Ajax A128

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Everything posted by Ajax A128

  1. Here's a bug for you: I started my new game with TSLRCM 1.8.2 and M4-78 for the first time. Things were going pretty smooth, all was well, until I got to the chase scene with the Harbinger shooting at the Ebon Hawk. Following my orders to Atton to blow up the asteroids, we jumped to hyperspace... And proceeded to hit massive lag, both in the conversation between followers and the gameplay afterwards. Reloading the autosave set just after firing on the asteroids results in the conversation not occurring at all, though the lag is absent. I saved just before the turret gameplay, though, so perhaps things will go correctly this time?
  2. These blades are pretty awesome to use, very well done. It's a shame that they don't appear to be HEX edited, so they can't be used alongside regular blades. Do you think you'll ever update this mod to have these as separate sabers?
  3. This is some fantastic work! EDIT: The new look for the Station looks a little too grungy for a Republic controlled area for, though. The brownish golden color doesn't really fit all that well compared to the default grey/silver. Just a thought.
  4. Ajax A128


    I've seen that, and it wasn't really what I was looking for. I'd actually decided to try and make my own, but couldn't make heads or tails of how even with the modding instructions all over the LucasArts forum. Apparently Crixler was working on a TSL lightsaber pack that would've had a black (White cored) saber, including a whole bunch of other cool stuff. But that appears to be a dead project.So I guess I'm stuck waiting to see if someone will go out of their way to make one for me, or just SOL.
  5. Ajax A128


    Different request from my Choices one a few pages back. A weapon mod, to be specific and to my knowledge nobody has made or requested this specific one before. To the point, I'd like it if someone could make a Darksaber mod for KotOR II. For those unfamiliar: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110918165553/starwars/images/a/a6/Darksaber-SWE.jpg It's essentially a black lightsaber with a vibroblade's handle, with the blade in the shape of a katana. Some people found the design silly, but I thought it was pretty cool and it'd look nice alongside my usual silver saber. Not looking for an exact replica, but something along these lines would be very appreciated. Thanks.
  6. After installing 1.8.2, the main menu screen has becomes hyper lagged.
  7. Nerd-out has reached critical levels!
  8. Indeed. Well done, everybody! Quite excited to see the results of your labor.
  9. Ajax A128


    This lack of choice harms the role playing aspect, however. Like I mentioned earlier, a Dark Sided Exile may not want to keep Malachor around. Maybe he likes blowing things up or flipped a coin. OR he's actually a heroic character at heart and decides at the last minute that blowing up Malachor would be a nice way to start redeeming himself. Likewise, Light Side Exile may decide that Malachor makes a good vacation home and acts accordingly. This makes more sense than KotOR I's choice because of KotOR II's situation, which is quite desperate. You could justify killing your way across the galaxy and still making a Heel Face Turn at the end because the galaxy is literally on the verge of being eaten by Nihilus and for once you really are in fact the only thing in his way. In KotOR I Malak wasn't omnicidal, he was just a tyrant. You had the Republic and Jedi on your side and HK's armor was still shiny. And of course, there are various practical or character-based reasons why an Exile of any alignment would go either way with Malachor despite alignment since it isn't a black and white situation, much like everything else in the game. Just my thoughts.
  10. In the fight with Nihilus on the Ravager if you take the option to have Visas kill herself or Force Breach her, the game will freeze right then and there or when the fight ends and Mandalore says "Her death was worthy of a Mandalorian." The moment you reply, freeze. Anybody else having this problem?
  11. Ajax A128


    Thanks. It always struck me as odd that you couldn't choose in that manner, considering KotOR I had much the same option with Bastila on the Unknown World. If you decide to take it up I'll be the first to download it.
  12. Put up a suggestion in the Mod Request thread. Considering it was an option in KotOR I, it shouldn't be hard to have in KotOR II.

  13. Ajax A128


    Off the top of my head, I'd say a mod to train Brianna Force and Saber Forms once she's been made a Jedi would be nice, considering all the others can do it. I'm fairly certain this was brought up by somebody else before, however. Also, I'd like for a mod where you can actually choose which ending you get if HK-47 stops G0-T0 from killing the Remote. In the final showdown with Kreia she tells you your options are: 1) Go into exile. 2) Go out into the Unknown Regions to find Revan. 3) Stay in known space, possibly to train others at Malachor. You never get to actually say what you're going to do and the conversation with Visas/Brianna always makes it so that you're picking option#2. Plus, you don't get to pick whether you want Malachor destroyed or not; your alignment decides for you. This gets a little irritating when a person like myself wants to play a Dark Side Exile who is still is a hero, or a Light Side Exile who thinks Malachor should stay to train others. TL;DR Mod to allow you to pick the Dark or Light ending through your dialogue with Kreia, provided HK stops G0-T0. Also, some new dialogue for the Pc to pick about what you're going to do once Malachor's been dealt with: Your choice could trigger the Brianna?Visas conversation depending on what you pick, obviously.
  14. I suspect there will be additional Influence points for Bao-Dur, considering it's a droid planet and machines are his thing. That, and he has a serious lack of Influence choices compared to the rest of the party. So here's hoping.
  15. So basically, all that's left is the spit-and-polish? Awesome. Can't wait to play this when it's done. It's gotta feel great to have (basically) wrapped up TSLRCM and M4-78 after so much time.
  16. Always wondered why his servants didn't keel over when he died. That solves that problem! although it's still unbelievably awkward when I find Zombie Tobin after I've killed Nihilus and he's talking about how unstoppable he is and such. Hehe. Good mod.
  17. Way late comment, but... Amazing mod! This makes playing DS-Exile and getting Mira at the same time (Or vice versa with Hanharr) simple! 5/5
  18. I fail to see how the date of someone's registration makes them any less or deserving of a non-sarcastic response, but what do I know? (Looking at you S-H) As it stands, the hiatus hasn't been going on THAT long, guys. Jeez, have some patience. I mean, it'd be great if you could get permission to continue working on the mod if VP permanently retires. But until then...let's just wait and see what happens, eh?