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Emperor & Revan's Death?

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All I know is Revan is still my favorite character no matter how badly they mess him up post TSL. I'll keeping holding my breath for a true KOTOR3...

Yeah. That is the truth of it.. Regardless of what direction they go with his character, I guess I should at least remember him as he was and how freaking awesome that happened to be..

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Yeah. That is the truth of it.. Regardless of what direction they go with his character, I guess I should at least remember him as he was and how freaking awesome that happened to be..

The appeal of Revan to me lies in his depth. I feel there's money to be made in a Mandalorian Wars prequel game that could culminate with Malak's Betrayal. Maybe even include the Exile.

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In before Vriff gets here . . .

From the official SWTOR website . . .


Read more about it here.

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Another Foundry inbound! Just wondering how long Bioware will keep milking Revan.

Until the money stops coming in.

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Personally I don't really care that they use Revan. They can't ruin him any more than they already have, so whatever.


Last flashpoints ended with Revan showing up, and I was pretty annoyed that it ended just when it was starting to get interesting, so I'm kinda looking forward to that new content :P It'll be fun to swing a saber at Revan for another 20 minutes!


Wait, you have to pay for it?


Can we at least kill Satele Shan now? : P

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Here's hoping the writers have the decency to kill him off for good this time. I don't care how they do it. Just do it already.

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The animations look cool, at least.


Try to think it's not really Revan, it helps. It's just another entity that believes it is Revan. Like The Swamp Thing.

//Edit. Now that gave me a crazy idea. I need to meditate on this.

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SO,,you guys want to know what becomes of Revan?


Uugh..why are there no spoiler tags on this thing?!?!


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Another Foundry inbound! Just wondering how long Bioware will keep milking Revan.

They won't anymore. he's dead. Onward. 

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I have a question when the Darth revan book was being made is it true that the creator for k1 neglected to do any research on the exile? or k2 in general? did bioware have a problem with the direction of k2 ?

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I have a question when the Darth revan book was being made is it true that the creator for k1 neglected to do any research on the exile? or k2 in general? did bioware have a problem with the direction of k2 ?

Yes, when someone emailed him about the inconsistencies, he admitted that he did minimal background research into the Exile.

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