EAF97 161 Posted October 9, 2023 1 hour ago, N-DReW25 said: Though after investigating the files of the Sharina Fizark mod... it should be a LOT easier to use the source files and remake it from scratch (my point about directly using their files outright in my mod still stands, recreating the content from scratch is the way to go). From what I could see, it would just involve checking which files were extracted from Kotor Tool by the mod author, extracting those same ones manually from the game's files using the tool, and then recreating the one script file that seems to have been made from scratch (in this case it's the "helped_sharina.ncs" file in that mod, the rest of the files were just extracted manually from either the danm13 or tat17_aa modules). helped_sharina.ncs helped_sharina.nss k_pdan_13_area.nss 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted December 11, 2023 For those who follow my mods, you'll be pleased to know that the RC-K1CP mod has just received an update. If you follow many of my mods, you might've noticed multiple mods that were recently updated together, this was done to accommodate the latest RC-K1CP restoration! What is this restoration? This: For those without an eagle eye, I'm talking about the hands. This mod now restores the gloveless commoner hand textures for all commoner clothing and most generic commoner types, this means the Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack, the K1 Pre-Release Pack and the K2 to K1 Clothing Pack have all been updated to ensure that these mods are compatible with this latest change. The K1 Pre-Release Pack actually used to contain this very restoration though it's been removed as it's now been transferred to the RC-K1CP. The reason I chose to transfer this feature from the Pre-Release mod to the Restoration Mod is because there are "remnants" of the gloveless commoner clothes in the game files. The fat commoner and children clothing textures don't have gloves and the textures N_CommMB01, N_CommMB02, N_CommMB03, N_CommFB01, N_CommFB02 and N_CommFB03 show gloveless black colored hands. The K1 Pre-Release Pack is intended to contain features that exist solely in Pre-Release/Beta screenshots, since actual remnants of the gloveless clothing textures exist in the game files I chose it was more fitting that this feature be considered "Restored Content" instead of "Recreated Pre-Release Content" as per that mod. The Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack simply contains the extra files for the clothing fixes to ensure compatibility. But the K2 to K1 Clothing Pack has received an extensive facelift as it is now called the "K1 Clothing Pack" mod. The reason for this change is that I've added the commoner clothing from the K1EP mod into this mod as a separate installation thus requiring I change the name of the mod to better fit the new theme of the mod, this mod was updated alongside the extra files for RC-K1CP compatibility so that both the K2 ported clothes and the K1EP clothes have gloveless versions as seen here. This restoration only affects the main generic commoner appearances; this means the "dirty commoner variants", unique heads, and modded appearances will keep their vanilla gloved textures. For example, if you use my newest Galaxy of Faces mod alongside the RC-K1CP the appearances in those mods shall have gloved clothing. I am fully expecting this latest restoration to be fully controversial with players, but I won't know how players feel about this restoration until players tell me how they feel about it... so, what do you guys think of this restoration? If you've played it, how did it impact your visual gameplay? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted March 18, 2024 I'm back & I'm once again sharing some more restored content that I've added to the RC-K1CP. I've now restored the 4th Black Vulkar who was suppose to threaten Calo Nord in Javyar's Cantina. The most important thing about this restoration is that the 4th Black Vulkar actually has an English speaking line. In-game you will have this Black Vulkar speak English during this scene. Some minor changes have been made to this scene, so instead of having one English speaking Twi'lek and two non-English speaking Twi'leks you'll have one English speaking Twi'lek (using the restored orange appearance), one non-English speaking Twi'lek who's green and a Nikto. Other than the presence of the 4th Vulkar and a restored English speaking line, there's not really much difference as to the outcome of this scene. Please be sure to let me know what you think of this small little restorations, and if there's any bugs you encounter in regards to this scene feel free to report it to me on the mod's page found here. 2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JasonRyder 50 Posted March 19, 2024 17 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: I'm back & I'm once again sharing some