Rtas Vadum 17 Posted January 30, 2012 It must be, since it never... ever happened to me. And 1.7 doesn't even have our loot-drop modifications, so it can't be that... Must be the TOR Saber mod then, since I just added that a few days ago. I think it only effects the Jungle areas, likely the starting two. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darth Malignus 0 Posted January 31, 2012 Not sure if you still browse about, but thanks a lot for this report. As it appears a miss-flag switchered around 2 dialgoues, the without Samhan and with Samhan version. Also the without samhan version (which most would trigger) lacked it's script to generate shop contents, which explains why his store was so crap before and you got all kinds of nifty items with the "With Samhan" version, which did have that script applied. Of course, all fixed for 1.8! Thanks again! I'm always watching, underlings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rtas Vadum 17 Posted February 9, 2012 Now this is certainly almost game breaking, though not enough to crash it. There were a few Sith Assassins left over after the fight(the one before you make the trip to Onderon), and I didn't deal with them before getting the message from Kelborn. So now, when it goes through the cut-scene where to talk with him about the conflict on Onderon, the dialogue ends early because of the remaining Sith in the area. Trying to talk with him again, only gives you the "I'm Ready", and "Not now." options, the first allowing you to continue, but loading you into the Deep Jungle Area(with the Temple Exterior), with Atton as the main pc. Not to mention that he was invisible the one time I tried this, as was Xarga. Shouldn't the Mandalorians be able to deal with them, as Mandalore says? Not to mention, shouldn't he interrupt you only after you deal with the group around the battle circle, and make your way to the main part of the camp? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted February 9, 2012 Well, that's a first. Never heard that happen before. Since you're teleported to Kelborn, in the shuttle bay, the only way the convo could break was if Sith where actually in that hangar, not very likely. Other mods? Could be another side-effect of the Improved AI by the sound of it The trigger for going to Onderon is kind of wonky. It mostly requires Sith to be gone, which can happen if you take too much time. Changing it would open up various ways for infinite XP exploits and other oddities, so it best stays as is... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rtas Vadum 17 Posted February 10, 2012 Well, that's a first. Never heard that happen before. Since you're teleported to Kelborn, in the shuttle bay, the only way the convo could break was if Sith where actually in that hangar, not very likely. Other mods? Could be another side-effect of the Improved AI by the sound of it The trigger for going to Onderon is kind of wonky. It mostly requires Sith to be gone, which can happen if you take too much time. Changing it would open up various ways for infinite XP exploits and other oddities, so it best stays as is... Well, the problem isn't really with the first trip to Onderon. Its when you go back to the Camp after you receive Kelborn's message from T3. If any Sith assassins remain in the camp, you do get the dialogue started, but since the Assassin's attack Kelborn(who was standing just outside Mandalore's...room, I guess.), the conversation ends, and after you help deal with the Sith, the convo starts back up as if you've already chosen the party to deal with the Sith at the tomb. The mention of the first trip was due to the fact that the Mandalorians should be able to deal with the Sith, so when you get back to the camp after the first part of Onderon, the Sith should be dealt with by then. I've had a few instances in which I take out only a few Sith near the Battle circle, and Mandalore interrupts me. As for mods, nothing I have should be effecting that area, aside from texture mods. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted February 10, 2012 Well, that group should indeed be gone when you return... odd... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darth Malignus 0 Posted February 11, 2012 Well, that group should indeed be gone when you return... odd... I've seen that as well a couple of times, but since you could just kill them, I didn't really think much of it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Menthus 0 Posted February 14, 2012 Hi there folks, I've got a bit of an issue with my game. After sparring with the handmaidens Kreia and Bao-dur refuse to move and they can no longer be talked to. Unfortunately, I do not have a save from before this bug occurred. Is there any way for me to fix this (like using the savegame editor)? Thanks in advance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted February 14, 2012 From the 1.8 readme, known issues section... Q. I lost my team at the academy/black screen when entering Ebon Hawk after academy/Atton, Kreia or Bao-Dur don't talk to me when I click them A. Sadly, this is a vanilla bug we cannot fix, since the files cannot be de-compiled. It's related to fighting the Handmaiden sisters on the battle mat and "cheating" before they become hostile, giving