the Sith fleet in the background. That's obviously perfectly fine for the battle during the attack on Taris and I guess they simply used the exact same module for all later battles. It's no big deal either but I'd love a mod that simply removes those backdrops from later battles.


I also found high resolution textures of all planets. They are mostly recolored versions of the Taris texture and therefor not really useful but I think that Bioware once intended to have different backdrops depending on the planet you are leaving. So if someone wants to take this idea for a mod even further, he/she could implement that feature ;)

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Believe it or not, I actually modded those specific assets, (each planet combat backdrop texture replaced with the ones I drafted up myself) but could never test them.

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I looked on my Hard Drive, and I have them. I should have them uploaded when I can get them transferred. I'll let you know when.

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I was recently playing K1 again or at least played short parts to test stuff and I found myself in one of those random space battles that sometimes occur when leaving a planet.

And the thing I noticed is that you can always see Taris and the Sith fleet in the background. That's obviously perfectly fine for the battle during the attack on Taris and I guess they simply used the exact same module for all later battles. It's no big deal either but I'd love a mod that simply removes those backdrops from later battles.


I also found high resolution textures of all planets. They are mostly recolored versions of the Taris texture and therefor not really useful but I think that Bioware once intended to have different backdrops depending on the planet you are leaving. So if someone wants to take this idea for a mod even further, he/she could implement that feature ;)

Do you have the Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's revenge mod installed? I've always had that issue with the space battle backgrounds when I had that mod. I'm not sure why that would be a glitch of all things, but it's a result of that mod, for sure.

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Do you have the Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's revenge mod installed? I've always had that issue with the space battle backgrounds when I had that mod. I'm not sure why that would be a glitch of all things, but it's a result of that mod, for sure.

It seems that way.

I was just testing it with my (close to) vanilla installation and the Taris background was gone. Sorry about that mistake.


But having a planet backdrop depending on where you're leaving from would be cool anyway, so I'll just leave that part of the request here for any modder interested although it's not really something important to add :D

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