
M4-78 Official Progress Report #8

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Will this be compatible with TSLRCM 1.8????????


TSLRCM 1.8 is not only compatible for M4-78 EP, it is required for it.

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Will this be compatible with TSLRCM 1.8?

As SH said, you won't be able to install M4-78 without most up-to-date TSLRCM.

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And there's silly old HH trying to add stuff at last minute too... like this.



(availability in full M4-78EP depends on wheter or not Zbyl thinks my stuff is stupid or not :P)

I think you meant built :)

also it would make my job way easier if the voice actor for this one could make a recording of this line without "floating" in it. splicing out words is a little more time consuming and way less natural sounding then i had thought before i did my own XD.

on a side note is that droid a new model or in the vanilla game files? the texture is very low-res lol

Edited by Darth_Sapiens

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TSLRCM 1.8 is not only compatible for M4-78 EP, it is required for it.



Superb! I will be digging out my TSL discs again once this is finished!

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Yeah, if you check his profile he was just on yesterday.


Confirmed: He was on at 6:43 my time yesterday

Well i posted that I meant that I just said that stoneys still here not modding but mybe i forgot to hit post or something(stupid kindle fire hd :P )

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With well over 1000 (ONE THOUSAND) new lines recorded, M4-78 already got more voice overs than Dxun, Korriban or Malachor!


It's about, I don't know, 70-80% of what's needed. We're still waiting for few more guys and it's exciting to hear so many droids speaking in their own voice.

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What? Each droid has it's own unique voice? Damn should be that much cooler.

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Something between 20-30, I think. I'll give exact number once recording is finished.

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How many of the voice actors still need their various "droid filters" to be put on their lines?

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Not sure how else to answer without giving something away.

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I'm not beta testing and I'm finding myself coming here every hour just to see if there's going to be an update :P

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I used to get excited about these progress reports, then I joined the beta. :P

Are you kidding? I'm working on it pretty much everyday and I get super excited about every new post in this section :hot:

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I used to get excited about these progress reports, then I joined the beta. :P


Feel free to post in the Staff section some things you've actually noticed for the current version of the beta. I've only seen one post from you in the BETA 0.4 thread.


Back to work, you scallywag! ;)

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Another round of beta testing to make sure everything works as expected and there aren't any voiceless lines anymore, probably...

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It's amazing to think that Obsidian made the whole game in 13 months, while it has taken YEARS for you guys to make one planet. It just shows how much of a difference between being rushed and taking your time to polish and work out every little kink makes. Keep up the good work guys! :) So looking forward to the release.

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It hasn't taken years for M4-78EP AFAIK.


Also, are you comparing 100+ people to 5 people?

Also, job vs. hobby?

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It's amazing to think that Obsidian made the whole game in 13 months, while it has taken YEARS for you guys to make one planet. It just shows how much of a difference between being rushed and taking your time to polish and work out every little kink makes. Keep up the good work guys! :) So looking forward to the release.


plus they probably had a much bigger staff :P

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Did I sound like I was complaining? I read places that the M4-78 EP was started a couple years ago. I was just talking about how amazing it is that you guys are taking the slow and steady approach rather than trying to work quickly to release something that is unpolished and full of bugs. I wasn't intending to be offensive toward anyone.

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Well, we did start it over 3 years ago, but we had couple of years break as we worked on TSLRCM :P

Also, if they paid us for it and if we worked on it 8+ hours per day, we could probably finish it in two or three months ;)


But voice acting is taking sooooo much time.

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