more restored content that I've added to the RC-K1CP. I've now restored the 4th Black Vulkar who was suppose to threaten Calo Nord in Javyar's Cantina. The most important thing about this restoration is that the 4th Black Vulkar actually has an English speaking line. In-game you will have this Black Vulkar speak English during this scene. Some minor changes have been made to this scene, so instead of having one English speaking Twi'lek and two non-English speaking Twi'leks you'll have one English speaking Twi'lek (using the restored orange appearance), one non-English speaking Twi'lek who's green and a Nikto. Other than the presence of the 4th Vulkar and a restored English speaking line, there's not really much difference as to the outcome of this scene. Please be sure to let me know what you think of this small little restorations, and if there's any bugs you encounter in regards to this scene feel free to report it to me on the mod's page found here. You just did the impossible...you made Calo Nord even more badass! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted April 7, 2024 Let's talk about the cut Vulkar Sublevel! I got some ideas floating about how the Vulkar Sublevel shall be restored in RC-K1CP, and I'd like to share with you all some of my ideas. The Vulkar Sublevel in K1R was hated for the most part because, in earlier versions, the flow of the Sublevel used to be so convoluted with side quests and custom content. To make things worse, the players HAD to complete this content in order to access the Garage, and since this setup was so confusing players would often get stuck in the Vulkar Sublevel thus preventing them from progressing the game. This alone caused many players to uninstall K1R and vow never to touch the mod due to the Sublevel changes alone. In K1R 1.2, most of that convoluted content was removed and the current flow is much more streamlined allowing for a quick playthrough of the Sublevel without getting stuck over stupid mod design. But the legacy of the old Sublevel lives on as the Vulkar Sublevel content in K1R is now an optional install separate from the main K1R mod. As with K1R, my own Sublevel will be an optional installation though my rendition of the Sublevel will be different from K1R's. For example, the Sublevel will be 100% optional. If you guys have played K1R, you'll know the Twi'lek Vulkar Coward NPC used to be a human with human VO speaking of the cut Sublevel. You would speak to this Coward and he'll give you the pass card to access the Sublevel. However, his dialogue in the dialog.tlk file does not much the spoken VO... here are some examples: VO: "Yeah, sure. Whatever you want to know. Just don't hurt me, okay? Remember, I can make things very profitable for you by unlocking the central elevator." TLK: "Yeah, sure. Whatever you want to know. Just don't hurt me, okay?" VO: "The accelerator? It's down in the garage. You have to take the security elevator in the back to get there, but the elevator is protected by thermal-guided laser cannons." TLK: "The accelerator? It's down in the garage. You have to take the security elevator in the back to get there, but the elevator is protected by a nest of blaster turrets." VO: "The garage is off-limits to most of us, maybe one of the mechanics from the second level can help you out. They all got access cards to get past the security cannons." TLK: "Brejik's lieutenants carry them, and there might be an extra one in the barracks. But there's a small army in that room. Even you might have a tough time taking them all on at once." VO: "I can unlock the central elevator for you, but it only goes up... not down. An access card is the only way to get past those cannons protecting the security elevator to the basement." TLK: "You'll need a pass card to get by those cannons protecting the security elevator to the basement." As you can see, some lines of dialogue are extended in the VO version whilst others have been completely rewritten. I suspect the VO was recorded first, before the Sublevel was cut, and later, after the Sublevel was cut, Bioware went back and edited the human Vulkar Coward dialogue to remove references to the Sublevel. The final version we got in-game, however, was a complete rewrite of the old dialogue with alien Twi'lek VO to prevent the original voice actor from doing more takes. With the power of modern day AI VO cloning, I plan to bring some of those TLK lines to life and merge the Sublevel dialogue with the unused dialogue. For players who wish to avoid the Sublevel, the players can go to the Vulkar Barracks and either fight (or override the power conductor) through the Vulkars and obtain the pass card from a Footlocker. This will allow you to enter the Garage without ever going to the Sublevel. For players who do go to the Sublevel, you'll have 3 ways of getting to the Garage. Either you get the Spice for the junkie mechanic and get his Mechanic ID, you use the Magnetic Power Cell to crank up the heat & blind the turrets or you fight or you can kill the Vulkar Lieutenants who'll drop their own cards (they'll be moved from the main level barracks to the Sublevel with the Barracks instead containing a Footlocker with a pass card instead). So... what do you guys think of this setup? Is this something you'd like to see in RC-K1CP? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JasonRyder 50 Posted April 8, 2024 11 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: Let's talk about the cut Vulkar Sublevel! I got some ideas floating about how the Vulkar Sublevel shall be restored in RC-K1CP, and I'd like to share with you all some of my ideas. The Vulkar Sublevel in K1R was hated for the most part because, in earlier versions, the flow of the Sublevel used to be so convoluted with side quests and custom content. To make things worse, the players HAD to complete this content in order to access the Garage, and since this setup was so confusing players would often get stuck in the Vulkar Sublevel thus preventing them from progressing the game. This alone caused many players to uninstall K1R and vow never to touch the mod due to the Sublevel changes alone. In K1R 1.2, most of that convoluted content was removed and the current flow is much more streamlined allowing for a quick playthrough of the Sublevel without getting stuck over stupid mod design. But the legacy of the old Sublevel lives on as the Vulkar Sublevel content in K1R is now an optional install separate from the main K1R mod. As with K1R, my own Sublevel will be an optional installation though my rendition of the Sublevel will be different from K1R's. For example, the Sublevel will be 100% optional. If you guys have played K1R, you'll know the Twi'lek Vulkar Coward NPC used to be a human with human VO speaking of the cut Sublevel. You would speak to this Coward and he'll give you the pass card to access the Sublevel. However, his dialogue in the dialog.tlk file does not much the spoken VO... here are some examples: VO: "Yeah, sure. Whatever you want to know. Just don't hurt me, okay? Remember, I can make things very profitable for you by unlocking the central elevator." TLK: "Yeah, sure. Whatever you want to know. Just don't hurt me, okay?" VO: "The accelerator? It's down in the garage. You have to take the security elevator in the back to get there, but the elevator is protected by thermal-guided laser cannons." TLK: "The accelerator? It's down in the garage. You have to take the security elevator in the back to get there, but the elevator is protected by a nest of blaster turrets." VO: "The garage is off-limits to most of us, maybe one of the mechanics from the second level can help you out. They all got access cards to get past the security cannons." TLK: "Brejik's lieutenants carry them, and there might be an extra one in the barracks. But there's a small army in that room. Even you might have a tough time taking them all on at once." VO: "I can unlock the central elevator for you, but it only goes up... not down. An access card is the only way to get past those cannons protecting the security elevator to the basement." TLK: "You'll need a pass card to get by those cannons protecting the security elevator to the basement." As you can see, some lines of dialogue are extended in the VO version whilst others have been completely rewritten. I suspect the VO was recorded first, before the Sublevel was cut, and later, after the Sublevel was cut, Bioware went back and edited the human Vulkar Coward dialogue to remove references to the Sublevel. The final version we got in-game, however, was a complete rewrite of the old dialogue with alien Twi'lek VO to prevent the original voice actor from doing more takes. With the power of modern day AI VO cloning, I plan to bring some of those TLK lines to life and merge the Sublevel dialogue with the unused dialogue. For players who wish to avoid the Sublevel, the players can go to the Vulkar Barracks and either fight (or override the power conductor) through the Vulkars and obtain the pass card from a Footlocker. This will allow you to enter the Garage without ever going to the Sublevel. For players who do go to the Sublevel, you'll have 3 ways of getting to the Garage. Either you get the Spice for the junkie mechanic and get his Mechanic ID, you use the Magnetic Power Cell to crank up the heat & blind the turrets or you fight or you can kill the Vulkar Lieutenants who'll drop their own cards (they'll be moved from the main level barracks to the Sublevel with the Barracks instead containing a Footlocker with a pass card instead). So... what do you guys think of this setup? Is this something you'd like to see in RC-K1CP? I'd like this, but I think you should prioritize other content restorations such as: -Having to get two disguises on Taris, requiring the player to both attend the party and stop the interrogation -Outcast Children in the Outcast Village on Taris. -The Echani Mercanary on Manaan that you can speak to about their ways. This Echani merc will also not speak to you if Canderous is in the party. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darthbdaman 74 Posted April 8, 2024 Two disguises wasn't necessarily the original intention. The party was originally the method to acquire the sith passcard to get into the military base (all the VO for this is in the game). You could also pay the same gender party goer to let you come (originally to get the passcard, later the disguise). 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JasonRyder 50 Posted April 8, 2024 15 hours ago, darthbdaman said: Two disguises wasn't necessarily the original intention. The party was originally the method to acquire the sith passcard to get into the military base (all the VO for this is in the game). You could also pay the same gender party goer to let you come (originally to get the passcard, later the disguise). While it may not have been, it was implemented n K1R and I liked the feature. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted April 9, 2024 5 hours ago, JasonRyder said: While it may not have been, it was implemented n K1R and I liked the feature. darthbdaman is allowed to mention the cut Pass Card feature, though the K1R implementation may just have to be the way to go as it had cut VO to support it. On 4/8/2024 at 12:53 PM, JasonRyder said: I'd like this, but I think you should prioritize other content restorations such as: -Having to get two disguises on Taris, requiring the player to both attend the party and stop the interrogation -Outcast Children in the Outcast Village on Taris. -The Echani Mercanary on Manaan that you can speak to about their ways. This Echani merc will also not speak to you if Canderous is in the party. I'd say the Echani Mercenary would come first, followed by Outcast Children, followed by Sith disguises. Whilst the Echani Mercenary is coming soon, it won't be in the update coming out next. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JasonRyder 50 Posted April 9, 2024 12 minutes ago, N-DReW25 said: darthbdaman is allowed to mention the cut Pass Card feature, though the K1R implementation may just have to be the way to go as it had cut VO to support it. I'd say the Echani Mercenary would come first, followed by Outcast Children, followed by Sith disguises. Whilst the Echani Mercenary is coming soon, it won't be in the update coming out next. I also found that Calo Nord drops a Zabrak Tysteel Mark III blaster and an Arkanian Heavy Pistol instead of his two Mandalorian Heavy Blasters. Which mod is responsible? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted April 9, 2024 9 hours ago, JasonRyder said: I also found that Calo Nord drops a Zabrak Tysteel Mark III blaster and an Arkanian Heavy Pistol instead of his two Mandalorian Heavy Blasters. Which mod is responsible? The K1 Community Patch itself causes that. I've already reported it to the K1CP Github, so it's up to the K1CP team whether or not they want to fix it in their next major update. In the mean time, the Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack will be updated to fix that problem as part of its bug fixes. This update will come around the same time as the next RC-K1CP update! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthParametric 3,811 Posted April 9, 2024 1 hour ago, N-DReW25 said: in their next major update Wouldn't be before that, since it's not something that warrants a hotfix. So no sooner than Xmas 2025 probably, based on the prior release cadence. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deak 0 Posted April 9, 2024 Are there plans to include the Circlet of Saresh? Always drove me bonkers that wasn't in the xbox version Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JasonRyder 50 Posted April 10, 2024 On 4/8/2024 at 10:02 PM, N-DReW25 said: darthbdaman is allowed to mention the cut Pass Card feature, though the K1R implementation may just have to be the way to go as it had cut VO to support it. I'd say the Echani Mercenary would come first, followed by Outcast Children, followed by Sith disguises. Whilst the Echani Mercenary is coming soon, it won't be in the update coming out next. I forgot to mention the Iriaz on Dantooine, but I found a standalone mod for it: Iriaz on Dantooine Also, I found a mod that restores the Outcast Children, but it also adds things I don't care for: Taris Undercity and Gamorrean Stronghold Restoration Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted April 11, 2024 On 4/10/2024 at 3:33 AM, deak said: Are there plans to include the Circlet of Saresh? Always drove me bonkers that wasn't in the xbox version The Circlet of Saresh already drops on the PC version, this mod is unfortunately not for the Xbox version as it's intended to be used with the K1 Community Patch. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
134340Goat 116 Posted April 11, 2024 So in regards to the Vulkar Base thing, two main thoughts on that First is that I really like the idea you have! Kotor already has plenty of dungeon design where you can explore and use cunning to figure out how to progress, or just brute force your way through, so I think a choice between "find the Vulkar coward in the sublevel to get the card" or "take out a room of like ten enemies to get the card" would fit pretty seamlessly in the game design. I'm all for this idea. Just might require a tiny bit of custom content to make the puzzle about the blaster turrets guarding the garage clearer to the player that some kind of pass is needed Second thought is about the Twi'lek Vulkar coward in the vanilla game. Honestly, I really like that character. Gameplay-wise, it's just a basic light/dark alignment choice, but I think it adds a nice bit of flavour to the setting and Brejik as a character. A few characters go on about how Brejik's new leadership of the Vulkars has fundamentally changed them as a swoop gang, and I just think it's really neat to encounter an enemy who goes "You know what, I don't agree with the new ways, and I'm not gonna die for a cause I don't care for." It might feel a bit clunky having two enemies who stop combat and offer a "spare me or kill me" choice, but ideally, I'd love some way to retain the vanilla Twi'lek coward while also restoring the human coward who gives you the garage pass card (I suppose one possible solution to that could be to place the human coward in a room with some enemies, have him do the cowering/fear animation, and then start his whole speech after combat ends so it isn't the exact same situation as the other one? But that's just one idea, if you even would want to use both characters. Up to you, obviously!) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted April 13, 2024 On 4/12/2024 at 2:18 AM, 134340Goat said: "find the Vulkar coward in the sublevel to get the card" Maybe I wasn't too specific in my post, but the idea is that you'd get a different card from the Coward. This new card would unlock the elevator that leads to the sublevel, from there you can obtain a passcard without having to fight a crowd of enemies at once. On 4/12/2024 at 2:18 AM, 134340Goat said: Second thought is about the Twi'lek Vulkar coward in the vanilla game. Honestly, I really like that character. Gameplay-wise, it's just a basic light/dark alignment choice, but I think it adds a nice bit of flavour to the setting and Brejik as a character. A few characters go on about how Brejik's new leadership of the Vulkars has fundamentally changed them as a swoop gang, and I just think it's really neat to encounter an enemy who goes "You know what, I don't agree with the new ways, and I'm not gonna die for a cause I don't care for." It might feel a bit clunky having two enemies who stop combat and offer a "spare me or kill me" choice, but ideally, I'd love some way to retain the vanilla Twi'lek coward while also restoring the human coward who gives you the garage pass card So I had a similar idea which I'm sure you'd really like. The idea was to add a second Vulkar coward in the sublevel which would be the Twi'lek coward from the vanilla game whilst the Vulkar coward on the ground floor is the human one. The Twi'lek coward in the sublevel would be guarding the heating system generator room whilst the human coward is guarding the Vulkar control room. I say control room as dialogue from the TLK seems to suggest the computer terminal which is found in the main open area near the armory was supposed to be inside the room with the coward NPC: "I don't know. Maybe you could use the main terminal in this room to override the security system, if you're good with computers. Otherwise you'll need to get your hands on a pass card."- Vulkar Coward This would suggest that the coward was guarding a control room akin to the one found in the Hidden Bek Base (the one that's famously locked forever in the vanilla game) instead of just some random room as we got in vanilla. My plan had the Vulkar Lieutenants from the barracks moved to the sublevel so that the barracks would have the passcard in a footlocker guarded by 10 enemies whereas the Lieutenants would have energy shields but would have fewer guards protecting them. By having the Twi'lek coward in the sublevel as an NPC, his dialogue on the Lieutenants still works as there are Lieutenants on the sublevel with him. I also know there's an option to disable the turrets by disabling them via the computer terminal, but that option is way more expensive then just overriding the power conduit in the barracks (10 spikes VS 3 spikes). I think I might change it so that both disabling the turrets and overriding the power conduit would cost the same, this means you either disable the turrets or override the power conduit to avoid fighting the Vulkars for a Spike fee or you simply attack the Vulkar swarm head on and risk getting killed if you're playing on Impossible difficulty. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
