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Version 1.0.0
New Force Sight mechanics, including stat bonuses and a higher-tier Force Sight power. Also turns Force Sight on permanently when controlling Visas. SUMMARY: In the game, Visas can teach you Force Sight which allows you to see the alignment of characters around you, occasionally through some obstacles. It's a cool RP thing but not really something you use often. This mod aims to improve Force Sight by giving it new bonuses and mechanics, including the addition of a higher-tier Improved Force Sight power which can boost your defense, making it useful in combat. In the spirit of my "skills affect Force Power" mods, the effects of Force Sight are linked to your Awareness skill. High awareness Jedi Seer build? In addition to the usual effects, Force Sight now grants a bonus to Awareness. While in vanilla this is only useful for detecting mines (through the Force?) and maybe skill checks if you time it right, this mod is intended to synergize with my other mod True Sith Assassins & Awareness Restoration which makes the Awareness skill necessary for detecting Sith Assassins and avoiding sneak attacks. When using that mod, the Awareness bonus becomes very useful in areas with Sith Assassins, especially on the final planet. After learning Force Sight from Visas, you can upgrade the power to Improved Force Sight, which gives a higher Awareness bonus and also boosts your Defense depending on your base Awareness rank. My thought is that an advanced Jedi could take advantage of this power in battle, using Force Sight to better perceive their enemies' movements. The degree to which they can do this is tied to their inherent skill in perceiving the world. Think of it like an alternative, temporary kind of Battle Precognition that you can get through Visas if you don't have Handmaiden (or fall out of her graces). This mod will also make it so that Force Sight is on permanently while controlling Visas. In vanilla, it's only turned on in first-person view. She will come with the Improved Force Sight power and can spend FP to temporarily get the stat bonuses. In order for the changes to Visas to take place, this mod must be installed before your first encounter with her. DETAILS: In addition to the normal effects, Force Sight now grants a +4 bonus to Awareness. The power still costs 15 FPs. Improved Force Sight grants a +8 bonus to Awareness and +1 Defense for every 3 points in the base Awareness skll rank (not including bonuses from items, attributes, or effects, including from this power). This power costs 20 FPs. This means that with 18 points in Awareness, you'll gain a +6 Defense bonus, equivalent to Force Armor. By the end-game it's feasible to have 30 points spent in Awareness, translating to a +10 Defense bonus. The duration of both powers are extended by 1 second for every 2 points in your base Awareness rank. Due to how the mod works, Force Sight will be visible when leveling up, but you won’t be able to select it and still must learn it from Visas. Improved Force Sight will be selectable after you learn Force Sight as long as you’re level 12 or higher. INSTALLATION: To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If an edited file already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the "backup" folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe, along with a backup of dialog.tlk. UNINSTALLATION: To uninstall, remove the following files from override: - spells.2da - effecticon.2da - p_visas.utc - m_imp_forcesight.ncs - m_spn_visas.ncs - ip_forcesight2.tga Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder (outside override) with the unaltered versiion in the backup folder. If any other files were created inside the backup folder, move them to override. COMPATIBILITY: Compatible with Visas Marr: Sith Assassin. May conflict with mods that edit Visas. Compatible with and intended to compliment True Sith Assassins & Awareness Restoration. Should be compatible with anything else as long as it uses a patcher and doesn't edit the Force Sight script. PERMISSIONS: Please don’t reupload without my permission. CREDITS: offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Holocron Toolset - Cortisol- 3 comments
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View File Improved Force Sight New Force Sight mechanics, including stat bonuses and a higher-tier Force Sight power. Also turns Force Sight on permanently when controlling Visas. SUMMARY: In the game, Visas can teach you Force Sight which allows you to see the alignment of characters around you, occasionally through some obstacles. It's a cool RP thing but not really something you use often. This mod aims to improve Force Sight by giving it new bonuses and mechanics, including the addition of a higher-tier Improved Force Sight power which can boost your defense, making it useful in combat. In the spirit of my "skills affect Force Power" mods, the effects of Force Sight are linked to your Awareness skill. High awareness Jedi Seer build? In addition to the usual effects, Force Sight now grants a bonus to Awareness. While in vanilla this is only useful for detecting mines (through the Force?) and maybe skill checks if you time it right, this mod is intended to synergize with my other mod True Sith Assassins & Awareness Restoration which makes the Awareness skill necessary for detecting Sith Assassins and avoiding sneak attacks. When using that mod, the Awareness bonus becomes very useful in areas with Sith Assassins, especially on the final planet. After learning Force Sight from Visas, you can upgrade the power to Improved Force Sight, which gives a higher Awareness bonus and also boosts your Defense depending on your base Awareness rank. My thought is that an advanced Jedi could take advantage of this power in battle, using Force Sight to better perceive their enemies' movements. The degree to which they can do this is tied to their inherent skill in perceiving the world. Think of it like an alternative, temporary kind of Battle Precognition that you can get through Visas if you don't have Handmaiden (or fall out of her graces). This mod will also make it so that Force Sight is on permanently while controlling Visas. In vanilla, it's only turned on in first-person view. She will come with the Improved Force Sight power and can spend FP to temporarily get the stat bonuses. In order for the changes to Visas to take place, this mod must be installed before your first encounter with her. DETAILS: In addition to the normal effects, Force Sight now grants a +4 bonus to Awareness. The power still costs 15 FPs. Improved Force Sight grants a +8 bonus to Awareness and +1 Defense for every 3 points in the base Awareness skll rank (not including bonuses from items, attributes, or effects, including from this power). This power costs 20 FPs. This means that with 18 points in Awareness, you'll gain a +6 Defense bonus, equivalent to Force Armor. By the end-game it's feasible to have 30 points spent in Awareness, translating to a +10 Defense bonus. The duration of both powers are extended by 1 second for every 2 points in your base Awareness rank. Due to how the mod works, Force Sight will be visible when leveling up, but you won’t be able to select it and still must learn it from Visas. Improved Force Sight will be selectable after you learn Force Sight as long as you’re level 12 or higher. INSTALLATION: To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If an edited file already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the "backup" folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe, along with a backup of dialog.tlk. UNINSTALLATION: To uninstall, remove the following files from override: - spells.2da - effecticon.2da - p_visas.utc - m_imp_forcesight.ncs - m_spn_visas.ncs - ip_forcesight2.tga Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder (outside override) with the unaltered versiion in the backup folder. If any other files were created inside the backup folder, move them to override. COMPATIBILITY: Compatible with Visas Marr: Sith Assassin. May conflict with mods that edit Visas. Compatible with and intended to compliment True Sith Assassins & Awareness Restoration. Should be compatible with anything else as long as it uses a patcher and doesn't edit the Force Sight script. PERMISSIONS: Please don’t reupload without my permission. CREDITS: offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Holocron Toolset - Cortisol Submitter offthegridmorty Submitted 01/27/2025 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
- force powers
- skills
(and 2 more)
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View File Visas Marr: Sith Assassin Makes Visas a Sith Assassin. SUMMARY: This mod switches Visas' class from Jedi Sentinel to Sith Assassin. It's a fitting class story-wise given that she is an assassin sent by the Sith when you meet her. This is purely for fun, not balance. Sentinels and Assassins both have their advantages, so it doesn't necessarily make her better or worse, just more stealth-oriented. Her attributes and skills are untouched. The main changes going from Sentinel to Assassin are: - Better defense per level - +2 Force points per level - Lower Fortitude & Will saves - Demolitions class skill instead of Treat Injury - Granted Sneak Attack - Granted Force Camouflage - Granted Weapon Focus: Lightsaber - Slower feat progression - No Force Immunity feats - Can't learn Close Combat, Dual Strike, or Regenerate Vitality feats NOTE: This mod will only work on saves made prior to meeting Visas. INSTALLATION: To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If an edited file already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the "backup" folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe. UNINSTALLATION: To uninstall, remove p_visas.utc and visascut.utc from your override folder. If any files were created inside the backup folder, move them to override. COMPATIBILITY: Will conflict with mods that edit Visas' class, obviously. May conflict with mods that edit Visas' starting powers, feats, or stats. Should be compatible with mods that edit Visas appearance, models/textures. Compatibility is assuming other mods use TSLPatcher or this mod is installed after. To be safe I recommend installing this mod after others that edit Visas. CREDITS: offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Holocron Toolset - Cortisol Submitter offthegridmorty Submitted 11/03/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
- sith assassin
- prestige class
(and 2 more)
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Version 1.0.0
Makes Visas a Sith Assassin. SUMMARY: This mod switches Visas' class from Jedi Sentinel to Sith Assassin. It's a fitting class story-wise given that she is an assassin sent by the Sith when you meet her. This is purely for fun, not balance. Sentinels and Assassins both have their advantages, so it doesn't necessarily make her better or worse, just more stealth-oriented. Her attributes and skills are untouched. The main changes going from Sentinel to Assassin are: - Better defense per level - +2 Force points per level - Lower Fortitude & Will saves - Demolitions class skill instead of Treat Injury - Granted Sneak Attack - Granted Force Camouflage - Granted Weapon Focus: Lightsaber - Slower feat progression - No Force Immunity feats - Can't learn Close Combat, Dual Strike, or Regenerate Vitality feats NOTE: This mod will only work on saves made prior to meeting Visas. INSTALLATION: To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If an edited file already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the "backup" folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe. UNINSTALLATION: To uninstall, remove p_visas.utc and visascut.utc from your override folder. If any files were created inside the backup folder, move them to override. COMPATIBILITY: Will conflict with mods that edit Visas' class, obviously. May conflict with mods that edit Visas' starting powers, feats, or stats. Should be compatible with mods that edit Visas appearance, models/textures. Compatibility is assuming other mods use TSLPatcher or this mod is installed after. To be safe I recommend installing this mod after others that edit Visas. CREDITS: offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Holocron Toolset - Cortisol-
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- visas
- sith assassin
(and 2 more)
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Version 1.0
Visas' Dancer Outfit By Fair Strides Description: This is a small and simple mod that allows Visas Marr to wear the Dancer's Outfit you get on Nar Shaddaa when you dance for Vogga. It will also give you the opportunity to have Visas dance for Vogga just before you will acquire the outfit. Installation: Simply unpack the mod and run the TSLPatcher.exe to select an install option. To get Visas to actually dance for Vogga, you will have to run the install three times; once to allow her to wear the outfit, and two more times to install both parts of the dancing for Vogga sequence. A small warning about making Visas dance for Vogga: this mod is both compatible with TSLRCM and separate from it. In order to make this so, I've added unmodded versions of the levels I edit with this mod, but if you have TSLRCM installed, these unmodded versions won't be installed and they will give off a warning saying that the file already exists. This is harmless and perfectly okay. Uninstallation: Each folder inside the tslpatchdata folder has an info.rtf file that has uninstallation instructions for that particular install option. Permissions: You have my express permission to re-upload this mod wherever, but only on FOUR conditions: 1. You do not change anything whatsoever about it. 2. You do not upload it to the Steam Workshop. This mod and the way it is done is not designed for Steam Workshop's way of installing mods. Files actually need to be patched for this mod to work. 3. You give credit to me as the author of this mod and must leave the read-me included and intact. 4. You do not re-use the resources/files involved in compatibility with Varsity Puppet's "Visas Unmasked!" mod. If you wish to do so, you must contact Varsity Puppet at Lucasforums or Deadlystream, and he must say yes for you to use them! Credits: -loseryoda from the KotOR Sub-reddit for making the request in the first place, even if I have gone a little bit beyond what he was requesting... -Varsity Puppet for allowing me to use parts of his Visas Unmasked installer to make the compatibility option. -
Greetings to all. Was listening through ..\StreamVoices\GBL files, and found certain dialogue lines from Kreia and Visas. Spoilers I guess (highlight to view): Kreia: " Are you ready for more combat training?" "Very well, let us see the miraluka. We will require her assistance" Also she tells you to not waste her time, If you don't want to fight. VIsas: "This is the second time you have showed me mercy.." and other lines. Then Visas trains you lightsaber combat without Kreia's supervision. (Haven't figured out how to do "spoiler" thing properly, sorry.) Does this all imply that there was supposed to be a *second* spar practice with Visas? Is it in plans to restore, and is it possible to restore? Or is it already in the game and I just haven't bumped into it? Thank you.
- 11 replies
- Cut content
- Visas
(and 1 more)
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Hello! Just wondering if the Visas dialogue bug was fixed with regards to Force Sight. I've tried looking at the known issues list/changelog without much success. Specifically: The first time you speak to Visas, you are able to hear her describe her Force Sight ability and you get the notification that she has it. However, Asking "I've heard your species is blind..." will bring up an influence gate. While failing that check wont remove the dialogue anymore, it DOES seem to remove the subsequent option to ask "How do you see through the force?". Can anyone confirm that this is unfixed? Again: "I've heard your species is blind..." --> *influence check: success* --> "You sound as though your sight has been lost to you." --> "When one endures..." --> "How do you see through the force?" --> *influence check: success* --> Force Sight. However, failing the first influence check even once seems to remove the "How do you see through the force?" forever.
Solved by un/re-installing all mods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, After the Red Eclipse Landing dispute mission on Nar Shaddaa (1st planet I visited after Telos) , Visas is on Board of the Ebon Hawk and is not interactive. The cutscene never triggered and no other party members are in the ship, nor can I leave the Ebon Hawk. After replaying from a save approx. 1 hour before the error and encountering the same 'bug', I used a warp code to leave the Ebon Hawk, which triggered the entire Goto related questline. After finishing this, I returned to the Ebon Hawk and still had Visas standing around, but not interactive. Is there any way to add Visas as a companion, or to still trigger the cut-scene and fight? TSLRCM 1.8.4 (logo is present in start screen) Steam version, Fresh install Language English, TSLRCM English Windows 10 Pro. 64-bit Thanks for any advice
Visas' Dancer Outfit and Dance View File Visas' Dancer Outfit By Fair Strides Description: This is a small and simple mod that allows Visas Marr to wear the Dancer's Outfit you get on Nar Shaddaa when you dance for Vogga. It will also give you the opportunity to have Visas dance for Vogga just before you will acquire the outfit. Installation: Simply unpack the mod and run the TSLPatcher.exe to select an install option. To get Visas to actually dance for Vogga, you will have to run the install three times; once to allow her to wear the outfit, and two more times to install both parts of the dancing for Vogga sequence. A small warning about making Visas dance for Vogga: this mod is both compatible with TSLRCM and separate from it. In order to make this so, I've added unmodded versions of the levels I edit with this mod, but if you have TSLRCM installed, these unmodded versions won't be installed and they will give off a warning saying that the file already exists. This is harmless and perfectly okay. Uninstallation: Each folder inside the tslpatchdata folder has an info.rtf file that has uninstallation instructions for that particular install option. Permissions: You have my express permission to re-upload this mod wherever, but only on FOUR conditions: 1. You do not change anything whatsoever about it. 2. You do not upload it to the Steam Workshop. This mod and the way it is done is not designed for Steam Workshop's way of installing mods. Files actually need to be patched for this mod to work. 3. You give credit to me as the author of this mod and must leave the read-me included and intact. 4. You do not re-use the resources/files involved in compatibility with Varsity Puppet's "Visas Unmasked!" mod. If you wish to do so, you must contact Varsity Puppet at Lucasforums or Deadlystream, and he must say yes for you to use them! Credits: -loseryoda from the KotOR Sub-reddit for making the request in the first place, even if I have gone a little bit beyond what he was requesting... -Varsity Puppet for allowing me to use parts of his Visas Unmasked installer to make the compatibility option. Submitter Fair Strides Submitted 12/13/2015 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible
- marr
- visas marr
- (and 5 more)
I am experiencing a black screen after the red eclipse battle when a cutscene showing visas and Darth Nilius. After the cutscene is done, I get a black screen in which my mouse is moveable but nothing else is displayed on the screen. I read somewhere that lowering the settings would fix it but it hasn't so far. Any ideas?