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Found 8 results

  1. Version 3.5


    **IF YOU DOWNLOADED THE 3.0 VERSION OF THIS MOD, REMOVE BOTH " P_DarthTraya001.utc "AND "N_DarthTraya001.utc " FROM YOUR OVERRIDE FOLDER, THEN DOWNLOAD THIS MOD** The Recruitment of Master Atris by Reztea on Deadlystream! Majorly assisted by Bead-V on! ****TSLRCM MUST BE INSTALLED BEFORE THIS MOD IS**** It's here! In this mod you can officially recruit Jedi Master Atris! In this mod she will join you after battle in the Polar Academy. Your choices post-battle will decide her alignment and roles after she's been recruited. How To Install: 1. Find the file "The Recruitment Of Master Atris 3.0" tslpatcher. 2. Double click it. xD Source: I left a source folder for references in case any modders want take a crack at modding the game their selves. Special Thanks: SPECIAL THANKS TO THE DEVELOPERS FROM DEADLYSTREAM.COM FOR THE OPTIONAL PORTRAITS USED IN THIS MOD: Quanon: The Atris Renders. Sith Holocron: Background design, and holocron texture. SPECIAL THANKS TO THESE AMAZING PEOPLE WHO PUT UP WITH ALL MY QUESTIONS ON DEADLYSTREAM.COM! Bead-V (Especially you, honestly!) Sith Holocron JCarter426 Kexikus DarthTyren Fair Strides Enjoy the mod!
  2. I have made requests similar to this in the past. My recruit mod, "Recruit Sarna", which provides a soldier to replace Bastila after her capture, is near complete, I believe, and there are many I will give credit to for assistance. Sith Holocron, SithSpecter, Qui-Gon Glenn, TamerBill, Thor110, LoneWanderer, AmanoJyaku, Effix, N-DReW 25. Sarna, at Level 1, has high dexterity, decent intelligence, wisdom 14. She carries a Mandalorian Blaster and has the feat "Dueling" to allow her to use pistols, swords, and blades. With all the help, I will release my mod for anyone to use freely. I need assistance with new textures, possibly a slightly modified model, to create the armor I wanted to give Sarna, though I have a .uti file ready, and I hoped to make my mod a voiced mod. I have some voice files for Sarna that fit the limited dialogue she has, but these work only for two or three lines. If anyone could help with these things, voicing lines or creating new textures, contact me for more detail.
  3. Version 1.3.0


    Recruit T3-M4 Early Mod v1.3 ====================================== By brents742 ============ Version Notes ============= v1.0 - 4/7/2021 - Initial release v1.1 - 4/9/2021 - Added instructions for a third party member to exit out the main gate in the Taris Undercity as opposed to the base game only giving instructions to two party members as that's all you're supposed to have at that point in the game. This solves an issue where the cutscene to save Hendar would seemingly go on forever. v1.2 - 12/30/2021 - Removed k_ptar_openbase from install files to maintain compatibility with the K1 Community Patch. This script was initially modified for this mod to restrict the player from breaking the original order of events by entering the Sith Military Base early. However, upon realizing the game is fully voiced for Canderous to mention your recruitment of T3-M4 before speaking to Canderous, as well as for getting the Launch Codes early, there was no real reason to restrict entry to the base. Enter whenever you desire! v1.3 - 3/13/2022 - Updated compatibility for K1 Community Patch by adding k_ptar_a05ab_en.ncs to the install files. The K1 Community Patch modifies the Vulkar Base door behind the Rancor and the On Enter script for the area to prevent reentry to the Vulkar Base "post-swoop race (and the Bek base if Gadon is dead)" (CP ChangeLog). By doing so, it did not allow players to break into the Sith Military Base at any point they pleased as this mod allows. The door to the Vulkar base behind the Rancor would simply not open. This update corrects that by placing a vanilla copy of the On enter script into your installation's override folder, bypassing the Community Patch's On Enter script that locks the door after a certain point in the Taris story. Requirements ============ IMPORTANT: If you plan to use the K1 Restoration or K1 Community Patch, these mods should be installed BEFORE installation of this mod. This mod can be installed to the base game without any additional mods. Installation ============ Copy k_ptar_opengate, tar02_janice021.dlg and k_ptar_a05ab_en.ncs to your override folder. You should not run across any override warnings. If you do, let me know. Description =========== -This mod allows for T3-M4 to be recruited whenever you would like (and have the credits to do so). No longer is T3 tied to the Taris endgame. You can recruit him before Canderous gives you the quest to do so by speaking to Janice Nall as usual. There will be a new dialogue option that allows you to purchase T3 from her early. -If you have recruited T3 before speaking to Canderous about the military base, Canderous will mention that your T3 unit will be able to get you in. This uses existing voice work found within the game that would seem to indicate it was the developer's intention at some point to let you recruit T3 earlier than possible in the launch version. -The Sith Military Base will open before speaking to Canderous if you're up for a challenge! Break into the Military base whenever you please with T3 and witness some hidden Canderous dialog for doing so. -If you wish to play the game as normal, that option remains. Canderous will still mention buying T3-M4 from Janice Nall. Getting Started =============== This mod only makes sense when starting a new playthrough or one that has not yet encountered Canderous in the Cantina. Simply play as normal and go to Janice Nall's droid shop and speak to her as normal, asking about the T3-M4 unit and persuading her to sell you the droid. Compatibility ============= IMPORTANT - This mod relies upon the files k_ptar_opengate, tar02_janice021.dlg and k_ptar_a05ab_en.ncs (when the Community Patch is installed) to work. Any mod that plays with these files will likely break or impair this one. PM me if you find ones that do so I can make this mod compatible. What Specifically does this mod do? =================================== -tar02_janice021.dlg was modified to give a new purchase dialog option when asking Janice Nall about T3-M4. This option will cycle into existing dialog as if you told Janice Canderous sent you. From here, everything goes as it normall does. -k_ptar_opengate.ncs was modified to give MoveTo instructions to a third party member while trying to save Hendar in the Taris Undercity. The original script only gave instructions to exit the gate to two party members as that is all you are intended to have at this stage in the game. -k_ptar_a05ab_en.ncs is in place to override changes made within the K1 Community Patch that prevented access to the Vulkar Base after certain conditions were met in the story line - ("post-swoop race (and the Bek base if Gadon is dead))" (CP ChangeLog). By overriding CP's copy of the script, that mod's change that prevented access is undone, allowing for entry into the Vulkar Base if the player did the Sith Military Base early. Permissions and Disclaimers =========================== I, brents742, reserve the right as author of this mod for sole permission to upload some or all of this mod anywhere for any reason. If you would like to include any part of this mod in anything, then please contact me for permission. The user of the mod is responsible for any damage to their game that may result from using this mod. Users are encouraged to make relevant backups and do their research on existing mods they have installed to double check compatibility. All efforts have been made to ensure this mod is as unobtrusive as possible but ultimate responsibility lies with the end user to check for possible conflicts before installing. Special Thanks ============== Fred Tetra - KOTOR Tool TK102 - DLG Editor Stoffe and Fair Strides - TSLPatcher -N-DReW25 for pointing out the infinte cutscene issue in the Taris Undercity -Squall Lionhart for reporting the Vulkar Base sewer door lock issue -JCarter426 for their help identifying the compatibility issues with Community Patch and potential solutions Prydeless for their pink lightsaber mod that inspired me to start modding to begin with. The entirety of the DeadlyStream modding forums for their inexaustible resources and information that allows anyone with a computer and an idea to sit down and learn how to make their first mod. Lucasarts, Bioware, and Obsidian for making a game I'm still funneling dozens of hours into nearly two decades after its initial release. Contact ======= PM me on Nexus or DeadlyStream or alternatively post on the mod itself and I will get back to you.
  4. The Recruitment Of Master Atris View File **IF YOU DOWNLOADED THE 3.0 VERSION OF THIS MOD, REMOVE BOTH " P_DarthTraya001.utc "AND "N_DarthTraya001.utc " FROM YOUR OVERRIDE FOLDER, THEN DOWNLOAD THIS MOD** The Recruitment of Master Atris by Reztea on Deadlystream! Majorly assisted by Bead-V on! ****TSLRCM MUST BE INSTALLED BEFORE THIS MOD IS**** It's here! In this mod you can officially recruit Jedi Master Atris! In this mod she will join you after battle in the Polar Academy. Your choices post-battle will decide her alignment and roles after she's been recruited. How To Install: 1. Find the file "The Recruitment Of Master Atris 3.0" tslpatcher. 2. Double click it. xD Source: I left a source folder for references in case any modders want take a crack at modding the game their selves. Special Thanks: SPECIAL THANKS TO THE DEVELOPERS FROM DEADLYSTREAM.COM FOR THE OPTIONAL PORTRAITS USED IN THIS MOD: Quanon: The Atris Renders. Sith Holocron: Background design, and holocron texture. SPECIAL THANKS TO THESE AMAZING PEOPLE WHO PUT UP WITH ALL MY QUESTIONS ON DEADLYSTREAM.COM! Bead-V (Especially you, honestly!) Sith Holocron JCarter426 Kexikus DarthTyren Fair Strides Enjoy the mod! Submitter Reztea Submitted 07/19/2015 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible  
  5. I created this thread to bring mods for kotor 1 and kotor 2 from other sites, some of these mods will work on android and i will update every day Mod note: file attachment removed.
  6. View File Recruit HK-47 Early Recruit HK-47 Early v1.0 ====================================== By brents742 ============ Version Notes ============= v1.0 - 4/9/2021 - Initial release Description =========== -This mod allows for recruiting HK-47 into your party as quick as possible in a way that lines up with the story arc. -By scrapping the damaged HK-50 unit inside the Telos Military Base, the player can pick up two additional HK parts (HK Droid Processor and HK Chassis). These, in combination with the parts received by the Peragus and Polar Mesa HK-50 encounters, will allow HK-47 to be rebuilt the moment the player returns to the Ebon Hawk after leaving the Telos Polar Academy. -Nothing has changed beyond what you are able to do with the damaged HK-50 droid in the Telos Military Base. If you want him to follow you and explode near the HK-50 Factory door as normal, you can still do that. -This mod simply adds a dialog option for scrapping the damaged HK-50 unit instead of programming it to follow you. Background ========== -I wanted to create a mod that allows you access to HK-47 early but in a way that makes sense. I toyed with giving the player every HK part on Peragus but ran into the question of where is HK-47 on Citadel Station? Was he taken with the Ebon Hawk? He wouldn't have allowed the Handmaiden to just walk in and steal the ship. If he is abducted, why is he nowhere in the Polar Academy? -These are all questions I may solve in a different, admittedly much harder to create, mod later on down the road. -For the meantime, this mod exists to give him to you as early as the story allows. -This, like all my mods, takes things that I usually cheat into the game and makes them part of the game. One could easily open up the cheat console and give all the hkparts the moment they leave Peragus if they wanted. But my vision with every mod I make is to render the cheat console as obsolete as possible. Requirements ============ TSLRCM 1.8.5 or above Installation ============ STEAM TSLRCM VERSION USERS: When installing with TSLPatcher, you MUST select your Steam workshop TSLRCM directory. Not the main KOTOR 2 directory. When asked by TSLPatcher to browse for a folder, go to your main Steam folder, then steamapps. Then workshop. Then content. Then 208580 (This is KOTOR 2's game code) then find the TSLRCM file. For TSLRCM + M4-78 it will be called 1402798020. For regular TSLRCM it will be called 485537937. Choose which of these folders you have for TSLPatcher to install to and let it work. If you are using other than English TSLRCM your folder code will be a little different. !!!IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THE ABOVE INSTRUCTIONS AND ARE USING THE STEAM VERSION OF 1.8.5 THE MOD WILL NOT WORK!!! NON STEAM TSLRCM VERSION USERS: Run TSLPatcher.exe and follow the prompts. The patcher will make backups of any existing files you may have that are the same as files this mod uses. Keep track of this backup folder - which will be located wherever you have the TSLPatcher.exe running from. Uninstalling ============ Copy and paste the original backed up files of 232tel.mod and 232TEL_dlg.erf that the TSLPacther made during installation into the Modules folder within your KOTOR II directory. Getting Started =============== This mod works best from a save before entering the Telos Military Base. You can use a save from within the Telos Military Base you may need to head back to the surface and reenter the Military Base to force the game to load the module again. Simply speak to the Damaged HK-50 droid and select the option that reads '[Repair] Scavenge the droid for HK series parts.' Important - Timing ================== You only get one shot to scrap the Damaged HK-50 droid. If you program it to follow you instead of scrapping it, you'll need to load up a different save and try again. Compatibility ============= IMPORTANT - This mod relies upon the hk50.dlg file located in the 232tel.mod and 232TEL_dlg.erf files. Any mod that changes the hk50.dlg file located within the previously mentioned files will not be compatible with this mod. A mod that modifies 232tel.mod and 232TEL_dlg.erf should be compatible so long as the hk50.dlg located within these files is not touched. If you run across a mod that this mod seems to conflict with, please let me know and I will work to update this mod to address it. What Specifically does this mod do? =================================== -hk50.dlg was modified within 232tel.mod and 232TEL_dlg.erf to give the player the option to scrap the damaged HK50 unit in the Telos Military Base. This new dialog option gives the player two HK parts. Specifically, hkpart01 and hkpart02 which are HK Droid Processor and HK Chassis -Created the following Booleans: KES_HK1 boolean - flags when the damaged HK-50 droid has been scrapped, preventing any further actions with the droid. Permissions and Disclaimers =========================== I, brents742, reserve the right as author of this mod for sole permission to upload some or all of this mod anywhere for any reason. If you would like to include any part of this mod in anything, then please contact me for permission. The user of the mod is responsible for any damage to their game that may result from using this mod. Users are encouraged to make relevant backups and do their research on existing mods they have installed to double check compatibility. All efforts have been made to ensure this mod is as unobtrusive as possible but ultimate responsibility lies with the end user to check for possible conflicts before installing. Special Thanks ============== Fred Tetra - KOTOR Tool TK102 - DLG Editor Stoffe and Fair Strides - TSLPatcher Prydeless for their pink lightsaber mod that inspired me to begin modding to begin with. The entirety of the DeadlyStream modding forums for their inexhaustible resources and information that allows anyone with a computer and an idea to sit down and learn how to make their first mod. Lucasarts, Bioware, and Obsidian for making a game I'm still funneling dozens of hours into nearly two decades after its initial release. Contact ======= PM me on Nexus or DeadlyStream or alternatively post on the mod itself and I will get back to you. Submitter brents742 Submitted 04/10/2021 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Recruit HK-47 Early v1.0 ====================================== By brents742 ============ Version Notes ============= v1.0 - 4/9/2021 - Initial release Description =========== -This mod allows for recruiting HK-47 into your party as quick as possible in a way that lines up with the story arc. -By scrapping the damaged HK-50 unit inside the Telos Military Base, the player can pick up two additional HK parts (HK Droid Processor and HK Chassis). These, in combination with the parts received by the Peragus and Polar Mesa HK-50 encounters, will allow HK-47 to be rebuilt the moment the player returns to the Ebon Hawk after leaving the Telos Polar Academy. -Nothing has changed beyond what you are able to do with the damaged HK-50 droid in the Telos Military Base. If you want him to follow you and explode near the HK-50 Factory door as normal, you can still do that. -This mod simply adds a dialog option for scrapping the damaged HK-50 unit instead of programming it to follow you. Background ========== -I wanted to create a mod that allows you access to HK-47 early but in a way that makes sense. I toyed with giving the player every HK part on Peragus but ran into the question of where is HK-47 on Citadel Station? Was he taken with the Ebon Hawk? He wouldn't have allowed the Handmaiden to just walk in and steal the ship. If he is abducted, why is he nowhere in the Polar Academy? -These are all questions I may solve in a different, admittedly much harder to create, mod later on down the road. -For the meantime, this mod exists to give him to you as early as the story allows. -This, like all my mods, takes things that I usually cheat into the game and makes them part of the game. One could easily open up the cheat console and give all the hkparts the moment they leave Peragus if they wanted. But my vision with every mod I make is to render the cheat console as obsolete as possible. Requirements ============ TSLRCM 1.8.5 or above Installation ============ STEAM TSLRCM VERSION USERS: When installing with TSLPatcher, you MUST select your Steam workshop TSLRCM directory. Not the main KOTOR 2 directory. When asked by TSLPatcher to browse for a folder, go to your main Steam folder, then steamapps. Then workshop. Then content. Then 208580 (This is KOTOR 2's game code) then find the TSLRCM file. For TSLRCM + M4-78 it will be called 1402798020. For regular TSLRCM it will be called 485537937. Choose which of these folders you have for TSLPatcher to install to and let it work. If you are using other than English TSLRCM your folder code will be a little different. !!!IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THE ABOVE INSTRUCTIONS AND ARE USING THE STEAM VERSION OF 1.8.5 THE MOD WILL NOT WORK!!! NON STEAM TSLRCM VERSION USERS: Run TSLPatcher.exe and follow the prompts. The patcher will make backups of any existing files you may have that are the same as files this mod uses. Keep track of this backup folder - which will be located wherever you have the TSLPatcher.exe running from. Uninstalling ============ Copy and paste the original backed up files of 232tel.mod and 232TEL_dlg.erf that the TSLPacther made during installation into the Modules folder within your KOTOR II directory. Getting Started =============== This mod works best from a save before entering the Telos Military Base. You can use a save from within the Telos Military Base you may need to head back to the surface and reenter the Military Base to force the game to load the module again. Simply speak to the Damaged HK-50 droid and select the option that reads '[Repair] Scavenge the droid for HK series parts.' Important - Timing ================== You only get one shot to scrap the Damaged HK-50 droid. If you program it to follow you instead of scrapping it, you'll need to load up a different save and try again. Compatibility ============= IMPORTANT - This mod relies upon the hk50.dlg file located in the 232tel.mod and 232TEL_dlg.erf files. Any mod that changes the hk50.dlg file located within the previously mentioned files will not be compatible with this mod. A mod that modifies 232tel.mod and 232TEL_dlg.erf should be compatible so long as the hk50.dlg located within these files is not touched. If you run across a mod that this mod seems to conflict with, please let me know and I will work to update this mod to address it. What Specifically does this mod do? =================================== -hk50.dlg was modified within 232tel.mod and 232TEL_dlg.erf to give the player the option to scrap the damaged HK50 unit in the Telos Military Base. This new dialog option gives the player two HK parts. Specifically, hkpart01 and hkpart02 which are HK Droid Processor and HK Chassis -Created the following Booleans: KES_HK1 boolean - flags when the damaged HK-50 droid has been scrapped, preventing any further actions with the droid. Permissions and Disclaimers =========================== I, brents742, reserve the right as author of this mod for sole permission to upload some or all of this mod anywhere for any reason. If you would like to include any part of this mod in anything, then please contact me for permission. The user of the mod is responsible for any damage to their game that may result from using this mod. Users are encouraged to make relevant backups and do their research on existing mods they have installed to double check compatibility. All efforts have been made to ensure this mod is as unobtrusive as possible but ultimate responsibility lies with the end user to check for possible conflicts before installing. Special Thanks ============== Fred Tetra - KOTOR Tool TK102 - DLG Editor Stoffe and Fair Strides - TSLPatcher Prydeless for their pink lightsaber mod that inspired me to begin modding to begin with. The entirety of the DeadlyStream modding forums for their inexhaustible resources and information that allows anyone with a computer and an idea to sit down and learn how to make their first mod. Lucasarts, Bioware, and Obsidian for making a game I'm still funneling dozens of hours into nearly two decades after its initial release. Contact ======= PM me on Nexus or DeadlyStream or alternatively post on the mod itself and I will get back to you.
  8. View File Recruit T3-M4 Early Recruit T3-M4 Early Mod v1.3 ====================================== By brents742 ============ Version Notes ============= v1.0 - 4/7/2021 - Initial release v1.1 - 4/9/2021 - Added instructions for a third party member to exit out the main gate in the Taris Undercity as opposed to the base game only giving instructions to two party members as that's all you're supposed to have at that point in the game. This solves an issue where the cutscene to save Hendar would seemingly go on forever. v1.2 - 12/30/2021 - Removed k_ptar_openbase from install files to maintain compatibility with the K1 Community Patch. This script was initially modified for this mod to restrict the player from breaking the original order of events by entering the Sith Military Base early. However, upon realizing the game is fully voiced for Canderous to mention your recruitment of T3-M4 before speaking to Canderous, as well as for getting the Launch Codes early, there was no real reason to restrict entry to the base. Enter whenever you desire! v1.3 - 3/13/2022 - Updated compatibility for K1 Community Patch by adding k_ptar_a05ab_en.ncs to the install files. The K1 Community Patch modifies the Vulkar Base door behind the Rancor and the On Enter script for the area to prevent reentry to the Vulkar Base "post-swoop race (and the Bek base if Gadon is dead)" (CP ChangeLog). By doing so, it did not allow players to break into the Sith Military Base at any point they pleased as this mod allows. The door to the Vulkar base behind the Rancor would simply not open. This update corrects that by placing a vanilla copy of the On enter script into your installation's override folder, bypassing the Community Patch's On Enter script that locks the door after a certain point in the Taris story. Requirements ============ IMPORTANT: If you plan to use the K1 Restoration or K1 Community Patch, these mods should be installed BEFORE installation of this mod. This mod can be installed to the base game without any additional mods. Installation ============ Copy k_ptar_opengate, tar02_janice021.dlg and k_ptar_a05ab_en.ncs to your override folder. You should not run across any override warnings. If you do, let me know. Description =========== -This mod allows for T3-M4 to be recruited whenever you would like (and have the credits to do so). No longer is T3 tied to the Taris endgame. You can recruit him before Canderous gives you the quest to do so by speaking to Janice Nall as usual. There will be a new dialogue option that allows you to purchase T3 from her early. -If you have recruited T3 before speaking to Canderous about the military base, Canderous will mention that your T3 unit will be able to get you in. This uses existing voice work found within the game that would seem to indicate it was the developer's intention at some point to let you recruit T3 earlier than possible in the launch version. -The Sith Military Base will open before speaking to Canderous if you're up for a challenge! Break into the Military base whenever you please with T3 and witness some hidden Canderous dialog for doing so. -If you wish to play the game as normal, that option remains. Canderous will still mention buying T3-M4 from Janice Nall. Getting Started =============== This mod only makes sense when starting a new playthrough or one that has not yet encountered Canderous in the Cantina. Simply play as normal and go to Janice Nall's droid shop and speak to her as normal, asking about the T3-M4 unit and persuading her to sell you the droid. Compatibility ============= IMPORTANT - This mod relies upon the files k_ptar_opengate, tar02_janice021.dlg and k_ptar_a05ab_en.ncs (when the Community Patch is installed) to work. Any mod that plays with these files will likely break or impair this one. PM me if you find ones that do so I can make this mod compatible. What Specifically does this mod do? =================================== -tar02_janice021.dlg was modified to give a new purchase dialog option when asking Janice Nall about T3-M4. This option will cycle into existing dialog as if you told Janice Canderous sent you. From here, everything goes as it normall does. -k_ptar_opengate.ncs was modified to give MoveTo instructions to a third party member while trying to save Hendar in the Taris Undercity. The original script only gave instructions to exit the gate to two party members as that is all you are intended to have at this stage in the game. -k_ptar_a05ab_en.ncs is in place to override changes made within the K1 Community Patch that prevented access to the Vulkar Base after certain conditions were met in the story line - ("post-swoop race (and the Bek base if Gadon is dead))" (CP ChangeLog). By overriding CP's copy of the script, that mod's change that prevented access is undone, allowing for entry into the Vulkar Base if the player did the Sith Military Base early. Permissions and Disclaimers =========================== I, brents742, reserve the right as author of this mod for sole permission to upload some or all of this mod anywhere for any reason. If you would like to include any part of this mod in anything, then please contact me for permission. The user of the mod is responsible for any damage to their game that may result from using this mod. Users are encouraged to make relevant backups and do their research on existing mods they have installed to double check compatibility. All efforts have been made to ensure this mod is as unobtrusive as possible but ultimate responsibility lies with the end user to check for possible conflicts before installing. Special Thanks ============== Fred Tetra - KOTOR Tool TK102 - DLG Editor Stoffe and Fair Strides - TSLPatcher -N-DReW25 for pointing out the infinte cutscene issue in the Taris Undercity -Squall Lionhart for reporting the Vulkar Base sewer door lock issue -JCarter426 for their help identifying the compatibility issues with Community Patch and potential solutions Prydeless for their pink lightsaber mod that inspired me to start modding to begin with. The entirety of the DeadlyStream modding forums for their inexaustible resources and information that allows anyone with a computer and an idea to sit down and learn how to make their first mod. Lucasarts, Bioware, and Obsidian for making a game I'm still funneling dozens of hours into nearly two decades after its initial release. Contact ======= PM me on Nexus or DeadlyStream or alternatively post on the mod itself and I will get back to you. Submitter brents742 Submitted 04/07/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes