
Quanons many projects.

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What rez are you saving these as, if you don't mind me asking? 


Normally anything above 2048x2048 will get my game to start chugging. Least of all any more than one texture has disastrous effects. 

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Hah, that Mira skin is good!


Quanon, do you think you could provide "before" screenshots, so we can compare with more ease?

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What rez are you saving these as, if you don't mind me asking? 


Normally anything above 2048x2048 will get my game to start chugging. Least of all any more than one texture has disastrous effects. 


Good point, I haven't checked that on out yet. Though I think the engine might be chugging just by all the 2048x2048 textures I'm demanding to load :P


Hah, that Mira skin is good!


Quanon, do you think you could provide "before" screenshots, so we can compare with more ease?


The Mira skin I downloaded from Kotorfiles a loooong time ago. I'll check if I can find the creators name. There's only one bugging thing about her skin and that's her eyes are a bit flat looking.

I'll do some before and after shots for you guys!








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Yeah, the Mira mod, I'm familiar with: Mira Revision by Animus :).


As to the retexture, I notice the change in the floor, but I have a hard time seing how the walls have changed. In the first picture, I can see that a part of them are more dark, though that could be the screenshot effect, but yeah...

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Did more work on Malachor, I've changed a few textures, since I wasn't happy how they turned out in the game.

I miss judged what sort of look for the rocks the obsidian artist wanted. Entrance of the Traiyus Academy seems to be polished, smooth and I think marble.


The big spikes seem to go for a more sediment layered rock. While the big cliffs are more smoothed regular surface. And the ground is parched dry, dusty.

Doubted if gravel and just dirt might look better. Or would be more 'realistic'.









And another few screencaps






One of the most annoying aspects is the sloppy uvwmapping on the area models. You can see the texture gets repeated a lot on the big cliff just on the left of the academy entrance. Though if you look under the bridge that same texture gets used rather large. 


So it looks nice and good in one spot and then just bad on other places around the area. I might have another look at it. But due to the repeating, I'm not sure if I'll ever get rid of that tiled look.

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I know what you mean with these UVW mapping... The texture is shaping-up nicely, though.

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I've actually given what type of rocks would be appropriate for a planet affected by a "Mass Gravity" flux. (It may be a bit over-thought, but bear with me)



Basically, Malachor's crust would be over-pressurized to the point of melting and fusing, so you would end up with an almost shale-like texture for the floor texture. (of which you did, and I fully approve of) Gravel, however is caused by wind or water weathering. Malachor V experienced massive amounts of pressure only toward its core, so I don't see how gravel ever made sense.


The spires were most likely created compression of all of the carbon-based lifeforms, sand, and possibly even jet streams of magma coming up from the folding of the planet's surface during the crushing process. These would be more like metamorphic rock, since the planet's mass gravity would be of a similar process within the earth that forms metamorphic rocks out of sediments. Obsidian used igneous rock as a reference for their spires, since they look a lot like, well obsidian. I'm fine with that, but they wouldn't be sedimentary.

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The spires were most likely created compression of all of the carbon-based lifeforms, sand, and possibly even jet streams of magma coming up from the folding of the planet's surface during the crushing process. These would be more like metamorphic rock, since the planet's mass gravity would be of a similar process within the earth that forms metamorphic rocks out of sediments. Obsidian used igneous rock as a reference for their spires, since they look a lot like, well obsidian. I'm fine with that, but they wouldn't be sedimentary.


I was thinking those spires looked more like 'molten' rocks. Lava that cooled so you have the swirly layers thing. I've been trying to find a large enough photo of such a thing. But so far, some sedimentary cliff faces do have that 'swirl' feeling I was looking for. Found it matched better then what I had previously.


Layered rocks work nicely in the cavern tunnels just before you reach that 'arena' with the big beast.

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Here's what I mean. This is obsidian in a higher quantity. It has swirls, but is just darker.

9510obsidiancomp.jpg obsidianBoulder.jpg  Llao.jpg



and @ milestails, I believe I still have my Dinosaur/ Plate Techtonics Bill Nye VHS which I used to watch in my youth (I don't know if I can find the dinosaur hologram card that came with it, but that too was cool)

Back in elementary school I had a stint with geological analysis (the only science I was interested in at the time; to this day, I still don't know what valence shells really mean..:|)

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In the hunt for obsidian rock texture, I stumbled upon FilterForge. A texture rendering program. Using the trial version to get this swirly rock!

