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Should I buy TOR?

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So, I've been wanting to try it out, but is it going to be worth it? Also heard it'll be free in a few months. i don't intend to be a big MMO person, I just want to be able to play out the story.. i guess

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I can't refer a trial to your address for some strange reason. Have you already done a trial?


If you have an alternate email address I can send this to, send me an e-mail.

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There is currently a free trial until level 15 available, so that is what I'm using.


Can't get a speeder until level 25 (unless you spend lots of credits to get it early.) I hate running everywhere!


I've moved this topic to a more appropriate home on the forums. I don't see this as a modding thing.

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I just went ahead and bought it. $15 was less than I paid for either of the KOTOR games.


I.already attempted a trial with that email address, but now I'll just subscribe like a real person.

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I just went ahead and bought it. $15 was less than I paid for either of the KOTOR games.


I.already attempted a trial with that email address, but now I'll just subscribe like a real person.

$15?? its really that cheap?

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I just went ahead and bought it. $15 was less than I paid for either of the KOTOR games.


I.already attempted a trial with that email address, but now I'll just subscribe like a real person.

See ya if you're on the Jedi Covenant server

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I can say for sure I'll never own a Mac. But then you'd have to know me personally to know why I say that.


So, what server you go to?

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Haven't installed it yet. Gotta repartition my bootcamp partition so I have enough room to install TOR with windows 7. I'm dual booting my Mac.


But, I'm open to suggestions as to which server I should join.... or do I even get to choose?

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Haven't installed it yet. Gotta repartition my bootcamp partition so I have enough room to install TOR with windows 7. I'm dual booting my Mac.


But, I'm open to suggestions as to which server I should join.... or do I even get to choose?


Well, ultimately the choice is yours, but both SH and I are on Jedi Covenant.


@HH, I doubt Red Eclipse (I'm assuming that's a server) even exists anymore due to server consolodation.

There are only 10 servers now, and they are getting ready for F2P, (trying to cram as many ppl as possible on to one server).

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It was the most popular server when I did the trial (first one). And I already logged in again trying the "always free to 15" after the server merger and it was still there. Unless there have been more than 1 mergers?

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Red Eclipse is better than ever, there are 150+ people every day on Korriban and 100 more on the fleet. There were even 80 people on Dromund Kaas around 4 o'clock this morning. Time passes so quickly when you're having fun with a friend... but the headache is making me regret my decision about staying 6 hours on the PC.

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My bad, I was talking about U.S servers not thinking about HH being in Europe.

And I was wrong about the 10 servers, it's actually only 8.

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Just downloaded the free trial for up to level 15, but I won't be able to play due to work. (I'm going through every Fable game and book to lead up to the "Fable: The Journey")

PS the demo was amazing, every one who said it would be crap as a Kinect game was like o_O

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Ok well, I just changed my mind. I won't keep paying for a sub, but may well do the F2P option once it's available. There, I said it.

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is anybody haveing trouble with the updates for the up to level 15 free trail, i have been downlouding non-stop for 8 hours and im not even half way through the first asset? how long did it take for u guys?

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8 hrs?? I going out on a limb and suggesting that because you are in the free trial, you may never get it. Don't mean to be so negative - but it's the update.

This 1.4 patch has introduced (or re-introduced) many many bugs and graphics problems.

Since the update, players have been seeing dramatically reduced framerates, as well as crazy bugs like other players showing up on thier ships, with that player not being able to leave by any other means but using thier fleet pass.

The GTN was down for the entire first day. Random crashes to desktop are/were a big issue too. The first day after it crashed on me 4-5 times.


That being said, I have seen, since Wednsday, fps getting marginally better in most cases. I did, however, download and install the latest driver for my video card. But I've read about other players having some pretty crazy problems with thier graphics since the update. And also been hearing most people begging for them to roll the update back, with no replies I know of from BW people.


I was, honestly, pretty upset with this last update as I really truly like this game quite alot, but I'm getting over it as my level of playability has been returning. And I'm not even very hard to please as most gamers really are.

So, I don't know what to tell you, but post if you ever finish downloading it.

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it 10pm ish now and i started downlouding at 1.00pm and the hole thing is 6% done :( i dont think im ever doing to play the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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