GearHead 81 Posted January 26, 2024 View File KotOR2 Combat Rebalance This mod mainly rebalances force powers and grenades to make the game be more than just a spam fest of force speed and force lightning. 1.2.1 Changes: - Destroy Droid now does 1-8 damage instead of 1-6 per every second level. 1.2.0 Changes: - Installer tweaks. 1.1.9 Changes: - Grenade scrip tweaks. 1.1.8 Changes: - Non party member NPCs no longer require a high Demolitions skill to do a lot of damage with grenades, instead they do more damage the higher their level is. 1.1.7 Changes: - Force Push now cost 15 FP. 1.1.6 Changes: - Force cost adjustments. 1.1.5 Changes: - Force Immunity nerf. - Master Environmental Resistance grants poison immunity too now. 1.1.4 Changes: - Force Fury series now benefits from force duration lengthening effects. - Force Wave now benefits from force duration lengthening effects. - Duel feats now also grant extra Force Power duration. - Energy Resistance renamed to Environmental Resistance. 1.1.3 Changes: - Force Push now stuns the target for 3s as intended. - New installer option (without force point cost changes). 1.1.2 Changes: - Slow, Affliction and Plague force point cost reduction. 1.1.1 Changes: - Force Heal and Improved Force Heal are nerfed. - Force Aura, Force Shield and Force Armor now lasts 30s. - Force Valor, Knight Valor and Master Valor are no longer grant saving throw bonuses or immunity to poison, but they last 30s now. - Force Resistance and Force Immunity are nerfed. They are also light side powers now. - The Energy Resistance series no longer resist energy damage, but it is a light side power now. - Force Barrier series is nerfed. - The Battle Meditation series lasts 30s now. - Shien lightsaber form description fix. - Niman lightsaber form description fix. - Stun Droid, Disable Droid and Destroy Droid are universal powers now. - Force Affliction is DC25 now instead of DC20. - Force cost adjustments. - Force Crush and Force Scream series cast animation fix. 1.1.0 Changes: - Higher level Force Powers now cost more to cast. 1.0.9 Changes: - Duel now also grants 10% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. - Improved Duel now also grants 20% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. - Master Duel now also grants 30% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. 1.0.8 Changes: - Simplified item descriptions. - Master Heal is changed back to pre v1.0.4 because the Treat Injury bonus was too OP. 1.0.7 Changes: - Droid devices such as flame throwers and ion beams now scale with level. - Kyber Darts now do 25 damage by default not 26. 1.0.6 Changes: - Rockets and darts are repriced to match their performance in combat. 1.0.5 Changes: - Grenades and rockets now have a minimum guaranteed damage (their original damage). - Harmful event signal fix for grenades. 1.0.4 Changes: - Master Heal now benefits from skill points invested into Treat Injury. 1.0.3 Changes: - Description fix for grenades and rockets. 1.0.2 Changes: - Removed the blurry air wave effect of Force Wave. - Minor changes to autobalance.2da. - Saving throws are reworked, every class gains 1 of each saving throw type every time they level up. - Most grenades and rockets now benefit from Demolitions skill. - Poison grenades and poison rockets scale with user level. - Darts now also scale with user level. 1.0.1 Changes: - Death Field now actually does what the description sais, only heals the user for the equivalent of the most damage dealt to any single enemy. - Master Heal is nerfed, heals a bit less. 1.0.0 Changes: - Force Channel Form description fix. - Added Force Power Area of Effect: +50% to Force Affinity Form. - Force Affliction fix. - Force Plague fix. - Force Aura buffed to +4 defense and s.t. bonus from +2. - Force Shield buffed to +6 defense and s.t. bonus from +4. - Force Armor buffed to +8 defense and s.t. bonus from +6. - Force Aura, Force Shield and Force Armor now works with Force Chain even if it is applied through Force Enlightenment. - No more blur effect when using Force Speed (all 3 levels). - Burst of Speed buffed from +2 defense bonus to +2 defense bonus and +2 attack roll bonus. - Knight Speed changed from +4 defense bonus and +1 extra round of attack to +4 defense bonus and +4 attack roll bonus. - Master Speed changed from +4 defense bonus and +2 extra round of attack to +6 defense bonus and +6 attack roll bonus. - Fury/Wookiee Rage now also gives +2 attack rolls. - Improved Fury/Wookiee Fury now adds +4 attack rolls instead of +1 extra round of attack. - Master Fury/Wookiee Frenzy now adds +6 attack rolls instead of +2 extra round of attack. - No more blur effect when using Fury/Wookiee Rage (all 3 levels). - Fixed the ’Bad StrRef’ text bug when activating Wookiee Rage, Wookiee Fury and Wookiee Frenzy while i was at it. - Destroy Droid now does 50% less damage. - Kill now does about 33% of enemy hit points in damage instead of 50%. - Shock, Force Lightning and Force Storm now does 50% less damage. - Drain Life and Death Field are now 50% less effective. - Removed the level 10 cap from Drain Life and Death Field. - Force Crush now does 50% less damage. - Force Crush plays no animation on a successful save. - Force Suppression and Force Breach now removes all listed force powers. Submitter GearHead Submitted 01/26/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites