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Hassat Hunter

Calling out all Red Eclipse Players!

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Ahhh . . that's who that was! (I had to run to the bathroom and I took too long - so the game logged me out.)

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gua543: UTC/GMT = Universal Time Code/Greenwich Mean Time, which is England's time zone. The +2 means you add 2 hours to the GMT to get your time zone. I'm EST (Eastern Standard Time) as I'm currently on the east coast of the U.S.


So if it is 14:00 am in England, it is 16:00 am here?

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I'd been thinking about rolling on another server just for when it's prime time here and I can't play well because of all the lag when the server is full.Consular healer?

I'll join up if ya want..


@SH..formed a guild on JC..hit me up.

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Very happy today as I managed to get a purple lightsaber crystal (Advanced Derelict-Purple Indestructible Crystal) for my Red Eclipse character by opening one of those Contraband Packs from the Cartel Market.  It adds +41 Endurance. Seeing as my character was only level 19 at the time and you only need a minimum of level 10 to use the crystal, that was a great help for my Jedi Consular. I also got a decent lightsaber in that same pack so - "yay" for that too!.


I am pretty sure that most of you here are playing Free To Play.  I am not only a subscriber but I'm one of the suckers that bought the Collector's Edition. What does that mean for you? Included in the Collector's edition (and the Digital Deluxe Packs) is the in-game holocamera which enables that person to take hud-free screenshots in the game.  I can't take them of myself - I need someone else to do that ebcause of the way the camera works - but I can take pictures of you guys. if you want to pose your Republic player on a planet for desktop purposes, send me a PM and we'll try to set up an in-game photo session. (I don't have a Empire player on Red Eclipse yet so that's why I'm currently limiting this to your Republic characters.)  When taking these potential sessions into account, know that I'm in the Eastern Standard Time zone, which is east coast of the U.S.


Quidon: When I log onto Jedi Covenant again, I'll send a request to join your guild. PM me the name of it? (I don't want to clutter up this thread with stuff on another server.)

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I can't know everything, right? Even the best have their flaws ( :P ). Anyway what do you guys think about meeting on the fleet next Saturday? Nothing fancy, we'll just get to see our chars and maybe we'll do a flashpoint or do some quests.

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I'm down for Saturday.

Just checked my schedule and I'm off both Saturday and Sunday.  Let's try to set up a time sooner rather than later so folks can arrange to be present for this.


What should we plan to be doing in the game on Saturday?  I'd personally would love to get the World Boss on Coruscant. (It will be my first one.)

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I can only play Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and seeing as how I'm going to see the night first from all of us, I think Sunday is out of the question too. I think that the biggest time difference between me and you guys is going to be 4 hours so keep that in mind when arranging a meeting time.


SH if you want to kill Coruscant world boss, I can bring Brylan, otherwise we're gonna need a real big group of low levels or a 50 to take him down. Also, there a tactic to escape, so to say, his instakill attack which I'll explain when (and if) we get to him. If anybody else has taken him down, he probably knows it too.

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I'm pretty flexible when it comes to time on Saturdays, just let me know a day in advance. Gua, you're one hour ahead of me. SH is few hours behind us, but US time zones always confuse me so I'm not sure exactly how many.


If you guys want to do a world boss, I can bring in my 50 and kill him easily ; )

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It is now time to decide when we'll play tomorrow. State your time available to play in your time zone and your country. I will update this post and put everyone's time in GMT so everyone can clearly see when everyone else is available.

As I will be off Saturday, I will lean towards the majority vote.


Current available times:

Zbyl2            1400-1700 GMT  (Poland 1500-1800)

gua543         1800-2000 GMT (Bulgaria 2000-2200 GMT)

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Time... 15-18? While I'd be fine with later hours, I'd like to level my Empire character at night (currently at 41! :))

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Hmm, let's see... I'll have no problem to stick for an hour or two starting 20:00 my time. That is around 17-18 for most of you guys, right?

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US Central Daylight Time: -5:00


I guess I would be available at 23:00 for whatever the standard time would be (0:00)


Even though I'm only on Coruscant.

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Sooooo.... it's already 20:33 here and nobody is on the fleet. Btw I'm with Brylan, played a warzone with a friend who will also join us.

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Did you guys found each other? Because I searched for SH's, zbyl's and VP's characters, at least the ones that are mentioned in this thread, and none of them were online. Next time we need to clear up who's gonna come and with which character. We can decide what we're gonna do when we meet.

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Well, during the time you listed (last evening) Zbyl and me were leveling our Imperial characters (as he has stated here in this thread).

Probably why you couldn't found us on the Republic side...

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Yeah but communication between us sucks, if you haven't noticed. Anyway, I'm on vacation next friday so we can meet then, if you don't have any work or other grown up stuff to do.

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Yeah, I was available at completely different time than you were yesterday, sorry Gua. If you can make it today, I'm down for a time you listed.

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