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Any chance of getting an updated install of this Mod for greater compatibility with other Mods?? (i.e. switching to Module injection rather than "straight to Override", WAV files to Streamwaves, LIP files to Lips folder, etc...)

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Guest Qui-Gon Glenn
On 9/1/2022 at 8:57 PM, ConansHair said:

Any chance of getting an updated install of this Mod for greater compatibility with other Mods?? (i.e. switching to Module injection rather than "straight to Override", WAV files to Streamwaves, LIP files to Lips folder, etc...)


The override system works fine. Has for many years. Module injection isn't necessarily better for mod compatibility, it can be worse. This is the simple implementation, and for smaller mods makes the most sense.

This mod alters dialog files, which have no benefit for compatibility being injected vs overridden. Scripts in this mod, and most others by seasoned modders, have unique script names and therefore can be put wherever, because they are unique and fired by that unique name.

WAVs to streamfiles and Lips to Lips (lol) sounds like you just want a clean and organized override folder. This is something my OCD can appreciate, but it is also something I got over a long long time ago. In this galaxy though.

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On 9/2/2022 at 1:57 AM, ConansHair said:

Any chance of getting an updated install of this Mod for greater compatibility with other Mods?? (i.e. switching to Module injection rather than "straight to Override", WAV files to Streamwaves, LIP files to Lips folder, etc...)

Module injection is less compatible, not more; WAV files are already setup to go to streamwaves and lip files have to go in Override to work for K1, IIRC.


5 hours ago, ConansHair said:

Let me rephrase...Has anyone tested compatibility with running this Mod and @DarthParametric's, concurrently?? 


Looking quickly at the files I can't see anything that should be incompatible per se; the modules affected by DP's mod mostly aren't the same as the ones affected by this one. If I'm reading the files right for DP's mod though (without installing), it creates a whole new range of Dark Jedi for the Star Forge, who won't be equipped with lightsaber forms from this mod. Most things in my mod are set up to modify, rather than replace, existing Override files though, so unless DP has changed some very specific dialogue files (dan13_belaya ; k_player_dialog ; kor35_utharwynn ; kor39_utharwynn ; unk44_sparty) there shouldn't be any major incompatibilities.

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On 9/12/2022 at 6:44 PM, InSidious said:

Module injection is less compatible, not more; WAV files are already setup to go to streamwaves and lip files have to go in Override to work for K1, IIRC.


I strongly disagree with this. I was looking at making this compatible with my mod, because I'm editing the k_player_dialog in the module file, so any changes that I make, are just overwritten by files you put in the override, even though they could be gff patched. Now I could change my mod to also put stuff in the override, but that is just kicking the can down the road. Anything else that gff edits modules will then be incompatible with my mod.

Similarly I have no idea if this is overwriting stuff from the community patch, as all of that is module injected. It's very likely overwriting something. I really think most of the edits should be moved to module injection, that's simply more compatible with how most mods are currently being made.

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