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Everything posted by Malkior

  1. Ho Ho Ho! It does not affect the holo/living officer. I assume this is thankfully because there are both an NPC and PLC model of the Maintenance Officer. I took screenshots to make sure. I can append them to the file if it is necessary. (It makes sense that a talking character would not be classified as a "placable".)
  2. Updated with proper screens (Hopefully)

  3. I just don't wanna be a gore maniac. I know it's already explicit, but I don't want to make it rated "M" material. I could make it more detailed if everyone wants, though...
  4. View File Maintenance Officer Realistic Reskin One thing that I found blatantly irritating is that while the dialog for how the Maintenance Officer met his demise on Peragus was both graphic and descriptive, the actual "body" of the aforementioned was absolutely untouched. This really breaks the immersion for me, so I changed the texture for his model and re-skinned the texture to have more "damage". The screenshots do a pretty good job of showing what it looks like. Submitter Malkior Submitted 06/02/2012 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible No  
  5. For some reason, I uploaded the screenshots backward. The third is supposed to be at the front and the first is supposed to be at the back.
  6. Version 1.1


    One thing that I found blatantly irritating is that while the dialog for how the Maintenance Officer met his demise on Peragus was both graphic and descriptive, the actual "body" of the aforementioned was absolutely untouched. This really breaks the immersion for me, so I changed the texture for his model and re-skinned the texture to have more "damage". The screenshots do a pretty good job of showing what it looks like.
  7. I hope they don't mind me linking their conversation, but this thread Link to Conversation discusses how you would alter the values for the suit animation yourself in the Appearance.2da provided you have a copy of the Kotor Tool.
  8. Interesting.. I didn't know this engine supported bumpmaps.. Is it engine intensive though? Could I maybe add definition to otherwise flat areas across this game with little strain on the performance? Edit__ If not; a man can dream though...
  9. Gimp actually works very similar to Photoshop, except that Photoshop has a different user interface. One of the most important things you need to know, is how you work in layers so that you don't have to start over if you make a mistake or don't like your result. In fact, my best advice to you, is to make a new layer for every major change you make to the image and LABEL your layers so that you can find them easily. There are a few tutorials about the net that give you the basics of Gimp use; I found this one via google Gimp Basics List There is also a breakdown of how to do layers there as well. I would suggest that you use the links at your own discretion, but the Youtube ones are almost 100% safe and those already include all you would need to retexture. (Ironically the main GIMP website is down, though) You can also hopefully find tutorials through a google search as well; though once again, you have to enter websites at your own discretion, but enough about that... Personally, what I do to retexture is to either run a couple of filters to change the color or to paint a layer over the existing one and change its blending mode, but I'm sure you will develop your own system. I also make sure to have references in order to keep my work looking consistent with canon and the look I'm trying to convey. If you need any assistance or tips, feel free to PM me in the meantime. Edit__ I personally am also interested in what ideas you have for the robes. Could you maybe post a few of the reference images and ideas you have?
  10. Malkior

    Fun with explosives

    I know exactly what I did, I sent Bao plummeting fifty feet backward and left Atton somewhere in the distance... AND I LOVED IT!!! (This is the best I can do for "Evil" with the emoticons I am given)
  11. And now to work on more...

    1. Malkior


      Man! I tried to keep that secret..

    2. Ninko
    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      The only way to keep a secret is to not tell anyone about it. heh heh

    4. Show next comments  186 more
  12. One way to take a screenshot, is to use the PrintScreen button on your keyboard (while in game) The files will be saved in the .TGA format in the main Kotor program folder. To upload or view them, you'll have to convert them to .JPEG format via whatever program you use. (I know Photoshop works for me, but maybe there are others that can read .TGAs) On another note, to reskin a robe, you have to open the applicable .TGA file and edit it in your program. You have to ultimately save it as a .TGA after you are finished editing it. Most editing programs function similar to Photoshop, but if you don't know where to start in editing, or don't know how to use Photoshop, there are tons of tutorials on the internet and across Lucasforums (See: Hollowan Labs) Edit___ I hope I haven't insulted you if you completely know how to edit the textures and are actually remodeling the robes. If that is the case, the hollowan link above also has tutorials on model skinning.
  13. Malkior

    Darth Nihilus Mask Fix

    It's like my title screen has life, now! (well, life-stealing life, but you know what I mean) Frankly I don't understand why a ceremonial mask would be so dark and colorless, but many things about Kotor II make no artistic or realistic sense. I don't know, I think this looks better.
  14. I appreciate the information! I was hoping it was supposed to go like that, but I had to be certain. Maybe rewriting the quest notes might help? To something like, "HK will need to analyze this information until you have finished your business here" (if it's practical to do so) I checked and I do. That's a dumb design...Were the developers psychic or something? In any case, thank you for explaining it.
  15. I'll figure out this interface some day...

