Guest M@sterlink

KOTOR 2 : Texture Restoration

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Guest M@sterlink



So i'm planning to retexture, for now, the modules of Kotor 2.


Well, i think the texture of the game is too clean for the atmosphere that obsidian want to create.

So i don't want to create texture who deserve the atmosphere, i want to increase the Dark atmosphere so particular of Kotor 2.

Well i began to retexture Kotor 2 with a game with texture which they should have been as i think.


For now, i'll work only on the module texture, i'll see if i have enough time to retexture the characters.


A little example of my work for now on this URL:

it will take a loooonnng time when i'll finish this project. But i'll post somes image when Peragus module will be finish.

See ya ^^.

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Right now I'm running Xarwarz Visual Enhancement 2012. The problem is that some of the graphics (particularly the containers and the beach front on the Telos Restoration Zone) either look really bad or crash the game, and there wasn't enough textures replaced total to make the game feel fresh. That said, he still did a brilliant job and he made all the organic objects (grass, trees) look close to realistic.


He's gone for a light-hearted, colourful approach, while you've gone for a darker one. Personally, I like your idea. Looking at the screenshot you linked, the textures that you have changed are pretty damn awesome looking, so I'm already excited to see what you'll come up with.


If I have any one suggestion so far, it would be to try and get the monitors on the ground where the Kolto Tanks are to be on and doing some cool computer stuff ;P. If you want to see what I mean, get Xarwarz's Peragus 2012 package, install it, and start the game (skip the Prologue). The monitors look brilliant in his, and it might make yours look awesome too.


Anyways, looking forward to progress. Keep posting the good work!

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Guest M@sterlink

@Extreme 110


Well, i will install the pack and see the work of Xarwarz.




We both know the answer... As you said no.


But Kotor 2 introduces a galaxy in a verge of collapse after a Jedi Civil War.

Several Worlds are in ruins indeed. The consequences ? Dirty and Rusty environment, a palet of dark color...


For example peragus : mining facility in bad condition after the destruction of the first mining facility on the planet which cause the destruction of a part of the planet itself.


the facility are not a paradise for the miners. Even Coorta wanted to leave this Rock...


Then HK-50, the assassin, made some troubles in the facility after the arrives of the Ebon Hawk. Explosions, death... etc.

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Screenshots looks VERY good! Keep up the good work.

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Guest M@sterlink

New ScreenShots of the Peragus Mining Facility. It is nearly finish. I've upgraded the resolution of the texture :


64x64 => 128x128


128x128 => 256x256


256x256 => 512x512


512x512 => 1024x1024


So somes textures don't need to work on it again because i think their look suit them well.


I hope you'll enjoy my work and i wait somes opinions about my version of restorations of those textures.





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Awesome work man! Your textures change the whole atmosphere at Peragus; now it's more like a horror in Star Wars universe. Can't wait to play with them.

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Very nice! Kinda reminds me of the Ghost Ship Recon level of Republic Commando...

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Guest M@sterlink



It is a pleasure to work on a Restoration of the Texture of the game. I want to include some Normal Map since i saw a normal map texture in the originals file of the game.

But i don't know how to include them... I think i need to create the Normal map texture which will refer the texture target in a TXI file... But i don't know how to proceed to make a TXI file...

Anyone had a suggest ?

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Instant download :D


I eagerly await what you have in store for... well pretty much any other place in the game :D

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I want to include some Normal Map since i saw a normal map texture in the originals file of the game.

But i don't know how to include them... I think i need to create the Normal map texture which will refer the texture target in a TXI file... But i don't know how to proceed to make a TXI file...

Anyone had a suggest ?

*.TXI files are just plain text files (*.txt) with different extension. It's name must exactly match the name of texture.

For normal maps, if I remember right, you should put the next string in the TXI:


bumpmaptexture MAP_NAME


Just replace "MAP_NAME" with actual name of your normalmap texture.

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Guest M@sterlink

Euh... Yes.


i tried so much things, but i think i don't know how to compile the TXI file with the target textures.


Well, i will see that later, i prefer to concentrate my efforts on the restoration of the texture first.


I am finshing to restore the peragus module and i began Korriban's Textures ^^

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i tried so much things, but i think i don't know how to compile the TXI file with the target textures.

You don't need to compile anythnig! Just make a text file, name it exactly like your texture and change extension to *.txi.


For example, your texture is named 100_TEX.tga and normalmap is named 100_TEXn.tga. Make a text file, rename it to 100_TEX.txi. In this file make the following line:

bumpmaptexture 100_TEXn


That should do the trick.

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Guest M@sterlink

Yes, this is what i did but i didn't see any differences.


Perhaps i shouldn't compile alls the files in the swpc_tex_tpa.erf file and put them in the override folder maybe... I will try.

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if the music and emptiness of peragus isnt enough to creep you out, this mod will (i mean this in a good way). nice work dude

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I fully support your vision of Peragus! It is true that it made no sense that the miners wanted to leave there yet it was so clean and comfortable looking. I look forward to seeing your reskin of the battle-ravaged Korriban.

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That will be great M@sterlink. Can't wait to see the new textures.

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Looks really cool but you gotta change the kolto tanks or bacta tanks or whatever they're called. It looks like those miners are floating in air, not in water.

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Looks really cool but you gotta change the kolto tanks or bacta tanks or whatever they're called. It looks like those miners are floating in air, not in water.


I agree with you. Now that I look at the Kolto Tanks I see it.

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*.TXI files are just plain text files (*.txt) with different extension. It's name must exactly match the name of texture.

For normal maps, if I remember right, you should put the next string in the TXI:


bumpmaptexture MAP_NAME


Just replace "MAP_NAME" with actual name of your normalmap texture.


and what will "bummaptexture" do in terms of the look. The minmap? or the map in the menu?

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