
The GenoHaradan (by Exile007)

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I think this might be an even earlier version - I found a copy on my computer with a date modified of 2005, and which contains the line "I have never needed you", includes other responses from Nihilus (including one where he falls to the ground momentarily, on hearing that Traya lives), has different shots of Nihilus' attack on Sion (no close-up of Nihilus, and a head-on shot of the beams), among other things.


Unfortunately, I've only got the file itself, and no indication of who made it.

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The name "Sikon" rings a bell somewhere in my noggin . . .


That would fit. IIRC there was a "Sikon" around at that time who may or may not have been the same person as "S" (of the early Vash restoration mod). But TBH, it's all a bit garbled from those days...

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Need help for some reason when I fight the GenoHaradan assassins on Telos in the underground military base, the last guy won't die. I want to get past this part so please help.

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Need help for some reason when I fight the GenoHaradan assassins on Telos in the underground military base, the last guy won't die. I want to get past this part so please help.


Did you read this in the read me?



Do not use with TSLCRM, it's not compatible. Frankly, I wouldn't chance it with many content mods, but feel free to try.

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Did you read this in the read me?



I didn't use the restored content mod. I installed the game vanilla.

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Exile007 isn't doing any followup for this mod. You're basically stuck until someone updates his mod.

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I thought he was going to make it compatible with restored content mod like for 1.8.3 upcoming version?

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Looks like he hasn't been in the modding scene for awhile, so I guess he won't be. It would be a pleasant surprise if he did. Just remember that one should never count on anything in the modding world: It's done when it's done.

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that is a bug from the vanilla game mod, you have to run past him to get through. I'll try taking a look at it if I get time.

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Now that 1.8.3 and the M4-78 patch are out and school is less busy, I can get into testing what should be the final version of the Extended Enclave mod. Following after that, well, we'll see ;)

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Barring animation and lag, in this version I like the interaction between Nihilus and Sion. The way Nihilus growls at the discovery that Traya is still alive, the way Sion still tries to get up and confront him again before leaving.


It looks like a variation of Dark Warrior's and it says Sith Holocron did it too.

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I recorded it. That other guy (darthatton) uploaded it. I was new to YouTube back then.

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I honestly like bits and pieces of all of them.


To be honest, Nihilus vs Sion was my favorite part of this mod in any form and I would love to see it restored in some shape or form.

Keep your eyes out then. ;)

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Personally I would see that scene as something along the lines of "Sion walks up to Nihilus, they both stare into  spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace while Sion talks, then he turns around to walk away, goes behind Nihilus, does the 'Our alliance is finished' and 'I have never needed you', turns on the saber and attempts the backslash move, like on the Harbinger when he severs Kreia's hand. Except here, Nihilus would use the force to stop him mid-swing, and then go medieval on him, like in the video."

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That's a interesting take on it. I'd like that AND an option for something along the lines of the first version. - for purists.

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So double posting, forgive me. I was wondering what your thoughts (you being DS as a whole) thoughts are on something I've been thinking about.


The Sion sequences carry a lot of weight and finality to them, and I was thinking that post-Nar Shaddaa might not be the best placement for them. After all they represent an end to the only thing that kept the Sith together, and according to Kreia that means "the Galaxy will begin to die" and it would just be odd to have the whole dramatic scene with Sion believing you're dead, only to run into him on Korriban later, plus there is already another instance if the PC dying, after the enclave. My thought is that might be a better place for it.

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Is there any word for this mod becoming compatible with TSLRCM or has that fallen through.

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So does this mod completely get rid of all the exchange parts on Nar Shaddaa? Or just adds to it?

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