
Kyle Katarn Facts (K1 & K2 Edition, includes K1R and TSLRCM)

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When Kyle Katarn plays KotOR2 he DOES get the option to "charge up Visas' loading ramp" and Kriea says absolutely nothing about it.


Kyle Katarn CAN play KotOR1/KotOR2 USING nothing but a Etch a Sketch and his beard.


When Kyle Katarn plays KotOR2 he CAN get past level 50.


Kyle Katarn once successfully remade the entirety of KotOR1 using the KotOR2 engine WITHOUT porting.


Kyle Katarn is suing Bioware claiming the term "Starforge" is actually the code name for his Lightsaber.

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When Kyle Katarn plays KotOR2, he starts out at level 50 and goes up from there.


Mace Windu didn't cause the Emperor's face to be scarred, he looked at a picture of Kyle Katarn.


Kyle Katarn is KotOR3.

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Kyle Katarn once lost a beard hair while flying over Dantooine.  That hair is now known as Revan.


The reason Revan lost to the true Sith Emperor is because that wasn't the real Emperor, Kyle Katarn actually killed the Sith Emperor because he wanted to dress up as him for his Halloween party and since that was really Kyle Katarn is why Revan lost because not even Revan can defeat Kyle Katarn EVER!  In fact trying to defeat Kyle while he was dressing as the Sith Emperor has been recorded as the worst mistake in Galactic History.

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When Kyle Katarn plays KotOR1 he CAN "charge up Bastila's loading ramp" despite the fact this never happens in game and he does it WITHOUT mods, imagine what he could do WITH mods. Oh he can also do that with Visas and the Handmadien in K2 without using mods.



Kyle Katarn can also romance Mira in K2 *without* mods, and can even "charge up her loading ramp".

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Kyle Katarn once made a Krayt Dragon his pet.

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Kyle Katarn's discs for K1 and K2 are legal discs with 2.0 versions of both K1R and TSLRCM and they WORK on his XBOX!


When Kyle Katarn plays TSLRCM if he makes the wrong decision regarding the HK Factory he gets the HK-51s to side with him by simply staring at the terminal and daring their behavior core to be corrupt!


When Kyle Katarn plays Pazzaak he CAN beat a 20 using a 0.


Kyle Katarn CAN import his Dragon Age characters or Mass Effect characters into KotOR1 or KotOR2 and vice-versa.


Kyle Katarn CAN save Trask on the Endar Spire.


When Kyle Katarn plays KotOR1 he CAN "charge up Bastila's loading ramp" despite the fact this never happens in game and he does it WITHOUT mods, imagine what he could do WITH mods. Oh he can also do that with Visas and the Handmadien in K2 without using mods.


When Kyle Katarn plays KotOR2 he CAN steal and take control of the Harbinger.


When Kyle Katarn gets captured on the Leviathan in KotOR1 HE interrogates Saul.


Feel free to add your own. Add to the fun :D.


ZM90, you can thank me for bringing up this topic for the first time in almost two years, but you don't have to.

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Guest R2-X2

Kyle Katarn can fly to the Star Forge without crashing on the unknown world.


When T3 talks to Kyle Katarn, he has subtitles in basic, in fear of insulting Kyle Katarn.


Kyle Katarn calls HK-47 a meatbag, and HK is too afraid to object.

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Kyle Katarn can walk past the Progenitor without destroying the machinery or poisoning it when he's at Manaan.

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There is no Dark side. Only stuff that Kyle doesn't believe in.

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Guest R2-X2

Kyle Katarn can kill the Sith Guard to use the elevator to the slums.

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Kyle Katarn doesn't need to make trouble to meet with the Exchange. The Exchange meets with him.

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When Kyle goes to Citadel Station, he doesn't get arrested by the TSF. He arrests the TSF himself.

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Guest R2-X2

Kyle Katarn can even hit an enemy when rolling a 1. He doesn't even need to exceed the armor value, because every number is an automatic hit for Kyle Katarn.

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When he goes to the Telos Academy, the Handmaiden Sisters don't disarm him; he disarms them, as well as charging up their loading ramps and that of Atris's.


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Oh, and he often causes Citadel Station to explode while skydiving using a Basillisk War Droid or the Ravager. I don't know.

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When Kyle plays KOTOR, he automatically unlocks all feats.



Also, when Kyle plays KOTOR, he automatically can play through all the cut content, even the stuff without voice overs, such as the Sand People Messiah and the Dustil Restoration.

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Kyle Katarn can win the Pazaak Tournament on Manaan simply by entering!

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Kyle Katarn doesn't need to kill the Zakkeg. It just gives him its ear.

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Kyle Katarn doesn't need to solve the weird puzzle on the Unknown World to get the Ancient Rakatan Band the pillars just give him what he wants because they know better than to try to outsmart Kyle Katarn.

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Kyle Katarn doesn't need the Rakata to destroy the shield covering the temple. He just looks at it, and it opens.

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