Hassat Hunter

Update on 1.8

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zbyl actually is testing the M4-78EP right now, and it should be ready along down the line. Compatibility with RCM 1.8 is extremely likely guaranteed.


Fixed that for you.

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Understandable. If would be pretty easy for us (me, specifically) to make a separate (yet easily installable) mod which would re-enact the permanent Hssiss glitch.




Install the latest version and you should be fine. Only thing is that when 1.8 comes out, you'll have to reinstall everything.




Droid planet is a separate mod. zbyl actually is testing the M4-78EP right now, and it should be ready along down the line. Compatibility with RCM 1.8 is extremely likely.


Thanks for the quick reply!

I would definitely appreciate the easily installable part of that mod. lol.


I have no problem going through 1.7 and then reinstalling 1.8. I think just all the changes involved with the vanilla version to 1.7 will amaze me


And I figured as much about the droid planet mod. Once again, one of those things that Ill download and replace with M4-78EP on down the line along with 1.8

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No release date has been announced for TSLRCM 1.7 1.8.


Fixed that for you. ;)

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Yeah, the Hssiss glitch would be nice. I got the extra force powers mod, which was great, but I was only about level 35 by the time the game ended so I couldn't have all the powers I wanted. Unless people just make enough RCM compatible content to have enough XP to level up to 50 without any glitches! Hint hint ;)

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Yeah, the Hssiss glitch would be nice. I got the extra force powers mod, which was great, but I was only about level 35 by the time the game ended so I couldn't have all the powers I wanted. Unless people just make enough RCM compatible content to have enough XP to level up to 50 without any glitches! Hint hint ;)



Anyway you could message me a link to that extra force powers mod if you have it?

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Yeah, the Hssiss glitch would be nice. I got the extra force powers mod, which was great, but I was only about level 35 by the time the game ended so I couldn't have all the powers I wanted. Unless people just make enough RCM compatible content to have enough XP to level up to 50 without any glitches! Hint hint ;)


It would be nice, yeah. Unfortunately, alot would need to be done in terms of balancing so that you wouldn't just have every feat, every force power and all of your skills maxed out. The game has enough issues with being altogether too easy anyways.


That said, I think a fighting arena (like stoffe's) would be helpful in achieving that level 50 cap by more legitimate and challenging means.

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PredatoryKey, I left the links in a comment on your profile.


Edit - VP, I searched but could not find the droids I was looking for. By that I mean the arena you mentioned. Any possibility of a link? :D

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It should be on Kotor Filefront. It's called Combat Simulation Arena. Last I checked though, it had some issues running well.

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I searched but could not find the droids I was looking for. By that I mean the arena you mentioned. Any possibility of a link? :D


Larkin, check your comments for a link.


Back on topic, folks! :P

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Have you decided to put the Magic Eight Ball that was cut from the Jekk'Jekk Tarr in or not?

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Is the Heroes of The Old Republic no longer available for download?

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I know but they didn't know whether they were going to put it in or not!

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I know but they didn't know whether they were going to put it in or not!

Just know that whatever screenshot/video you see released from TSLRCM team it will be there.

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Actually, not "always." Back when this place just first made in October 2010 - when I first joined - they put a pic for a Holocron mod but they did go forward with it because there was not enough content. Please dont lecture me about this because I have been in this community for a long time and I know how things are done! I remember when Mandalore and I were new here and Lord of Hunger first told me about this place. That was back when TSLRCM was just about to be released for the first time - those where the good days ::looks off into the distance::

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Is the Heroes of The Old Republic no longer available for download?

Yes, the author wanted it removed, so it's removed...

Actually, not "always." Back when this place just first made in October 2010 - when I first joined - they put a pic for a Holocron mod but they did go forward with it because there was not enough content. Please dont lecture me about this because I have been in this community for a long time and I know how things are done! I remember when Mandalore and I were new here and Lord of Hunger first told me about this place. That was back when TSLRCM was just about to be released for the first time - those where the good days ::looks off into the distance::

Don't think there ever was a Holocron Quest picture uploaded... :/

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Didn't have much time yesterday for TSLRCM testing, so, as you may have noticed, released 2 small new mods and 1 update for a mod instead.

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Improved some scenes here and there, tweaked some conversations, removed some instances of background music and convo-music running intertwined.

Oh, and removed the children-unfriendly debugging text from VarsityPuppet from appearing in the game...

HK: "Nobody thinks about the little ones..."


Just your usual day of TSRLCM testing :unsure:

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Improved some scenes here and there, tweaked some conversations, removed some instances of background music and convo-music running intertwined.

Oh, and removed the children-unfriendly debugging text from VarsityPuppet from appearing in the game...

HK: "Nobody thinks about the little ones..."


Just your usual day of TSRLCM testing :unsure:


Removing profanity from VP's scripts - check

Fixing up silly dialog typos - check

Send out an email out to the RCM team - check


Yep, covered pretty much all of the bases.

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Improved some scenes here and there, tweaked some conversations, removed some instances of background music and convo-music running intertwined.

Oh, and removed the children-unfriendly debugging text from VarsityPuppet from appearing in the game...

HK: "Nobody thinks about the little ones..."


Just your usual day of TSRLCM testing :unsure:

What did the debug text say :P

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one question: after your thorough betatesting/betafixing of 1.8, will you guys run a new closed Beta for selected people or will it just be time for a public release?

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What did the debug text say :P

I'm not sure I should post it here, but I'll tell you that I laughed my ass off when I saw it :P

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