    1. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      What's the issue so far?

    2. Malkior


      Heh.. I tried to upload a picture, but for some reason I made an album. Which is fine, but apparently no one else but six people have albums, but have pictures... I'm sure it's no problem though...

    3. Malkior


      I mean a *profile gallery picture, not a mod picture.

  16. Malkior

    Fun with explosives

    From the album: Screenshots

    So I found a bunch of thermal detonators....
  17. I fully support your vision of Peragus! It is true that it made no sense that the miners wanted to leave there yet it was so clean and comfortable looking. I look forward to seeing your reskin of the battle-ravaged Korriban.
  18. Please let me know if anyone else has experienced this: I just finished all but the last part of Nar Shaddaa and my party was fighting to get out of the flophouse and into the Ebon Hawk; Somehow as he was in my party, I managed to drag out the fact that HK47 could pinpoint the 50's location by killing three groups. Immediately after this conversation I was met with two groups on my way back to the Hawk' with incremental completion of my goal, and that's where things go wrong... I go to the last planet that I can before the epic battle on Telos; in this case, Korriban, and am beset by a third group of hk50s. I am relieved at the fact that all three were spawned before the endgame, so I follow the quest's guidance and talk to HK47 on the Ebon Hawk. He has no further dialogue options and furthermore, he is suffering a bout of amnesia when I mention his finding the factory. Did I perhaps make a mistake in activating this quest at the last minute or is it supposed to trigger after I have visited every planet; in the thrall of the endgame? If this is endgame material, why does it say in the quest notes to talk to HK on the Ebon Hawk? The only mods I have that are "said" to conflict are the admiralty mod which I edited the Appearance.2da to make compatible and maybe the kreia clothing change; which to my knowlege are merely cosmetic. Edit -(oh yeah, and my cheat console won't activate no matter what magic I try to use, so warping won't work for me, but I think this has been a problem since before I used TSCLRM; I'm just mentioning it so you know that I can't warp to the factory to solve it)-
  19. *should read "If you want, I could send the spark texture"

  20. Malkior

    More Vibrant Skies

    Oh yeah! The hardest part of skybox editing is making the edges match.
  21. Well, it's the default animation from a different camera angle. The sparks texture is technically in Beta, since it changes all sparks in the game to be brighter and more "orangish" to resemble real sparks, but for some reason, kicks are programmed to produce sparks. (or maybe when I edited the animations, I changed something I shouldn't) If you want, I could send the spark text...

  22. I frankly thought it would be easier to find... Based on my observations I have to conclude that the textures used for the DS LS effects are either reused from some other texture (that I can't find for the life of me) or possibly one of the many anonymous fx_tex_01 through fx_tex_26 near the end of the fx textures. Sorry I can't be of any more help, I've looked everywhere...
  23. It's a critical strike.

    The sparks are a result of something else I've been dabbling in, but I haven't released it yet as unarmed animations (the kicking animations) will also throw off huge showers of sparks and I thought it looked kinda weird.

  24. Yeah. I was referring to Bloodrayne, the videogame character. And, by jove you are right! I don't know how the lighting has a such a drastic difference in game, but after looking it over, I have to say that the hair fits in and the lips look alright to me. (thus making my previous comment inaccurate)Weird how actually trying it helped... As for animating textures, I have tried to find an answer to that question, but I just don't know how Aurora/the NWN engine uses them. I have recently been trying to make the sith lightning above the ritual in Freedon Nadd's tomb higher quality, but all of my attempts make it stop animating properly. Maybe someone around knows how to animate textures and could help both of us . -Edit I notice you said animated lighting, but I believe that lightmaps are used for lighting in Aurora/NWN engine and are technically textures; unless maybe it uses some code for it.