
Malachor VI: An Ending Mod

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Guest Axl Dave

Woah... took all afternoon to read this thread.


Whilst reading, I had a thought about the puzzles... As this is the Trayus Academy, and Darth Traya seems to be all about grey areas, you could have some questions/tasks that require you to give/take a morally dubious answer/course.


E.G:  You are travelling through a desert.  You come across a small child and a severely wounded man.  You only have enough supplies to take one of them with you to safety and civilisation.  What do you do?


1. Rescue the child

2. Rescue the man

3. Kick sand in both their faces, laugh, and then shoot them.


If you choose 1, it is the obviously good choice, therefore the wrong one.

If you choose 3, it is the obviously bad choice, therefore the wrong one.

If you choose 2, however, you are condemning a child to death, but saving a life in the process. The right answer.


Whilst no.2 may seem almost as evil as no.3, think about it from Kreia's perspective: the child would require several years of dependence before it could become a functional person.  The man only requires a few weeks of dependence before he can be functional.  Therefore there is a greater chance that you will get more use out of choice no.2 than choice no.1, as the man's functionality is already established, whereas the child could die before becoming functional, or fall ill and require constant dependence, therefore just becoming a waste of effort.


Similar such questions or perhaps even real life actions could be rewarded with stat boosts, skill boosts, perhaps some cool stuff... maybe have penalties for wrong answers, I'm sure the Sith use fear and pain as motivators.  But that's up to you guys.


Also, hows the mod planning going?  6 months since the last post so im guessing its not, but thought I should just check.  Perhaps what you could do is simplify the mod, get all the basics out there and then start adding on additional bits and updates as and when you complete them.  Course, that might just make things complex and untidy, in which case fu... er, forget it.

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Woah... took all afternoon to read this thread.


We had to start the thread from scratch when DeadlyStream got renovated. Lots of ideas in the old thread. Would have taken a while to read that too.


The mod is/has been postponed until further notice. That particular further notice might come about after the Holowan Saber Mod is finished, but there's no saying for sure. You can check it out in the link below.


That said, Bead and I are going to have to go through the code then and make sure everything is in working order before we go forward. It's a mess right now.

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Guest Axl Dave

Yeah I have that whenever I install loads of mods for a game, leave it a few months, then go back to it.  Somehow all the coding has broken and leaked out, so I generally have to reinstall, game and everything.  Perhaps what you could do is work at it in layers, rather than modules.


What I mean is, rather than doing the layout for module x98, then the textures, then the NPCs, then the dialog, then the scripting etc and then doing it all again for module x99... <deep breath> ...instead you could do the layouts for every module, then the textures for every module, then the NPCs etc etc, so that if, say, you are scripting a module and suddenly have an idea for a previous module, you don't have to undo a load of completed work just to make a simple alteration.  That's my two pence anyway.


Oh, and what did you think of the puzzle idea, if it's not too late for suggestions?


Well, on behalf of everyone (except perhaps darthbdaman) good luck and thanks for all the fish.  I mean, all the hard work so far.

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Thought I'd post a little something for all of you eagerly waiting Malachor VI to be finished. Still will be awhile if it ever does get finished


Sorry about the dark video


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so good VP :) take as long as you won't, the longer the better the mod

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One thing I noticed though was missing Atton's "now I come in, saying something suitably heroic" - that line is too brilliant not to include and would work perfectly when he just goes out of stealth and attacks Kreia like he does now (that was nicely done by the way).

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One little video and everybody will go nut lol. (Such as: W00t, there's a new update to Malachor VI, we might see-it after all! [Awaits (im)patiently])

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Awesome to see you are working on it, good luck and take all the time you want, its great to see you modding again.

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As I said on YouTube, PERFECT. No, seriously though. Except for what Zbyl said. Haha.

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Ok forgive my impudence, but I've already shown myself to be "that guy" here on DS. So, what's the point? So far I don't see any additional or restored content. What I see is remake of what was given to me in the TLSRCM. 

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Ok forgive my impudence, but I've already shown myself to be "that guy" here on DS. So, what's the point? So far I don't see any additional or restored content. What I see is remake of what was given to me in the TLSRCM. 


The key phrase there is "so far"...


VP and Bead-V aren't really adding that much new content. They're mainly just rearranging the pieces to make more sense to the average Joe who hasn't opened 90% of the game's files in Kotor Tool.


They are adding some new content though. If the plan hasn't changed, they will make it possible to manually travel to Malachor(so you can finish other quests first), make you make a choice of your priorities in the Trayus Academy, and some of the rest of the changes are here:(They were also in the FIRST POST)





TSLRCM - Kreia arrives at Malachor, and the Exile is transported directly to Malachor after cutscenes play

MVI - Kreia arrives at Malachor, the Exile and party are transported back to the Ebon Hawk, where the player needs to travel to Malachor manually.



Malachor Surface


TSLRCM - The Exile runs through killing storm beasts, Mira/Hanharr scene introduced. Remote's solo mission plays at a later time.

MVI - Mira/Hanharr scene plays, The Exile runs into the Remote while receiving briefing for his mission.



Malachor Depths


TSLRCM - Mira/Hanharr scene plays out the rest of the way. Remote/G0t0/HK scene plays out.

MVI - Mira/Hanharr scene, Remote/Goto/HK scene is player controlled, Visas and Mandalore walk the surface.



Trayus Core - Party vs. Kreia


TSLRCM - Planning cutscene plays if Mira present, Party confronts Kreia in cutscene

MVI - Planning cutscene plays with Mira or Hanharr, Party confronts Kreia (player controlled), Atton fights Sion



Trayus Academy


TSLRCM - The Exile runs around and kills sith Assassins, Exile fights Sion, Atton fights Sion in similar module

MVI - The Exile kills Sith assassins, Exile must choose the Trayus Crescent or Proving Grounds to go through, Exile fights Sion



Trayus Crescent


TSLRCM - Sith Assasins, Dark Jedi, Sith Troops to kill.

MVI - Party is locked up on this side. If the Exile chooses this side, they can be saved.



Trayus Proving Grounds


TSLRCM - Party is locked up on this side, enemies to kill

MVI - Puzzles to solve, some enemies to kill



Trayus Core - Exile vs. Kreia


TSLRCM - The Exile fights Kreia, hears about party's future, ending cutscenes play

MVI - The Exile fights Kreia, hears about party's future, party escapes Trayus



Post End game:


TSLRCM - The credits play, return to the menu

MVI - Player is allowed to play around after the credits (ending the game will result in traveling to the Unknown regions via galaxy map)

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Yeah. I've read that list before. Sorry, I still don't see much point. Guess,  I'll go over to the ROR thread and tell Loghan that I don't like his mod.

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Ok forgive my impudence, but I've already shown myself to be "that guy" here on DS. So, what's the point? So far I don't see any additional or restored content. What I see is remake of what was given to me in the TLSRCM.


Don't worry Kerk, no need to be typecast as the bad guy.


A lot of the mod is stuff that's rearranged - though bits and pieces here and there are new so you can't really tell when the new stuff is there.


For bran spanking new stuff, were trying to keep most of it unreleased and secret until release day, assuming it comes.

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What I see is remake of what was given to me in the TLSRCM.

(Forgot to add but it won't let me edit my own posts... weird)


For what it's worth, TSLRCM never has you fight Kreia with your party members. Does that count?

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Uh. It does, but is that a good thing? I mean 1 on 1 fight with Kreia is kind of a demand of the plot. Or do you want to go with the good old "Friendship defeats anything" moral for a happy ending? I just can't see that!

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You still fight her later as the Exile, so it's not a friendship saves everything deal.


They fail and end up captured so then you determine whether or not you want to try to save them.

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Uh. It does, but is that a good thing? I mean 1 on 1 fight with Kreia is kind of a demand of the plot. Or do you want to go with the good old "Friendship defeats anything" moral for a happy ending? I just can't see that!

Not really. VP isn't talking about final-final fight with Kreia (I hope so anyway), just the party members vs Kreia posted earlier. TSLRCM is the same - they all attack her, except they do it in a cut-scene. With MVI, you control the fight.

Now it's arguable which is better - having it as gameplay railroads you into losing, which can be annoying (think Malak fight on Leviathan in K1 - you kick his ass easily, then "lol, cut-scene, you lose"), which is not as jarring in a cut-scene.


Also, I'm looking forward to seeing what VP and bead do in the Trayus Academy itself; since TSLRCM's academy is pure combat broken up by some scenes of party members, I hope MVI does something more interesting with it.

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If I might make a suggestion, seeing as this isn't strictly restored content but an expansion - I'd suggest something along these lines to the Malachor arrival bit, since it's never elaborated why exile is left behind alone, and everyone apparently legged it to the academy.


1. Hawk crashes

2. Cutscenes with Sion and Kreia from TSLRCM

3. Exile is injured/knocked out and placed in Hawk's medbay

4. Party leaves for Trayus Academy, Mandalore gets injured along the way, has the conversation with Visas (moved from Ravager)

5. Eventually, they enter Trayus (this provides explanation to the random TSLRCM sith assassins found in the courtyard, remarked with heavy repeater fire wounds)

6. Exile wakes up, uses the cargo lift (like in the prologue) to exit, heads to Trayus Academy.

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If I might make a suggestion, seeing as this isn't strictly restored content but an expansion - I'd suggest something along these lines to the Malachor arrival bit, since it's never elaborated why exile is left behind alone, and everyone apparently legged it to the academy.


1. Hawk crashes

2. Cutscenes with Sion and Kreia from TSLRCM

3. Exile is injured/knocked out and placed in Hawk's medbay

4. Party leaves for Trayus Academy, Mandalore gets injured along the way, has the conversation with Visas (moved from Ravager)

5. Eventually, they enter Trayus (this provides explanation to the random TSLRCM sith assassins found in the courtyard, remarked with heavy repeater fire wounds)

6. Exile wakes up, uses the cargo lift (like in the prologue) to exit, heads to Trayus Academy.


That makes a heck of a lot of sense, man!


Only suggestion is to have the droids stay behind to watch over the PC, which would allow the game to commence with the crucial parts HK, GoTo, and the Remote play.

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That would be lovely. But this mod feels like a sinking ship, so I'm not sure if it will be taken into account, for this reason.

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I wouldn't say "sinking" so much as "adrift while the captain goes on other voyages", though, to quote HK-47, that may just be wishful thinking on my part.

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