
Kyle Katarn Facts (K1 & K2 Edition, includes K1R and TSLRCM)

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Not hating them won't make 'em better.


Without the prequels there would have been no KotOR though and that would just make me sad. 


But then again since he's Kyle Katarn maybe there would be KotOR regardless.

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This is supposed to be about Kyle Katarn's antics in the KOTOR games, not the movie saga.


Ah, my apologies. I remember there was a general Kyle Katarn thread on here from before. I didn't realize this was Kotor only. Sorry for derailing.


Kyle Katarn can finish the Batu Rem quest in vanilla TSL

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Kyle Katarn can transit between planets in K1 without being attacked by Sith fighters.


Of course he can because the Sith fighters know better.

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Kyle Katarn plays with animated skyboxes.


Kyle Katarn knows what the best narrative experience is in both games, having played them in real-time. No load screens, no shortened hyperspace travel...

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The reason Kreia could predict the fates of the party members: she had a secret comlink in her ear where she would hear what Kyle Katarn was saying


You know how Brianna said the Echani would predict the outcome of battles weeks or even months before they happened? They made sure to hire Kyle Katarn several months in advance. No wild guesses required


Kyle Katarn recruited Brianna, Mical, Mira, and Hanharr on his first playthrough without mods


Kyle Katarn didn't need B4D4 to break into the Czerka mainframe. He just walked in and nobody was brave enough to try and stop him


The Heart of the Guardian and Mantle of the Force crystals? Just shards of the main crystal in Kyle Katarn's lightsaber


Only one crystal in the cave on Dantooine responded to the Exile. None responded to Kyle Katarn. They knew they were unworthy


Kyle Katarn didn't need a translator droid to negotiate with the sandpeople. They just let him take their Dune Sea map and everything in their baskets

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When Kyle Katarn plays KotOR 1 and he is on his way to the Star Forge the device on the unknown world does not attempt to pull down and crash his ship out of fear of what would happen to it if it even attempted to make Kyle Katarn crash.


Kyle Katarn can get pass the Sith guarding the elevator to the Lower City without Sith Uniforms or the Sith Papers.


When Kyle Katarn plays KotOR 1 he doesn't have to undergo three tests to join the Jedi order because Kyle Katarn was always worthy from the beginning.  Also Kyle Katarn is instantly named a master and becomes the head of the entire council before he even arrives on Dantooine.


Kyle Katarn charged up the loading ramps of Bastila, Sarna, Duan, Hurka, Ceeiia, and Isa without mods.  That beard......


When Kyle Katarn plays KotOR 1 Bastila never falls to the dark side out of loyalty to Kyle Katarn.


Kyle Katarn revisited Taris after it was destroyed by Darth Malak in KotOR 1 without mods or cheats.  Kyle Katarn can also revisit Dantooine in the same way.


When Kyle Katarn plays KotOR 1 once he defeats Darth Malak the game doesn't end it simply continues with the story of TSL.

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When Kyle Katarn plays KotOR 1 and he is on his way to the Star Forge the device on the unknown world does not attempt to pull down and crash his ship out of fear of what would happen to it if it even attempted to make Kyle Katarn crash.


Kyle Katarn can get pass the Sith guarding the elevator to the Lower City without Sith Uniforms or the Sith Papers.


When Kyle Katarn plays KotOR 1 he doesn't have to undergo three tests to join the Jedi order because Kyle Katarn was always worthy from the beginning.  Also Kyle Katarn is instantly named a master and becomes the head of the entire council before he even arrives on Dantooine.


Kyle Katarn charged up the loading ramps of Bastila, Sarna, Duan, Hurka, Ceeiia, and Isa without mods.  That beard......


When Kyle Katarn plays KotOR 1 Bastila never falls to the dark side out of loyalty to Kyle Katarn.


Kyle Katarn revisited Taris after it was destroyed by Darth Malak in KotOR 1 without mods or cheats.  Kyle Katarn can also revisit Dantooine in the same way.


When Kyle Katarn plays KotOR 1 once he defeats Darth Malak the game doesn't end it simply continues with the story of TSL.


Who were those characters in the fourth paragraph?

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Who were those characters in the fourth paragraph?


Sarna = Sith lady that invites you to party on Taris.

Duan = Sith lady that yields a alternative way of getting into the Sith Base on Manaan by getting her drunk.

Hurka = Female Sith Major on the Leviathan.

Ceeiia = Pazaak Tourney Twi'lek chick.

Isa = Crippled Female Sith on Unknown World.

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Revan left to fight the True Sith. The next day, Kyle Katarn came by to tell him that he already did it. We still haven't heard from Revan, but Kyle refuses to go back, and no one's brave enough to beg him.

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Deadeye Duncan didn't escape Taris on his own.  The truth of what happened is that Kyle Katarn showed up.  Kyle Katarn was so angry at Deadeye Duncan for being the worst duelist on Taris that he Bryar Pistol'd Deadeye Duncan so hard that it warped him to Manaan.

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Kyle Katarn competes in Taris Dueling Ring under his actual name.

The Sith that tried to investigate was never heard from again.


Kyle Katarn can go back to Dantooine and Taris after they've been destroyed. Peragus as well.


Kyle Katarn can convince Brianna to take him back to the Polar Academy on Telos.

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Kyle Katarn's mods don't need beta testing.


They also have no glitches because Kyle Katarn doesn't make mistakes.

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The only reason why Kyle Katarn hasn't yet made a TC mod is because no one would be able to handle the awesomeness of a story he came up with.

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Not hating them won't make 'em better.

Personally I thought the prequels were very good, they may not have that nostalgic feeling when you watch them but I still love the prequels, more jedi more sith. Just a slightly better written story and it was far less predictable than the original trilogy was (no I am not the first original trilogy hater) I am not implying I hate the originals cause i don't they are one of the reasons I am into Star Wars. Also my opinion is not biased because I saw the prequels first if thats what you are thinking, I saw the originals first and i just like the prequels better, i do not see why people must hate on them, they made more money than the originals and more toys and lightsabers ect... Were bought because of the prequels not the originals, and no prequels means no kotor as well as no Star Wars battlefront 1 or 2 (insert meme here)

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Personally I thought the prequels were very good, they may not have that nostalgic feeling when you watch them but I still love the prequels, more jedi more sith. Just a slightly better written story and it was far less predictable than the original trilogy was (no I am not the first original trilogy hater) I am not implying I hate the originals cause i don't they are one of the reasons I am into Star Wars. Also my opinion is not biased because I saw the prequels first if thats what you are thinking, I saw the originals first and i just like the prequels better, i do not see why people must hate on them, they made more money than the originals and more toys and lightsabers ect... Were bought because of the prequels not the originals, and no prequels means no kotor as well as no Star Wars battlefront 1 or 2 (insert meme here)

While I like where you're coming from, you are almost completely wrong about what really caused the fan resurgence responsible for the Kotor storyline and Battlefront as a series.


Kotor was created to cover the stories of the Tales of the Jedi series, which was actually almost entirely made possible due to the success of the Dark Empire comic line way before the Prequels were even produced. (1991 was the year of Dark Empires' first production

Kotor's games may have been fueled by fan response to Star Wars continuing, but ..well, let's just say there's a reason no Phantom Menace games really took off ;) (However, Phantom Menace: The Game and Jedi Power Battles were both really quite fun, but the poor game quality sort of dampened fan feedback and now they are almost impossible to find...)


Battlefront was for the most part marketed for its Original Trilogy locations, and the Expanded Universe was extensively used to pad the rest. There were only TWO locations from the Prequels when Battlefront 1 was produced, so it's dubious at best to assume that the Prequels' monetary success was the driving force for its production.


Honestly, I enjoyed the Prequels for what they were, but there's no way you can say that they caused the fan feedback that made Kotor or any similar awesome games possible. If anything, I'd thank the EU for keeping fans interested. :/

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Get back on topic.


Kyle Katarn CAN go to the planned DLC planets of KotOR 1 despite the fact that they were never created by Bioware.

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Sorry, ZM. :(


Okay, Kyle Katarn knows how to make the Mass Effect, Star Trek, Firefly, and Star Wars series fit in chronological continuity.




[Edit] Added stakes

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Get back on topic.


Kyle Katarn CAN go to the planned DLC planets of KotOR 1 despite the fact that they were never created by Bioware.

Planned dlc planets? What the frick have I been doing with my life?

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Planned dlc planets? What the frick have I been doing with my life?


Yeah if you looked in KotOR's data you can see that Bioware had planned several planets for DLC.  However we do not know what they are all we know is they were planned according to a certain .2da file.


Anyway back to the topic at hand.


Kyle Katarn's copy of TSL has all the planets from KotOR 1 without porting!  Also his copy of K1 has all the planets from TSL in the same manner.

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