134340Goat 116 Posted April 15, 2024 Oh, good eye! Yeah, I think that sounds like a really good solution to restore the sublevel and alternate way to disable the turrets while also keeping the Twi'lek coward. Completely forgot the line about the lieutenants, so moving a couple enemies around sounds like a great solution that wouldn't too drastically alter the difficulty/design of the Vulkar base. I'm 100% behind this! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted April 24, 2024 Here is a preview of the next update to the RC-K1CP. This update shall not only impact the RC-K1CP, it shall also impact the Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack and the K1 Pre-Release Pack! A number of Tweak Pack features will be removed from the Tweak Pack and will be added to the RC-K1CP: this includes the restored turret soundset, Davik's upgradeable armor, Eli's alternative clothing and the soundset fixes. The Lite NPC restoration shall also be added to the RC-K1CP, but the Lite NPCs shall be made an optional install! In addition, the Lite NPC restoration shall simultaneously remain in the Tweak Pack. Tweak Pack shall have a copy of the Lite NPCs restoration as it undoes the controversial Lite Upgrader feature in the K1CP, hence it fits the description of the "tweak pack". But for Lite NPC restoration in RC-K1CP, there is a unique reason it's being added here. In a future update, there shall be a 3rd install option called "Lite NPC restoration plus" which shall restore all of the Lite NPCs which were not used in the vanilla game. If you install the main RC-K1CP mod, the Lite NPC restoration mod and the Lite NPC restoration plus mod together you'll get to experience the full arsenal of Bioware's original Lite NPCs. Below are some screenshots of the unused Lite NPCs in question, courtesy of A Future Pilot and his Lite Upgrader mod. Spoiler Now what about the K1 Pre-Release Pack? The K1P-RP mod is similar to the RC-K1CP mod, except this mod restores content shown in official Bioware Pre-Release screenshots. Below is an example: Spoiler Now, in the game files for Anchorhead are dialogues for cut NPCs such as Chadra-Fans and Ithorians but the Pre-Release screenshots show quite a bit of cut content in Anchorhead. In this screenshot, we have the cut Ithorian Miner NPC. Spoiler In this screenshot, we have a hover sled with engine in the background and a little drone floating about. Spoiler In this screenshot, we have a Protocol Droid, a Quarren and two Dewbacks Spoiler In this screenshot, we have a landspeeder in the background. Spoiler This creates a problem, do I restore these features in the K1P-RP mod or do I restore them in the RC-K1CP mod? Well, I've made a decision. The NPCs shall be restored in RC-K1CP whilst the placeables will be restored in K1P-RP! RC-K1CP: Spoiler K1P-RP Spoiler And to finish this preview off, this update will also fix the syntax errors that have been plaguing the mod since release! So have fun installing it with no guaranteed error messages. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jacd28 12 Posted April 24, 2024 great job, I know it will take a long time, but I am happy to think that a new restoration mod will be made for Kotor 1, here are some questions that I don't know if you plan to include, Deadeye Duncan was cut off a conversation about him in Manaan, I know that a mod to restore that conversation, in fact I have it in Spanish for Xbox and I don't remember where I got it from XD, but if it's here on deadlystream, could it be included? Of course, asking the creator for permission, another thing is that according to the wiki there is a lot of unused equipment, such as Ulic Qel-Droma's mesh suit (not to be confused with his tunic), the Stealth field enhancer from Kotor 2, etc., is there a way to restore the content? There is an alternative female dark side ending, is it possible to implement it without replacing the existing one and is it obtainable as a new condition? Greetings and sorry for my bad English, I use a translator Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted April 27, 2024 If any of you follow the K1 Pre-Release Pack, I like to show my K1P-RP comparison screenshots by vaguely telling you where the Pre-Release Screenshot came from and when it was taken alongside a screenshot from the mod imitating the Pre-Release Screenshot. Below are my K1P-RP style screenshots for the RC-K1CP's restored content: Spoiler On 4/25/2024 at 5:31 AM, jacd28 said: Deadeye Duncan was cut off a conversation about him in Manaan, I know that a mod to restore that conversation, in fact I have it in Spanish for Xbox and I don't remember where I got it from XD, but if it's here on deadlystream, could it be included? Of course, asking the creator for permission It is planned, I already have plans for Deadeye Duncan on Manaan for other mods so to make those mods work I'd need a mod to restore him. Quote another thing is that according to the wiki there is a lot of unused equipment, such as Ulic Qel-Droma's mesh suit (not to be confused with his tunic), the Stealth field enhancer from Kotor 2, etc., is there a way to restore the content? The two examples you've given me are already restored. Ulic Qel-Droma's mesh suit is sold by Mika Dorin and the Stealth field enhancer is sold by Crattis Yurkal. Of course, not all of the items are restored right now. But the "Items Restored in RC-K1CP.txt" file included in RC-K1CP next to the readme is literally a list of what's restored and where it's found. Here's a copy & paste of it so you can translate it from here: Spoiler Robe Items- Dark Jedi Robes: Dropped from the Kashyyyk & Tatooine Dark Jedi trio Red Jedi Master Robes: Found in the Manaan Sith Embassy Blue Jedi Master Robes: Found in the Sith Academy Armor Items- Cinnagar Weave Armor: Sold by Eli Gand, Sold at the Dreshdae Czerka Store, Found in the Black Rakatan Base, Dropped by Kel Algwinn Zabrak Field Armor: Sold at the Dreshdae Czerka Store, Sold by Adum Larp, Dropped by Shaardan, Ulic Qel Droma's Mesh Suit: Sold by Mika Dorin Eriadu Prototype Armor: Sold by Crattis Yurkal Arkanian Bond Armor: Found in the Black Rakatan Base Cinnagar Plate Armor: Sold by Eli Gand, Sold by Adum Larp Mandalorian Armor: Sold at the Dreshdae Czerka Store, Sold by Greeta Holda Mandalorian Heavy Armor: Found in the Black Rakatan Base Glove Items- Bothan "Machinist" Gloves: Sold by Eli Gand Mask Items- Stealth Field Enhancer: Sold by Crattis Yurkal Weapon Items- Arkanian Sonic Rifle: Sold by B'ree Teta's Blade: Sold by B'ree, Dropped by Davik Kang Massassi Brand: Found in the Taris Sith Base Echani Double-Brand: Found in the Hrakert Rift Station Sith War Sword: Found in the Sith Academy, Found in the Unknown World Temple Massassi Battle Staff: Sold by Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu Gamorrean Battleaxe: Sold by Kebla Yurt, Sold by Fazza Utral, Dropped by the Taris Gamorrean Chief, Dropped by Gurke, Dropped by Narkal, Dropped by Ugzak "Semi-Restored" items- Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh- Sold by Mika Dorin (The item description mentioned its price even though it's impossible to actually see the price in the vanilla game. By having it sold by Mika Dorin, the player can finally see the item's price.) If you can't find the item listed, then that is a bug that needs to be fixed. Quote There is an alternative female dark side ending, is it possible to implement it without replacing the existing one and is it obtainable as a new condition? I am not restoring that as there is a much better mod for that already, and it's compatible with the K1CP: Quote Greetings and sorry for my bad English, I use a translator Not a problem 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JasonRyder 50 Posted April 30, 2024 Spoiler Massassi Brand: Found in the Taris Sith Base Haven't been able to find this item in my playthroughs for some reason. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted April 30, 2024 15 minutes ago, JasonRyder said: Hide contents Massassi Brand: Found in the Taris Sith Base Haven't been able to find this item in my playthroughs for some reason. On 4/27/2024 at 6:43 PM, N-DReW25 said: If you can't find the item listed, then that is a bug that needs to be fixed. I will fix this in the next update. I plan on attempting a playthrough with the NPC Diversity Pack, RC-K1CP and Loot Overhaul so I can find bugs for all of them and fix them all simultaneously. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JasonRyder 50 Posted April 30, 2024 15 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: I will fix this in the next update. I plan on attempting a playthrough with the NPC Diversity Pack, RC-K1CP and Loot Overhaul so I can find bugs for all of them and fix them all simultaneously. Sounds great! Did you see my comment about the Human Black Vulkar in the Lower City meeting with Davik's Agent? And will this playthrough include all your other K1 mods? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted May 2, 2024 On 4/30/2024 at 3:39 PM, JasonRyder said: Did you see my comment about the Human Black Vulkar in the Lower City meeting with Davik's Agent? Yes, the NPC Diversity Bug... that's not relevant to this thread! On 4/30/2024 at 3:39 PM, JasonRyder said: And will this playthrough include all your other K1 mods? No, and for good reason. For example, the Brejik dropping a Mandalorian Blaster feature used to be part of Heart of Beskar but is now part of the Loot Overhaul. If I had HOB installed how would I know if I successfully ported this feature from HOB to the Loot Overhaul. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites