Hassat Hunter

Update on 1.8

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Well, I just registered only to post a big thank you to the people behind the TSLRCM. KOTOR 1 was my first true RPG experience, and while I've gone through many CRPG's since, you never forget your first one (do you ?).


Two week-ends ago I went through a Star Wars movie marathon, and it opened my appetite for KOTOR, and I just remembered that I never finished TSL, mostly due to the bugs. This is how I came by your project, for which I congratulate you.


I'm gonna hold on until you release your 1.8 patch (and maybe the first post-patch fix ;) ). Until then I'm going through KOTOR 1 once again (at 60+ FPS - max detail, not ~20 as I did back in 2004). Already 16 hours in the game, and taking my time this on this run (and loving it).


It is a joy to find that people have the power and passion to stand behind a special experience such as the KOTOR series after all this years. I've only encountered such commitment in the Jagged Alliance and Fallout communities (two other games I still play).


Hopefully, your project will become what you want it to be. People like me certainly appreciate your efforts.

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You really can't put a date (even a general time frame) on this kind of thing.

I tried, and failed horribly :/

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Well, the KSE globals thread is not even done, and it has it's first pro already. I was cross-referencing flags with T3M4.dlg (since it's easier with T3 than any other teammember), and found the following bug... which soon shall be squashed xD



VERY hard to set to true (and get the appointed LS/DS and INF change) in vanilla due to (I just discovered) most dialogues re-directing to the wrong path (which also allowed "more questions", which caused the holo to get stuck pre-TSLRCM. Also it was male-only for some reason. Now that I notice the bug, it'll get fixed for 1.8 :).

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With Xarwarz's new skins out there, I may be preparing for a new TSL playthrough! Just waiting for 1.8 to come out now! With a little bit of luck, maybe M4-78 will be ready before or at the same time than 1.8.

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With a little bit of luck, maybe M4-78 will be ready before or at the same time than 1.8.

Well, I can't really give you a timestamp for either... though I can guarantee you you will see 1.8 before M4-78EP...



A look in one of the thousand of possible ways things can go wrong...



Having spend hours trying to make Bao-Dur sit, accidentially a clone is created, and Bao-sits. Half-through the chair. Gotta fix that... and of course that he's only sitting with a clone. That's just bad. Fortunately Zbyl looks into that... since after the previous time and now I am ready to struggle 235TEL to death...

And if you excuse me, I'll go to sleep now...

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With a little bit of luck, maybe M4-78 will be ready before or at the same time than 1.8.

Don't count on that :P


As for update, 235TEL cutscene almost works... no more clones and Atton's animations works, though Bao-Dur doesn't want to sit for long. He usually stands back up after a second... hopefully, I'll figure that out soon.



EDIT: I think we got cutscene working properly.


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Used the extra space to add more sparks (since we all LOVE sparks... And Atton driving as reckless as possible).

Also changed the position of the smoke and flames when you crash AGAIN, in a deceitful attempt to mask my lazyness, but not so much that you can say "he reuses the same stuff!" (I do, but just... elsewhere xD)

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It looks good and all that but...

I hope that Atton will have more clothes in the final version? :P

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Used the extra space to add more sparks (since we all LOVE sparks... And Atton driving as reckless as possible).

Also changed the position of the smoke and flames when you crash AGAIN, in a deceitful attempt to mask my lazyness, but not so much that you can say "he reuses the same stuff!" (I do, but just... elsewhere xD)




But what is the yellow spot on the floor, near Kreia?

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THAT IS SO AWESOME! I love shuttle interiors, I've loved 'em ever since I saw Episode VI. Fantastic work, Hassat, truly stunning.

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But what is the yellow spot on the floor, near Kreia?

Must be a random flying spark that doesn't look as good.

I've run it the cut scene a few more times now, and didn't see it...

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holy @#$@#$ that is EPIC WINSAUCE MATERIAL

look good but i can see atons leg through the chair, just saying ;)

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Just fixed; Sitting patrons being stuck standing up on Onderon after exiting and entering module, dancers no longer dancing after talking to them and exiting the module on Onderon (although admitting, I stole pretty much most of the stuff for the dancers from 207TEL, where the dancing Twi'lek do work properly).

Up now; Doing the same for Telos (bar the dancer part, since that worked fine)


If you know of any other locations with sitting NPC's stuck standing... lemme know. Been a while since I played KOTOR2 whole instead of warping to the module of my need :)


EDIT: Well, it looked so easy, just applying the same fix to 207TEL. Aurora said FU and now my game crashes when I load 207TEL. *sigh*

Could be made easy for once for a change...

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Don't know if you've already fixed this, but in 1.7 Atton always stands up on the Ebon Hawk from the pilot's chair when you talk to him.

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Apparently the only way to solve this would be to multiply EVERYTHING in Atton.dlg, and then add the sitting animation if in the Ebon Hawk.

Also would require making about 30 (if not more) new scripts, since there are just 2 slots for checks in the DLG-editor, so you can's just simply add "is in Ebon Hawk"



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Well, copying and renaming the atton.dlg, making him use it only in the hawk and adding a sitting animation to every node would work... still a lot of tedious work with adding the animations, however... =)

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Not to mention editing all over the place what convo to use when for Atton...

Also, multiplying any potential future fixes.

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Don't know if you've already fixed this, but in 1.7 Atton always stands up on the Ebon Hawk from the pilot's chair when you talk to him.


I wouldn't mind it too much if Atton was facing you when he does. IIRC, he doesn't instead.

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