Hassat Hunter

Update on 1.8

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Oh cool! Another reason to play darkside! Loving that Bao-Dur screenshot as well.

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Hate to ask a "will this be there" question.


But will the glitch with HM be fixed? The one where you get an "Influence:Failure" When you ask her to talk about Atris, even though you have 100 influence??

And sorry if this is in the wrong place, but can't you get to the HK Factory in 1.7? Or is that something yall are doing with M4-78EP that goes with 1.8?

Just wondering, b/c of both issues covered here


Would greatly appreciate if someone could take the time (even though I know you're already busy as a bee) to see if those problems might be fixed with 1.8

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HK factory is in 1.7, it happens just before Malachor if you have done the quest to kill 3 HK squads (which you should, there are dozens of them.)


M4-78EP is made to be compatible with TSLRCM. So when it comes out, probably after 1.8, it can be installed and played. I don't know if it will be savegame compatible, but I don't see why not.


And I don't know about the glitch you refer to. Handmaiden was always one of the easiest party members to influence for me.

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Huh... turns out the :: Betrayal :: cutscene glitch never got fixed by us. Who'd would have thought that?


Well, my make-shift fix seems to work just fine. I wonder if it's the same tweak as the older one from the Gizka site. But I can't be bothered to look it up to actually compare it if it is indeed the same method, or a different one.


Also added in "brand-new" today is some NPC's get re-added to Khoonda after the Militia win, so they can be all "Jedi are awesome! You're a hero!" on you. You don't need the My Dantooine Statue mod for ego-stroking anymore... but feel free to still use it if it ain't enough yet :P

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I've used 1.8's Kelborn.dlg file. While it would be easy to make a 1.7 version I figured it would be obsolete soon, so no point confusing downloaders with 2 separate files, or a re-download after 1.8's done.


Does this mean that 1.8 is coming out some time soon?

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When Sith Holocron says "No", it usually means "Yes." :confused:

besides, there is a whole bunch of reasons to think that it's comming out soon. But I won't tell :P

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Nah, "No" usually means "That precisely two posts later, a post will mysteriously get deleted for a few hours." And also, "no."

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"...a post will mysteriously get deleted for a few hours." And also, "no."


And never to be read again, hmm? You evil dictator you! :[


I call for a vote of no confidence against the moderator Sith Holocron!!! :P

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Vote now! Vote now! Vote now! :P



But back to the topic, that stuff about Khoonda's new npcs saying you're a hero and how cool the Jedi are is fantastic :D (assuming you save Khoonda and don't let mercs take it over lol). I wonder, but is there anything planned for Kaevee after the main Dantooine questline is finished, or is she still gone for good if you didn't kill her?

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I think I'm in love with Kaevee. She's just so damn adorable. And it's a really hard persuasion check to turn her to the Dark Side. Almost as hard as the Serecco leader.

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Speaking of "things that should totally happen", I've been testing TSLRCM with a little special something called a "rebalance mod". Hopefully this will be something that can compliment RCM by making TSL challenging.

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Speaking of "things that should totally happen", I've been testing TSLRCM with a little special something called a "rebalance mod". Hopefully this will be something that can compliment RCM by making TSL challenging.


Rebalance? You mean Achilles' Game Balance Mod as seen on this page?


It used to work with TSLRCM, but doesn't in 1.7 or maybe before, since it rewrites the files for Atris, Nihilus, and Sion, as well as a few other files. I managed to get the rebalancing working anyway, though, but putting only the files relevant for that in the override folder and then not using the rest. It gives a whopping xp boost, but also makes the game quite a bit harder. Especially taking Atton and companions through the bounty hunter wars on Nar Shaddaa was tough to say the least, as they got chopped up in short order... Still consider it worth it for a massive xp boost without (really) cheating, though...


If you meant another mod, then please ignore this post. These aren't the droids you're lookin for...

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OK, folks. As fun as it was, I've pruned out the nonsense. We're now back to TSLRCM 1.8 talk now.

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OK, folks. As fun as it was, I've pruned out the nonsense. We're now back to TSLRCM 1.8 talk now.

so whens it going to be released ;)

you asked for that :P

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If anyone using 1.7 (english) would be willing to upload their 853NIH.mod and give me a link, I would be grateful...

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Fixed another little pet peeve of mine... the flames in Nihilus ship are now there again if you try to leave (or load a save). No more cackling without the flames!


Still want that module...

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So, spend WAAAY too much time improving the Tobin-Nihilus scene for 1.8. Already plenty before this testrun, and some things bothered me now, thus even more today.

Leading to v1 at first... then later v2. However which version of tormenting Tobin is the most loved? Sadly enough, can't torture him twice in a single movie.






Feedback much appreciated,


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Personally, I prefer version one. However if you decide for the second one in the end, I would recommend changing the camera when Tobin is choked, so that the empty space between his neck and where his hand is is less apparent (that would be a shot from the front and a little from Tobin's left).

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I agree with Bead-V. Version 1 is much clearer as to what's happening.

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