It's fun and easy to use. You can tweak the texture endlessly to get different results.


So I had to go and test this in the game. It's not a winner yet. But it gives a good basis to work on. And that's all I really needed.

The trial version of this program doesn't have all the options available, but it has enough for what I want. I'll play around some more.





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Malachor is starting to actually look good!


Not sure where the topic is as a lot of posts and stuff have happened since last I was here, but, I found the issue with the skyboxes being that they aren't cubed, or sphere, but have tapered edges -- from those I've opened up and looked at in Gmax. I guess the idea was to make them feel more natural, however, as most games use a simple cube (flat) surface to render the textures on, when you try to use regular skybox textures via the TSL tapered edges cubes they get rendered weird because of it. It's got nothing to do with the texture, in reality, but has more to do with how the texture gets stretched and squished to fit something it was not meant to fit. Trying to "trim" the textures and all will not improve it but rather make it worse -- requiring a lot of manual hand tailoring of the images to "fit."


Not really sure why they went with this approach, especially, as all the end skybox textures clearly were made to be used with a regular skybox cube. I guess they planned to create and use a tool to render out textures specifically for them but never got around to it.

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Been awhile since I posted something in this thread ^_^

Things have happened though. I've passed along most of my lightsaber hilts to VP so he can continue to work on his own mod.

Creating a walkmesh for the Sleheyron arena. Hopefully a working one :P


And next to those tasks; working on my NarShaddaa idea. This mod was on the back burner because I couldn't get

the lightmaps to work on the big street area I made. I had a few other goes, to see what broke my lightmaps.


But all I got was game crashes and worse looking results. Then I lost sight on this project and just focusing on other stuff.

Coming back I decided to just scrap what I had before and start over. I worked like a madmen on the new model; got a little burned out on 3D after that.


So, texturing the model was delayed for quiet some time. And other fun projects got in the way. Though thanks to Malachor I enjoyed the texturing and dug up

the Nar Shaddaa model. Not much has been done just yet. But it's a start. Doing my best to have slower pace but keep working on it. Instead of getting fed up and dog tired.


Anyway, a few renders to give you guys a taste! Mind this is early WIP.











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Q, you know how enthusiastic I am for this mod. Great to see an update on it. :D

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Q: When you do finish the Nar Shaddaa mod to your liking, I hope you'll do a fly-through video and show off your level.  I believe you did something similar for one of your Korriban levels once.
Oh, here it is!

[snipped by author, as the YouTube video below is a much better representation]

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Whatever happened to that landing pad in what I'll call the Ivory City?




That city part is finished and works in the game. Though that project was started with Canderous and SithSpecter. 

Let's say it's very ambitious, as I've got a second model started for the lower levels of this city.


Alas with these bigger things it takes time for a team to get back together and get things moving again.

I'll let it rest for bit, see what might happen, else I'll just release it as another resource for other peeps to use.


This could work nicely with a reskinned Taris.


Q, you know how enthusiastic I am for this mod. Great to see an update on it. :D


Héhéhé, somehow tweaking Malachor made dig up this sleeping project.


Q: When you do finish the Nar Shaddaa mod to your liking, I hope you'll do a fly-through video and show off your level.  I believe you did something similar for one of your Korriban levels once.


Yeah, that gives a better idea how things look. Should setup a Youtube account for that. The quality on photobucket is poor :-/


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Nar Shaddaa is looking great. Oh man that canyon is still so beautiful.

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Just to show what happened this weekend. Another part has been textured. Just few details left here and there on this street.

But focus is on the larger walls. And a lot more has to be done...











Oh, to end. A question what sort of resolution would be good for a Malachor desktop wallpaper.

I think that would be a fun sort of release ^_^

Also text on it or not? And if, yes, what would fit?

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Nice work on the Nar Shaddaa stuff!


A question what sort of resolution would be good for a Malachor desktop wallpaper.

I think that would be a fun sort of release ^_^

Also text on it or not? And if, yes, what would fit?

I would like a resolution of 2048 x 1152 with no text. :D

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