an error in the script to return your teammembers. You will have to load a save from before this fight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted February 14, 2012 If any Sith assassins remain in the camp, you do get the dialogue started, but since the Assassin's attack Kelborn(who was standing just outside Mandalore's...room, I guess.), the conversation ends, and after you help deal with the Sith, the convo starts back up as if you've already chosen the party to deal with the Sith at the tomb. All Sith Assassins are destroyed. Though, yes, there is a trigger that would cause new Sith to spawn at Mandalore's HQ. I've added to the post-Onderon deltion the destruction of these 2 triggers, that should prevent it in the future... I've had a few instances in which I take out only a few Sith near the Battle circle, and Mandalore interrupts me. The Mandalore conversation starts as soon as there is no more a single assassin on the whole map tagged as "sith_ass_403". The entire script in case you're interested (and/or understand it ) The respawning ones are 405 and 406... 403's in limited supply. void main() { object oAreaObject = GetFirstObjectInArea(GetArea(GetFirstPC()), 1); if (((GetGlobalNumber("403DXN_Sith_Attack") >= 1) && (GetGlobalNumber("403DXN_Sith_Attack") <= 4))) { if (GetLocalBoolean(GetObjectByTag("To_402", 0), 52)) { object oWp_sith_mand; object object7 = GetFirstObjectInArea(GetArea(GetFirstPC()), 1); int int4 = 0; while (GetIsObjectValid(object7)) { if ((GetTag(object7) == "sith_ass_403")) { (int4++); } object7 = GetNextObjectInArea(GetArea(GetFirstPC()), 1); } if ((int4 == 0)) { object oG_mandalore = GetObjectByTag("g_mandalore", 0); SetGlobalNumber("403DXN_Sith_Attack", 5); DelayCommand(2.0, CancelCombat(GetFirstPC())); DelayCommand(2.0, SetGlobalFadeOut(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); DelayCommand(2.0, SetGlobalFadeIn(1.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); object oSecurity_door = GetObjectByTag("security_door", 0); DelayCommand(2.0, AssignCommand(oSecurity_door, ActionUnlockObject(oSecurity_door))); DelayCommand(2.0, AssignCommand(oSecurity_door, ActionOpenDoor(oSecurity_door))); oWp_sith_mand = GetObjectByTag("wp_sith_pc2", 0); DelayCommand(2.1, AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), ActionJumpToObject(oWp_sith_mand, 1))); oWp_sith_mand = GetObjectByTag("wp_sith_mand", 0); DelayCommand(2.1, AssignCommand(oG_mandalore, ActionJumpToObject(oWp_sith_mand, 1))); DelayCommand(2.2, AssignCommand(oG_mandalore, ActionStartConversation(GetFirstPC(), "sith_att", 0, 0, 0, "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0))); } } } } Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ladubois 0 Posted February 24, 2012 Hey, new here and (obviously) to TSLRCM in general so perhaps I just did something wrong when installing, but I've hit a fairly serious bug. This didn't occur when I was still playing Vanilla and I actually uninstalled the vanilla game completely (saved games and all) before adding TSLRCM. Anywho, the problem is that after saving and exiting the game, when I try to go to the Load Game screen, what is normally the plain, black background has become a colourful assortment of sharp triangular shapes - something like broken glass - primarily in shades of light blue, pale greenish, and magenta. The text, and everything (including the save game screenshot) appears normally. This would be a mere inconvenience if it didn't cause the game to crash. I tried 4 times before posting this. In the first two attempts, the game crashed while loading a save while the last two attempts actually crashed on the Load Game screen. Here's screenshot of the final attempt: The last save before exiting was in the Telos cantina just after playing Pazaak with the woman by the swoop races - it was also all I had done in the cantina at that point. Computer Specs: Pentium Dual-Core E5200 @ 2.5 NVIDIA GeForce 8400GS Windows XP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
milestails 264 Posted February 24, 2012 That actually looks pretty friggin cool! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Extreme110 4 Posted February 24, 2012 That looks fantastic... Just two questions, have you installed any other mods, and did you try the Dantooine Lag Fix (Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1)? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ladubois 0 Posted February 24, 2012 Lol, yeah it does. Except for the error message in the middle. Oh yeah, I forgot about the fix... I'll try that. I don't think I installed any other mods... If I did it was probably just one little small one - probably something about the lightsaber blades... And I remember checking the one or two mods I was considering to see if they were on the compatibility list. I just don't remember what exactly they were, or even if I actually downloaded them or not... EDIT: Okay, that fixed it. So now my only bug reports (and I'm not even fully sure they have anything to do with TSLRM, directly since I only played the game once and even then only got about 1/2 way through) are that in the swoop races my swoop immediately jumps at the start and stays jumped making it impossible to win. Also, even though I've practically maxed out my influence with T3 and am 100% light-sided, when I level up T3 his background switches to full dark side (bright red and very thick smoke). This only happens when I'm at the level-up screen though and on the party select or character screens he shows the normal blue background. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Traveller 5 Posted April 1, 2012 Planet: Dantooine Quest: Reuniting the Clans Problem: Dancer's Outfit, if worn by a female Exile, is removed from inventory at the conclusion of Mandalore's combat. Steps To Reproduce: Create Female Exile. Set Attributes and Skills to 99. Play the game. Change into Dancer's Outfit at Nar Shaddaa. Wear Dancer's Outfit while Mandalore battles Esok. Expected Behavior: After the cutscene which plays following the Mandalore/Esok battle, the Exile should respawn wearing the Dancer's Outfit. Actual Behavior: Exile is left naked and a feedback entry is added to the Messages Log stating "Lost: Dancer's Outfit". Computer Specifications: Intel i3 2.4GHz 4.0GB RAM ATI HD550V Windows 7 x64 Mods: Quarren and Sullustian Retextures (not an official mod, but simply skins I found online) Big Bad sound Mod, Mark II Dantooine Mechanic Fix Darth Malak's Armor Reskin Darth Nihilus Animation Fix Influence Bug Fix 1.2* Kill The Ithorian Movie-style Blade Retextures Replacement Hilts Megapack Short Lightsaber Replacement Hilts Peragus Tweak Restored Content Mod 1.7 Unofficial Fix Restored Content Mod 1.7 Ravager Black Screen Fix Rubat Crystal Fix Shiny Mandalorians Ultimate Sound Mod Coruscant High Resolution Skybox Textures Fixed Mandalorian Banners Goto's Yacht Window Upgrade Handmaiden Underwear For Females Heavy Repeater Pack Lightsaber Parts Icon Fix Movie-style Jedi Master Robes Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skybox Textures T.W.O. Blaster Rifle Pack T.W.O. Heavy Blaster Pack Cyan Lightsaber Bug Fix Trayus Rank Reform *This mod isn't on the RCM compatibility list, and has not been tested for compatibility. However, the two files within it, bp_influence_fix.ncs and k_hen_heartbt01.ncs, are game files that to the best of my knowledge are not modified by the RCM. Comments: Because the Exile's stats for this game have been maxed out using the KotOR Savegame Editor, I didn't see much need to bother with armor so I only wore clothing. Once the Vogga's Hoard quest was completed, I switched to the Dancer's Outfit, because sexy is good. However, this is an uncommon bug, because most people won't bother wearing the dancer's outfit after completing the Vogga's Hoard quest. I know I can use the KSE to add the dancer's outfit back into my inventory if I really want it. It just worries me a bit as it's the first unexpected thing to occur on my first playthrough of KotOR II since I reinstalled Windows 7 and KotOR II from scratch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted April 1, 2012 Have you saved and loaded during the battle? The body armor does get properly transmuted to the "clone" and then back to the PC. So if the Dancer outfit is indeed not accepted that's in KOTOR2's source code, and can't really be changed (and would also affect, say, the Coruscant scene, if you were able to get it that early) Atleast, that's how it looks like to me... not an expert modder so I could be wrong. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Traveller 5 Posted April 2, 2012 Have you saved and loaded during the battle? The body armor does get properly transmuted to the "clone" and then back to the PC. So if the Dancer outfit is indeed not accepted that's in KOTOR2's source code, and can't really be changed (and would also affect, say, the Coruscant scene, if you were able to get it that early) Atleast, that's how it looks like to me... not an expert modder so I could be wrong. I didn't save and load during the battle, but after playing the game up to the beginning of the Battle of Telos I'm convinced this is one of those odd quirks in the game itself, not the mod. Thus I can safely use the savegame editor to load the outfit back into my inventory if I desire. I figured the RCM authors such as yourself would be able to tell whether it was a game bug or a mod bug. Now I know, and happiness ensues. Thank you. P.S. If you guys don't have a template for bug reports, feel free to use my post as one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted April 2, 2012 Oh, small question... when looking at "yourself" during the battle, did you wear the dancer's outfit? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Traveller 5 Posted April 2, 2012 Didn't think to ogle at the Exile while in combat, but I'm also wearing the outfit during the cutscene. It's when the game transitions back to the Exile following the cutscene that the outfit is lost. I did some more digging in the Feedback log, and not just the Dancer's Outfit, but the Neural Band I had equipped was also marked as lost. However, the Neural Band did reappear on my head. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted April 3, 2012 Yeah, they get deleted, added to your clone, and post battle deleted from your clone and re-added to your character. That's just for head and armor slots (since the rest doesn't appear visually anyways). No idea why it bugs out with the armor though :/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted April 3, 2012 Why is this happening at all? Is the fight with Esok Mandalore controlled now?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted April 3, 2012 It's been since 1.4... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
That_Guy 0 Posted April 11, 2012 This may have been mentioned in the 32 pages of this thread but after reading though 12 of them I did not encounter it so here goes. My pc is a dual core intel and my graphics card is a Geforce 7800 GTX 256MB. I started playing with TSLRCM 1.7 and on Telos I was not able to swoop race because I always appeared on top of the track. I googled and found a patch called 1.0c and installed that. All my swoop related issues were resolved. Played the game for a while longer with no issues. Got to Atris' hidout and did everything there. Then when I tried to board the EH to go to another planet, the game would try to go to a cut scene but the handmaidens would never appear and it would hang for ever. I did a removal and a clean install. this time I installed the 1.0c first and then the TSLRCM 1.7. Everything seemed resolved. I played through Nar Shaddar no issues. Then as soon as the cut scenes end and Goto's questioning would begin, crash. No joy just windows error. I read a bit about it. Found a spot in one of the threads on this forum that you can rename or remove the files in the override folder to fix the Goto Yacht issues. So I did that. Things went well I made it thought the cut scenes and then set the files back in place. Sure enough the game crashed. So I renamed the folder again and played through Goto's yacht. Get back to Nar Shaddar and fight my way back to the EH. all goes well until I board. Then the hard crash, again. I rename the folder, run around a bit and do all kinds of talking to my friends and then try to go to Telos. I get to Telos, crash. Mind you the Override folder is still out of play at this point. I rename it to make it proper and include the files. I get through the next cut scene and then back on the EH, crash. I uninstalled the game again. I deleted all the crap in the folder. I re-installed without the 1.0c patch assuming it was the issue. No joy. It would appear that with my setup the EH and all other space ships are bugged for some reason. Has anyone else had this kind of problem? it is maddening because I can play large swaths of the game and then bam, just when I am having tons of fun, it is not playable anymore. Can anyone suggest a fix for my video card or something? I am assuming at this point my save is bugged or my card is somehow messing this up. Thanks in advance for any time and attention this will get. cheers. Edit: I was wrong after taking a closer look someone on page 5 had the exact same issues I was having. I am a LS Male and I had the same exact symptoms of Telos. No handmaidens except the one and I could not board the EH. As I mentioned above though I uninstalled and re-installed and that fixed that particular issue where I could not get off the planet. I did not know there was supposed to be more than one handmaiden. Also I forgot to mention some other things that I see have helped others get answers: the game version I am using is 2.00.420 English. I have not installed the 1.7 fix but I intend to shortly. I have tried 800x 600 and 1024 x 768 at all texture quality settings and I have also tried disabling movies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted April 11, 2012 Well, 1.0c is your problem. It's pretty much a stolen collection of mods, and as such is shunned by the community. And as you noticed, highly uncompatible with TSLRCM. And yes, your savegames would be corrupted. So you need to start without 1.0c afresh. Although for your swooprace issue, 1.0b (the official patch) fixes that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
That_Guy 0 Posted April 11, 2012 Darn I thought that may have been the issue. Is there no way of fixing my save file? The 1.0b patch will not run on my copy. I have a four disc set O bought online a few months ago and it appears to already be 1.0b. When I runt he official 1.0b patch that I downloaded it gives me an error saying that the game files don't need to be changed, or something like that, I have an opportunity to try it again because I am re-installing again as we speak. Have you ever heard of this happening? do you know what version the updater reports when 1.0b is applied? is it 2.00.420? Are there some flags I can set to un-bugger my game? I did not load the 1.0c until the swoop races on Telos and then I played through Nar Shaddar that way. Thank you for your assistance, even though I am greatly saddened by the answer if I have to start over. Edit: I think I managed to partly answer my own question. The version that the official patch apparently is supposed to patch is 424 to 427. I have version 420. Does anyone know how I can get my game up to 424 so that the patch will work? or even better any one know how I can go from version 420 to 427? again I thank you in advance for your time and attention. Edit 2: I just noticed my disks say UK in the ring. Are they potentially a UK version? Damn it all to hell. Redacted I was able to download both UK patches. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites