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What is your favorite quote?

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Here you can post your favorite quote from a video game, movie, book, or in real life, or even your own quote, and you are not limited to one, quote away! Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured. -Mark Twain. All wars are civil wars because all men are brothers -Abraham Lincoln. So long as there are men there will be war -Albert Einstein.

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My favorite quote is in the signature.


May favorite KotOR quote is


"ANOTHER interruption. You must not have heard WHO I AM. WASTE another's time, not mine. Someone LESS important." -Gerevik


I just love his delivery of that line; hilariously slimy and arrogant.

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"Look, I have your fodder!"


It took me years to realize that was a play on words of the famous Vader quote: "Luke, I am your father!"


I laughed pretty hard when I realized what the quote was based on and I laughed even harder when I realized how long it took me to notice this. :hrhr:

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Guest R2-X2

"That was a joke."


Anyone know where this is from? :P

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My favorite TV quote is from Theodor Bagwell from Prison Break:


The scene is about finding the buried money, where T-Bag says to Michael (who has a plan for everything):


"And how you gonna find it? What, you got a divining rod tatooed on your ass?

(und wie willst du den Schatz finden? Hast du dir etwa eine Wünschelrute auf den Arsch tätowiert?)


I watched it in German, and it was just so unexpected and hilarious!

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My favorite TV quote is from Theodor Bagwell from Prison Break:


The scene is about finding the buried money, where T-Bag says to Michael (who has a plan for everything):


"And how you gonna find it? What, you got a divining rod tatooed on your ass?

(und wie willst du den Schatz finden? Hast du dir etwa eine Wünschelrute auf den Arsch tätowiert?)


I watched it in German, and it was just so unexpected and hilarious!

Who on earth names themselves "T-Bag" But that is hilarious, good quote man.

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Henry David Thoreau's:


"As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives."

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This is a long one, but so damn awesome in context: 


"If there is anything I have learned in my travels across the Planes, it is that many things may change the nature of a man. Whether regret, or love, or revenge or fear - whatever you believe can change the nature of a man, can. I've seen belief move cities, make men stave off death, and turn an evil hag's heart half-circle. This entire Fortress has been constructed from belief. Belief damned a woman, whose heart clung to the hope that another loved her when he did not. Once, it made a man seek immortality and achieve it. And it has made a posturing spirit think it is something more than a part of me."

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This is a long one, but so damn awesome in context: 


"If there is anything I have learned in my travels across the Planes, it is that many things may change the nature of a man. Whether regret, or love, or revenge or fear - whatever you believe can change the nature of a man, can. I've seen belief move cities, make men stave off death, and turn an evil hag's heart half-circle. This entire Fortress has been constructed from belief. Belief damned a woman, whose heart clung to the hope that another loved her when he did not. Once, it made a man seek immortality and achieve it. And it has made a posturing spirit think it is something more than a part of me."

Please tell me where that's from! :D

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Planescape: Torment, praise our lord and saviour Chris Avellone for writing such amazing games. 


Here's another Torment quote:


"When the injustice is great enough, justice will lend me the strength needed to correct it. None may stand against it. It will shatter every barrier, sunder any shield, tear through any enchantment, and lend its servant the power to pass sentence. Know this: There is nothing on all the Planes that can stay the hand of justice when it is brought against them. It may unmake armies. It may sunder the thrones of gods. Know that for all who betray justice, I am their fate. And fate carries an executioner's axe."

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This is a long one, but so damn awesome in context:


"If there is anything I have learned in my travels across the Planes, it is that many things may change the nature of a man. Whether regret, or love, or revenge or fear - whatever you believe can change the nature of a man, can. I've seen belief move cities, make men stave off death, and turn an evil hag's heart half-circle. This entire Fortress has been constructed from belief. Belief damned a woman, whose heart clung to the hope that another loved her when he did not. Once, it made a man seek immortality and achieve it. And it has made a posturing spirit think it is something more than a part of me."

That was quite amazing, wish I had more like that :)

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Planescape is just filled with awesome quotes like that. People that haven't played it should do themselves a favour, go to and get Planescape: Torment. 

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Planescape is just filled with awesome quotes like that. People that haven't played it should do themselves a favour, go to and get Planescape: Torment.


Not a fan of the type of rpg where you merely see the character from the top :/

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Well, I think you are missing out on what I still, personally, consider, to this day, to be the best RPG of all time. 

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Well, I think you are missing out on what I still, personally, consider, to this day, to be the best RPG of all time. 

Hm. Are you sure? 

There are lots of RPGs/Hybrids out there, and its true that today story depth and with that a big chunk of atmosphere is often sacrificed for flashy effects & a "epic" story -> Dragon Age Inquisition...


but there are gems out there, the brightest one being Witcher 3, which combines Old-School with todays technical solutions.

If you havent played that one, i would only say this: if the upcoming Enhanced Edition with all DLCs would be the first game to reach the top mark in the tests, it would be well deserved. 

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Hm. Are you sure? 

There are lots of RPGs/Hybrids out there, and its true that today story depth and with that a big chunk of atmosphere is often sacrificed for flashy effects & a "epic" story -> Dragon Age Inquisition...


but there are gems out there, the brightest one being Witcher 3, which combines Old-School with todays technical solutions.

If you havent played that one, i would only say this: if the upcoming Enhanced Edition with all DLCs would be the first game to reach the top mark in the tests, it would be well deserved. 




Without any spoilers, I believe this carefully selected snip of a relatively recent article should suffice:

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Got carried a wee bit away there. *Ahem*...


I have a pet favourite of mine from Season 3 of Farscape, when the... "antagonist" describes the protagonist in the latter's head: "Dearly beloved - we are gathered here today to pay our final respects and to say farewell to our dear friend - Commander John Crichton. A schmuck. Mule-headed. Reckless. And probably brain-dead before I met him."

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OK, I'll put this quote down from a strange little-known movie released in 1980 called "The Ninth Configuration."  A spoiler filled description of the movie is on this Wikipedia page.

"Captain Cutshaw: In order for life to have appeared spontaneously on Earth, there had first to be hundreds of millions of protein molecules of the ninth configuration. But given the size of the planet Earth, do you know how long it would take for just one of these protein molecules to appear entirely by chance? Roughly ten to the two hundred forty third power billions of years. And I find that far, far more fantastic than simply believing in a God . . ."


The quote in the movie is a bit "trippy" but - oddly enough - it makes complete sense in the context of the movie.


See for yourself.

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"Man makes religion, religion does not make man... Man is the world of men, the State and society. This State, this society, produces religion... The struggle against religion is therefore indirectly a struggle against the world whose spiritual aroma is religion."


"Religious suffering is at the same time an expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the sentiment of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people." - MARX 

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"Man makes religion, religion does not make man... Man is the world of men, the State and society. This State, this society, produces religion... The struggle against religion is therefore indirectly a struggle against the world whose spiritual aroma is religion."


"Religious suffering is at the same time an expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the sentiment of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people." - MARX

Good quotes!

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. Good quote? However i do not believe in these quotes so therefore I cannot sincerely say they are good, I am a Christian myself and believe the exact oposite of these quotes, man made all other religions besides, being Jewish and being a Christian/catholic.

lets just agree to dis-agree man... I want meant to insult anyone with that quote 

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lets just agree to dis-agree man... I want meant to insult anyone with that quote


No offense meant by it, you believe what you want to believe I believe what I want period. Not much else to it, my apologies if I offended you, and you did not offend me so no worries man.
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