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Everything posted by Desmond

  1. Met up with some nasty problem with restored tournament on manaan. I beat all top five and now seems to unable to take my money, whole 64000 credits. Game chashes as soon as organizer finish his congratulation speech. I use few mods but most of them are just texture and meshes mods. Other then that I only use class mod from compatible list Has anyone meet similar error? Can I fix it somehow without leaving money behind xD
  2. No progress of making this compatible with TCLRCM?(
  3. Ok, I completed the Droid planet a second time. Right now, as I see, there are two main problem in this mod: 1) Despite the fact that story is pretty well written, there are absolutely no way to influence the planet. No matter what path you walk, the end is still absolutely the same. And this doesn't create a very good contrast to other parts of the game. 2) Companions which are one of largest parts of the game have no role on M4-78. That again makes the planet seem not like a natural parts of game. We have no "droid hater" words from Atton, Bao-dur doesn't give his opinion. I understand that there is a lack of original dialogs to work with but it still leaves pretty bad feelings. (Also Vash's dialogs when you are darksider is feel a bit... incomplete again it maybe course of lack of voiced lines...) On the other hand, this mod represents a great challenge. I played this first as light sided Consular/Jedi Master then as dark sided Guardian/Sith Marauder in heavy armor. Must notice that some fight for second character was almost unbeatable (specifically, the killing of tester unit and boss in environment zone). To be precise, they beat the crap out my party so I was forced to call mother Kreia to help me with force storm spam)) Still, some droids look pretty unbalanced. I1-02 was able to kill four(!) Sith war droid when I first time tried to kill them and use hit-and-run (well, more run-for-your-life) tactic. Voices are pretty great, also I do not like that several droids talk on binary and we can read their phrases normally. It's, well, feels a bit unnatural. But understandable and after all, there are T3 levels in original game. Overall mod is great. One of the best fan works I ever saw(for every games I played) P.S. Since all maintenance have names, maybe it would be better to address to them by those names ... or at least remove the plain maintenance droids?
  4. Or you can make yourself double blade. After all, duals become better then double-blade only after you receive enough really good crystals. Then you need only 2nd lightsaber for Visas.
  5. Well, I used cheats to receive it and I think I understand problem with it. Non-upgradeable lightsaber with only bonus is attack +1... That look so pathetic. Simple lightsaber without additional crystals with 1st level upgrades for emitter, lens and third slot(forgot name) can be much stronger, so this cool sword would be thrown away with second lightsaber player could find... which is pretty soon). And if let player upgrade item... Crystal will be removed just after player receive this saber)) Possibly they thought to make it as Dak'kon's karach but didn't have enough time... But I must agree - as it now it make no sense to restore it. It would be just another mediocre item.
  6. Really? Never noticed before... Didn't know... Why it wasn't restored in TSLRCM? It make sense after all. Even without lightsaber lesson exile can noticed that he interested in Visas saber...
  7. Hmmm is it possible to "rebuild" player charecter through script? Like change class without loosing every feat and skillpoint players has...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Desmond


      Just making some small thoughts about 3-rd class for player. For example we have Mical. He is solder. When we turn him into consular. He lose all solder lvl but retain all feats he had, all skill he had and become consular with some addition feats that show his solder past. So then we can give him pr class and he will be Consular/Jedi Master with solder taste. Like he would have 3 classes.

    3. Darth_Sapiens
    4. Desmond


      Some time age I saw this been used in WC3 map. Main problem is that class change may happen at any lvl(in case of Mical. In player case it's a bit more controllable... but still) so how, for example, modify his hp. After all solder has highter hit dice and highter attack as consular and this addtioins should be dinamically calculated...

  8. Hmm.. what level of "character name" crystal can be obtained in TSL without any mods... 6? Or 7?

    1. gua543


      You get it from the cave on Dantooine, but I think you are around levels 10-15 when you leave Telos. I didn't really understood your question but I hope my answer helps.

    2. Desmond


      Players crystal has 45 forms. 8 lvl and 5 types(max dark, dark, neutral, light, max light). When you ask Kreia to upgrade it - you recieve new crystal based on your lvl and alignment. Max 8 lvl crystal palayer teoretically could recieve if ask Kreia about it after 33 lvl. This lvl is unachievable in base game. SO I'm asking - how powerful crystal can be recieved in base game withoit any cheats

  9. Not sure is it TSLRCM, M4-78ep or result of improved jedi sacks... but I can't teach disciple anything! I was able to turn him to consular but he miss all dialogs that allow me to teach him feat, force powers and saber forms I know... Also can't leave it unnoticed but in lightsaber training session Visas remark that her lightsaber cristal is unique. While she has lightsaber and crystal you give to her P.S> Is it possibble to make stealth g0-t0's class feat? Or at least let him choose feat that make that? After all ability to move unnotised is one of g0-t0 main sellpoints and it's hardly very useble...
  10. I hope Disnay let them do it)) Obsidian has strong writers, so story and charecters must be great.
  11. How can I lower influence with Atton? All that I know that one influence minus can be achieved through dialog about Echani training. Are there any other places or situations where it can be achieved?
  12. I think it's good idea) Many people can find bugs faster then one(not to mention they can find bug in such places where author wouldn't even watch:)) I found man who still uses TSLRP and think it's the final version! He was shocked that there is another restoration mod:)
  13. Am I the only one who hate Czerka twi'lek from Telos military base(where HK factory hidden and where Exile find new shuttle)?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bendarby24
    3. HaVoKeR


      yep, whats his point by the way? Cant we kill it? like wtf... guess it would be a easy mod to kill it, just like kill ithorian.

      Maybe add many cruel ways to kill it. hahaha

    4. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter


      And yes, you can kill him.

  14. Thats not a part of my theory. Just note. If we presume that Bao-dur indeed die near HK, not on Ravenger as I think) Bao-dur understtod that everything coming from Malacore. So he desided to turn shadow generator on. He decided to help HK to get his help for it. G0-t0 hear that and try to stop bao-dur. Yea, sound stupid. So I stick with my upper theory about Ravenger and charged)
  15. After last play through of Kotor 2, I had some ideas about what originally should happened with Bao-Dur. I might not be correct and more - there is a contradiction with this theory. First of all - on Ravager we meet Colonel Tobin, and light side characters can convince him to fight with Darth Nihilus. If you do that, Mandalore would say that he need someone to blow up charges. But... don't you find it strange though? For Canderous blowing up Ravager would be a beginning of new era. It will mark the resurrection of his people. And other Mandalorians see that as well. There should be plenty of Mandalorians who would be glad to do that, since it would be a tremendous honor. But Mandalore asks an outsider - and even more, an enemy - to do that. Why? My idea - because to set charges off someone need to remain on the ship. That way it's beginning to make sense. That is a real big honor to blow up Ravager. And any Mandalorian would be happy to do it. But Mandalore doesn't want to loose his people. So he happily lets Tobin help out because it is a way to save at least one more Mandalorian. Then, after Ravager Exile has a somewhat mystical-like dialog with Bao-Dur's "spirit". In this dialog there is a funny line. About Ebon Hawk been torn out from Malachor. But... it was never stated before. However it was stated that Ravager was at Malachor V. Moreover - whole Bao-Dur line sounds as valedictory speech. So on my personal opinion in original script this dialog should have taken place on the Ravager. Next, there was a line about "Make my sacrifice matter". What sacrifice? I know that Chris Avellone stated that Bao-Dur should die helping HK-47 reach manufacturing plant. But I can't imagine a realistic situation where Bao-Dur will say that to HK-47. (Also HK-47 killing G0-T0 can be a way for him to avenge the Iridonian and it would make G0-T0 Bao-Dur's killer.) But if we presume that after helping HK, Bao-Dur found his way to the Ravager. There he has this dialog with Exile and lets everyone to fly off the ship. Then he dies, setting off proton charges. Also for him such act would be like redemption for Malachor V. He destroys a planet, but now he saves Telos station and all other worlds which will "echo Telos destruction." Yep my idea contradicts the official source but still, for me it's pretty solid.
  16. Desmond

    HK Factory.

    Can someone tell me how to turn on console for HK-51? And where is their core? I only managed to find panel from maintance droid...
  17. What Bekkel problem? Every time I play I simply can't understand that beast rider. Is that some special days or what? Why so hostle?

    1. Malkior


      Blame the Juma Juice...

    2. Desmond


      How much juma juice you need to drink to attack someone who want to give you money? 0_0

  18. Ok, need to learn Kotor modding... what is better to try - add a little sence to Telos or try to why my own Malacore with Blackjack and all...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Desmond


      Actually I see absolutely no sence in "Czerka take over Telos". It's not their ways. Corrupt companies do not do thing that way and I doubt that highter administation would be pleased if Lorso do that. They may take over one station, but company will completely loose it's face. Not a wise trade

    3. Darth_Sapiens


      well they take over behind the scenes, when you wipe out the exchange effectively annihilate the ithorians power, and if you do the black market thing, czerka has there hand in that, essentially czerka does take over the station.

    4. Desmond


      Darth_Sapiens, as I understand gua543 was talking about small unrestored part of content, when Jana Lorso say that Czerka is taking over station.

  19. After Telos Academy I asked T3 to show masters hiding places again. And he show me that Vash is on M4-78 also I haven't go to the Korriban. Looks like smal bug)
  20. Crap! I want to play M4-78 but game constantly crash when I try to land on Telos serfice. Only few words from admiral and... thats all(( Also find some illogics in TSLRCM additions on Peragus

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. zbyl2


      Something must have bugged for you - docking scene is still there.

    3. Desmond


      Looks like that. Couse I can't understand why is it needed to remove such scene. It's not a plot hole or something)

    4. Darth Hayze

      Darth Hayze

      The scene is still there for me. It just is no longer that awful low resolution .bik movie.

  21. Finally download M4-78ep... now how is that better be. Nar shadda for G0-t0 or strain to Korriban. As a Droid world it look like paradice to G0-t0))

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Might I suggest grabbing G0-T0 first? He can be used on M4-78. :: wink ::

    2. Desmond


      Yeah, I kinda also think so... But it a whole planet before testing new place t_t

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Well that depends on how badly you want to get there. He isn't required.

  22. But it's one step closer to target)
  23. Not yet. There is still Malachor and GenoHaradan.
  24. Interesting, should I install Kotor 2 on my new Ubuntu notebook...

  25. Kinda a strange bug - after I reinstall windows game start to fall every time when I come to shattle on Telos surface(after Chodo or Chzerka quests). I hear few words from admiral and game crash. First I think that it's TSLRCM fault. But no, it happen on vanilla too. Strangest part that before reinsdtallation of XP everything worked fine. So I completely fail to understand whats the reason. Did someone has similar bug? How can it be fixed?