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Everything posted by Dylan

  1. Hey guys! It's been awhile. I just played TSL and M4-78EP again after a few years. There were a few things I saw that I feel could be improved on but I'll save it for the other thread. I came here to ask, did you need me to redo any of my VOs? I have a better mic than I did then (Blue Yeti). My I1-02 feels a little lackluster after playing it again but that could also partly be due to the very reverby effect put on it. CS-28 wasn't bad but maybe a little dry.
  2. I think we can all agree that this is the most essential mod for any play through of TSL. http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Realistic_Nar_Shaddaa_Skybox;88468 After playing with this, you will never revert back to the old one. Trust me.
  3. Happy One Year Anniversary M4-78EP!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      Woohoo... shame I couldn't get the update done for today 0_o

    3. zbyl2


      Kerk, I count downloads from all the sources when giving these statistics - 50-something thousands include the MODDB numbers ;)

    4. Tyvokka


      Thankfully DS will have a much better time with handling the traffic when the update is released :)


  4. Still waiting for the Android version of KOTOR... :(

  5. Oh. I haven't played for awhile so I must have forgotten. I realized as I was reading that, there is a scene where the ship comes out of Hyperspace. I always thought that was apart of the same BIK movie for some reason. I apologize for my ignorance.
  6. What's the benefit of this over the in-game realtime remdered version from TSLRCM 1.8.1? To me the in-game one would be better because it's not at a fixed resolution and can be adjusted to my monitor resolution.
  7. IS-43 uses a protocol droid model during the radiation leak but then after the radiation is gone, his model changes to the cut droid model.
  8. This can be found as an Easter egg/glitch that occurs after the Leviathan when traveling between planets on the X-Box version of the game. I remember doing it a few times back in the day. I even have an old recording from 2008 of the Galaxy Droid taking me to Taris in one of my hard drives that I meant to upload to YouTube but never got around to it. I believe they fixed this in the PC version so it's cool that it got restored.
  9. Dylan

    End game?

    Right click kotor 2 on steam and click "preferences." In the window that comes up, there should be a tab called "updates". Click that and there is a drop down bar that says something like "keep this game up to date." Click that and click "do not update" and you should be all set to play.
  10. Just chiming in to say, none of the M4-78 music shows up in the music section in the main menu, nor do any of the movies under the movies section.
  11. It's been 14 minutes and I already hate this year...

    1. Hassat Hunter
    2. bendarby24


      hope you guys are ok? :/

  12. I've noticed a couple comments on moddb people are having some odd bugs. They seem to be reporting it late in the game so I assume they installed M4-78EP and then used a save where they had already finished Korriban. Maybe some sort of update or warning to let them know they need to start a new game or use a TSLRCM save from before they did Korriban because there's no need to reply to every individual who unwittingly does this.
  13. Well you gotta realize it was only just released so the servers are being bombarded with probably hundreds of downloads. Your best bet is to either wait 'till it dies down or some mirrors like moddb pop up.
  14. What about the Fall of Kreia in-game scene? The only real problem with it is there aren't any screaming noises in the sound files. I searched through the StreamSounds folder and found nothing. I'm thinking they were added for the .bik version but who knows really. I would really like to see this in-game rather than a small low resolution video.
  15. I wasn't directly criticizing Obsidian. I thought everyone here knew the story behind the development so me rephrasing something that has been said a thousand times before would be a little redundant. I must admit, vanilla TSL is very impressive for how much time they were given; but it's still unfinished and unpolished which is in fact a result of LA pushing a release. This also gives the modders more reason to be praised (like what my original comment was intending BTW) for having to jump that extra hurdle. The point I was making was, It's great that everyone involved is taking the time out of their day to make this game work and add a planet in the process by doing it the right way, making sure absolutely everything works right. I understand it wasn't OE's fault that the game was rushed, but the point is; it's absolutly stunning that people would go out of their busy schedule to put all the broken pieces back together to create the most impressive mod I have ever seen for any game. And thanks SH for not taking my original comment negatively
  16. Did I sound like I was complaining? I read places that the M4-78 EP was started a couple years ago. I was just talking about how amazing it is that you guys are taking the slow and steady approach rather than trying to work quickly to release something that is unpolished and full of bugs. I wasn't intending to be offensive toward anyone.
  17. It's amazing to think that Obsidian made the whole game in 13 months, while it has taken YEARS for you guys to make one planet. It just shows how much of a difference between being rushed and taking your time to polish and work out every little kink makes. Keep up the good work guys! So looking forward to the release.
  18. I'm not beta testing and I'm finding myself coming here every hour just to see if there's going to be an update
  19. Why, why, WHY! Is canon so dang important to a game like KOTOR of all things?? A game where YOU choose the outcome, where YOU choose your destiny, and where YOU choose pretty much everything. How on Earth does that not make a concept like canon implode on itself? Sure LA and Obsidian may have told us what's "canon" to the whole SW story in general but seriously, what fun is there in an open world video game where you make all the the decisions? I honestly don't see the joy out of following a strict line of the story every single play through simply to follow something as silly as "canon" or whatever "canon" may be in a game made in such a style.
  20. Why did you replace the sky boxes? Or did I read wrong?
  21. Every time I beat the Onderon swoop track within 40-50 seconds, he keeps telling me that I can't even be a swoop racer if I can't even finish a race. Edit: And now every time i do so much as leave the Western Square after I save Ghagon Ghent, My game crashes entirely.
  22. The idea of him being unconscious on the Hawk would tie up pretty much everything I found really confusing about Malachor such as the Holo of him to his remote, where T3 had gone, and how the Hawk got repaired while at the same time keeping his fate open. Maybe he was too hurt to go out so he sent his remote out. This *WOULD* be where the "Make my sacrifice matter" line would play but since you say it has music in the background, there's no restoring it unless someone figures out how to isolate it.