
My Projects In the Pipeline (mostly texture related)

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Tried it, the effect only uses a fraction of the texture itself. When I made multiple instances on it, I had 1 and a half drops; which were falling in unison, which looked extremely unrealistic since each spawn uses the entire texture for each particle.


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Test 3 looks good! And glad you could use that ref pic! I'm curious to see how this turns out...

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Back to Korriban.. again..


This time I have a question. Which color scheme do you guys prefer?






 or 3.




or perhaps something in-between...




Other than that, a few innocuous things have been improved.


such as the light in the Onderon Cantina/Bar







as well as the Label on the Alchoholic drink in the Telos Cantina


 (which I also posted on the "requests" thread)


lastly, I finally got the texture of the fan in the Swoop Gallery to match my Nar Shadaa changes









The Onderon skybox is nearly finished.



Just a few more touches and edge cleaning, and it will be done.



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I prefer number 2 for Korriban's sunset! Looks a lot better like that to me.

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First of all Malkior, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family from Brazil !


I rarely post something but your work on the textures is breathtaking, absolutely fantastic, keep doing it!


In relation to Korriban I prefer the second color scheme. It's more ghostly,


Thanks for your your dedication

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Thank you so much for so kind of words. A very Merry Christmas to you.


I've been getting kind of discouraged with some things just not working out, not being able to support myself monetarily, and due to just how much competition I'm looking at if I'm going to get into doing professional artwork. I absolutely appreciate the encouragement and support for this dream I've had to make Kotor look as good as the material its inspired by; and I hope to continue making quality work to hopefully enrich the experience for everyone.




Let's see what's going to happen this next year! 




I will update on my progress as it comes available. I also aim to upload a short video demo of the new spark effects in action which I will link here.  

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I prefer number 2 for Korriban's sunset! Looks a lot better like that to me.

I agree that the second one is the best, in my humble opinion. IIRC, you said you were going to hold off on doing the clouds on Korriban. Am I remembering wrong?


Merry Christmas!

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I agree that the second one is the best, in my humble opinion. IIRC, you said you were going to hold off on doing the clouds on Korriban. Am I remembering wrong?


Merry Christmas!


I was actually noting that the default clouds just detract from the overall look. However, I feel It looks too sparse without clouds, but the clouds in the Vanilla level were just too far gone for me to make anything decent of them. So, I ran a few renderings in Terragen, and applied them to the cloudless sky so as to have more control.


Ironically, it started to become a different version of the same problem with the Terragen render having the same lack of close-up detail and with scatterings of noise in the cloudless parts. So, I masked the previous "cloudless" version on top of the Terragen render to clean up the noise, and am now doing minor adjustments to the clouds themselves to get the detail added. The color adjustments are the next step where the lighting of the level is taken into account and the sky's colors are balanced.

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It looks pretty much the same in-game  :blushing:


Terragen has been less than cooperative with me in making "clean" skyboxes, so I typically have to go back and clean up the pixelation in the cloudless parts of the sky. I can only guarantee you that it will look better as I work on it in Photoshop..

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Just don't think that I am always harping on you, Malkior. You're doing some great things and I feel like I'm always just saying "Hmmm... could you do it better?"


You're doing a great job.

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I appreciate your honest feedback, though. It just gets tough when you reach that point of finding your personal limitations. 

Everyone needs that extra push to get their work to be better, or they'll never grow.


I'm certain that with more work and perhaps time, the quality of this project will start to improve.

In the mean-time, I'll remain dedicated to reaching that higher level of quality.



Updates pending... (Finalizing the Dxun map in getting that pesky moon to be the right shape and a few more effects projects which I was thinking up earlier this morning...)






And in time for Christmas, I present snow!





I replaced the falling lens flare particles with snow crystals created via a few edits in Photoshop.

I originally used a smaller particle when starting, but after reviewing the cutscene, it is clear that the snow crystals are actually sizeable; and the effect looks better that way.


I also changed the icey-er texture of the Polar landscape to look more like freshly fallen snow, since there's snow falling throughout the level.


A few comparison shots just in case.. 


Before:post-9498-0-99351800-1387967474_thumb.jpg After:post-9498-0-14638800-1387965839_thumb.jpg

Before:post-9498-0-98242000-1387967555_thumb.jpg After:post-9498-0-43666900-1387965840_thumb.jpg

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So, better late than never huh? In regards with the Korriban skyboxes, I like take 2 and 3 just about as much. Version 1 is not so bad, but the "seam" is really taking down the overall look... Nice work on the fan! The onderon light looks better too. The snow has a better look now, I think. Whereas before looked like a hallowed flurrie, now it just looks like a regular flurry. Much better.


Oh, and merry christmas!

Edited by MrPhil

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Great job with the snowflakes, seriously. Reminds me of last year's Doctor Who Christmas Special, The Snowmen.

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So, I've been kind of working nonstop (including christmas and year's eve...) on various textures. 


Unfortunately, my allocated attachment space on this site is just about full, and since deleting previous attachments removes them from my previous posts, I can only show two right now. 


1.) Is my own take on the Peragus II nebula texture. It turns out that there are a few modes to make it appear during the spacewalk.



Many thanks to SIC for suggesting to hex in a different one as that made the second (blue) nebula appear as well.


2.) A much brighter and greener grass texture for Telos in the Restoration Zone.



I saw that of all of the planets in KOTOR2, Telos has no real visual identity as far as colors are concerned. (Everything is basically varying shades of gray with a blue sky) Perhaps this grass is a bit too vibrant, but I plan to brighten and enhance the trees and clouds as well to create a more visually interesting world, and hopefully make the short jaunt through the grassland/forest less forgettable...




I have a few other tweaks and edits of a few other small things done, like for instance making the shuttles outside Telos darker than the one in the bay with a small reflective map to make them more akin to the cutscenes,

darkening the vents in the Entertainment Module to make them match better,

enhancing the quality of the overhead lights in Telos and Peragus,

and some sign detail bumping.




Another project I plan to do involves making the collars of various uniforms look less pixelated and of closer quality to the people's head textures. For instance, did you know that Grenn has a zipper in the middle of his collar?..


Anyway,  I'm gradually going to be reuploading all of my earlier screenshots as often as I can until I can post more, in the mean-time though, Happy New Year, everybody!





Ah, yes. @FairStrides, regarding your Life Day request; I tried getting Carth killed in my game as I did Atton for the Christmas/Life Day screenshot, but he's just too powerful. The best I could do is get him blown backward by the hologram triggered explosive in the Taris Undercity, and all he did was fall over, which makes for bad screenshots. On the plus side though, in the screenshots, it looked like Bastila punched a guy backward with hundreds of blaster rounds..  :laughing:

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Ah, yes. @FairStrides, regarding your Life Day request; I tried getting Carth killed in my game as I did Atton for the Christmas/Life Day screenshot, but he's just too powerful. The best I could do is get him blown backward by the hologram triggered explosive in the Taris Undercity, and all he did was fall over, which makes for bad screenshots. On the plus side though, in the screenshots, it looked like Bastila punched a guy backward with hundreds of blaster rounds..  :laughing:

XD LOL:P Well, I can imagine that scene, can't I? It makes me remember a dialogue option from a k1 mod that expanded the party dialogue that lets you, as a male Revan, slap Carth...(unfortunately, it was fade-to-black slap because of animations...)

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XD LOL:P Well, I can imagine that scene, can't I? It makes me remember a dialogue option from a k1 mod that expanded the party dialogue that lets you, as a male Revan, slap Carth...(unfortunately, it was fade-to-black slap because of animations...)

 Well, all I can do is upload one decent one.


You can practically hear the alien say "You wound me!" as he falls dramatically..


I was using it for the punch, but I could never get a Carth "reaction shot".

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 Well, all I can do is upload one decent one.


You can practically hear the alien say "You wound me!" as he falls dramatically..


I was using it for the punch, but I could never get a Carth "reaction shot".

That poor Bith... I think Bastila put the Force behind that one.

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And now that I have my online album fully set up, here's some progress on what I've been up to.




A few more shots of the Peragus Nebula and Planet background after a few alterations:

K2_00006.jpg K2_00007-1.jpg K2_00019.jpg K2_00021.jpg 





A few retexes of the Peragus facility to make it darker, but to still match the blue color scheme as well as to bump up some of the texture quality.



 K2_00083.jpg K2_00082.jpg  K2_00087.jpg









with the newest version of my realistic maintenance officer body mod



K2_00086.jpg  K2_00085.jpg 





Some Telos texture detail increases for the pipes in the ceiling and a texture increase for some walls.



  K2_00029.jpg K2_00030.jpg





My own take on the Czerka poster above Jana Lorso's desk.






Yet another minor project in which the frankly uncomfortable looking chairs have been given a yellow border to give the impression of padding in them.






And it seems I've run out of space for this post.. There are about 4 to 5 other projects I have screens for, but I don't want to irritate the moderators with another post full of an over-abundance of images...


Well, for the sake of brevity, I can simply say that I have updated the quality of the Mandalorian shuttle as promised

post-9498-0-91982100-1389319708_thumb.jpg  (screenshots are on my photobucket if I can't upload any more images)

and have been hard at work increasing the quality and visual detail of the console texture which is used in pretty much every level. 



I also made it so that the console light actually uses its own light source via shaders 



Lastly, I have a separate blaster impact texture which shoots out red sparks when a character is hit by blasterfire 

post-9498-0-93183700-1389319946_thumb.jpg (I plan to make a demo video showing the different types of sparks in action soon)


and a more "neon" neon trim texture in the JekkJekkTarr. 



I may have missed a few such as a minor quandary I'm having with determining whether the Dxun skybox is fully done, but that's the gist of it.




Incidentally, due to the nature of my massive collection of project screenshots during any given post, could any of the moderators tell me if double-posting to get all of them in the thread is unacceptable behavior? I want to share all of the different things I'm working on in their full fidelity, but I don't want to bog down the servers or break anything to do so.

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My god, that is a large update! Your Peragus take is very good. Now we'll get the Darker Peragus with higher texture, which was the problem with the previous iteration of a Darker Peragus (being incompatible with the higher quality texture mods). Having the Maintenance officer corpse is a bonus too. I wonder if this will be compatible with VP's peragus mod or attempt its own version of-it (with all the Peragus bodies actually looking like facility employee instead of unidentified decrepit bodies). It is a bit late for me to comment everything, but I'll just say it is looking good. Especially the Telos re-text and the G-Wing shuttle! And keep-up the good work on the visual effects.

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That you did. I merely wanted to show the changes to the Peragus 2 nebula, but it complements Trench's mod well. Would you like me to show the default background as well? The purple nebula's totally vanilla, though.


Also, SH, I made a few detail adjustments to your Telos travel board if you are interested.

(but obviously didn't show it here since it's an edit of your mod.)



@Mr Phil


I always thought the miner corpses were changed into proper models by TSLRCM as of 1.7.. Anyway, there was a brief discussion I remember having about having to add a bunch of new NPCs to get the unique look for each individual miner. If someone with more coding knowledge than I can manage to do that, I'd be more than happy to make unique bodies for all of them. In fact, I've wanted to do that for years..

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