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Everything posted by gua543

  1. Lucas has the last call on everything that's made (at least that's what I heard) so I would't worry too much about it.
  2. I didn't really have a problem with the scanning-for-minerals missions in ME1 since it was quite easy, at least for me, to find them. I mean, I just look at the map and see all those mountains and only one "low" spot. It's obvious that something is going to be there. I don't know, maybe I have a knack for it. Also, the Hammerhead dies way too faster for my tastes, I guess trying to beat Overlord on Veteran is going to be a pain, I don't even want to think about higher difficulties. Btw don't try to do everything perfect the first time. My opinion is that your first playthrough of the ME series must be unique. When I think about it, that's my opinion about every game - it's much better to see the game on your own than doing some very thorough research about how to finish the mission the best way possible or where are all the easter eggs or collectibles, if there are an.
  3. I can only play Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and seeing as how I'm going to see the night first from all of us, I think Sunday is out of the question too. I think that the biggest time difference between me and you guys is going to be 4 hours so keep that in mind when arranging a meeting time. SH if you want to kill Coruscant world boss, I can bring Brylan, otherwise we're gonna need a real big group of low levels or a 50 to take him down. Also, there a tactic to escape, so to say, his instakill attack which I'll explain when (and if) we get to him. If anybody else has taken him down, he probably knows it too.
  4. I can't know everything, right? Even the best have their flaws ( ). Anyway what do you guys think about meeting on the fleet next Saturday? Nothing fancy, we'll just get to see our chars and maybe we'll do a flashpoint or do some quests.
  5. I think it will be some time before I make a biotic Shep because I'm gonna replay the whole trilogy with my soldier and try to achieve the best possible ending, with pretty much everybody surviving, including me. I'm not sure if ME4 is going to be about the post-Reaper galaxy or if it's gonna be about the human-turian war (or even before that, who knows), hell, I don't even know if there is going to be a next game, but better to be safe than sorry, right?
  6. So if it is 14:00 am in England, it is 16:00 am here?
  7. Okay, fine, maybe I forgot to tell you guys that my initial idea was to arrange a meeting via the forum, not with the in-game chat. However, communication between us is basically doesn't exist. Also, I'm in a different time zone and I think there are 2-3 hours difference between me and everybody else here, since you're all from England or somewhere nearby (not quite sure about this, maybe I'm wrong). The internet says I'm in UTC/GMT +2 hours, however I have no idea what this means. If it helps, it's 13:27 right now here.
  8. We were supposed to meet on the fleet and from there start questing together, I mentioned that a couple of times before -.- If you're gonna ignore everything I post, I don't see how we're gonna play. Ever.
  9. I'm not trying to rush you here but maybe you can post an update on where you are and when are you going to get to the fleet, if you're not already there. Otherwise, the idea to play together is gonna remain just an idea.
  10. The very idea behind biotics was very weird, for me at least. You get irradiated with radiation of sorts and then bam - you're a jedi, space ninja or sonic (that exactly how the krogan vanguard looks). I slowly came to terms with the biotics though, since they are a major part of the ME universe. And I agree that the first playthrough is priceless. I lost Grunt and Mordin on the Collector base and I really felt bad, same goes for Padok and Dagg, even though I barely knew them. When I had to SPOILERS sacrifice Ashley on Virmire SPOILERS I just couldn't play the game, I didn't touch it for a day or two. Anyway my shep is male, custom made, with the badass scar across his eye, Leonidas style, and he's a sole survivor, colonist, mostly paragon soldier. I ignored just about every love interest in the first two games, I was roleplaying this mission-comes-first soldier, but in the last game I was like "Well, I'm probably gonna die so why the hell not?" and I was a fan of Liara from the moment I saw her so yeah, I think you get the idea. Just started playing on Veteran and making my way to level 60. I'm thinking about making a femshep biotic, but I'm having a hard time. I'll admit, the one that has both biotic and tech abilities sounds interesting, but maybe it has too much abilities? What's your profesional biotic expert opinion?
  11. Nice to see another hardcore fan here, maybe we can play the multiplayer when I buy the game. BTW Miles, I forgot about two other story DLCs - Firewalker and Overlord.
  12. I remember only one - Lair of the Shadow Broker - the other two were something with the new squadmates' names - Kasumi and Zaeed. Also, be sure to visit Zaeed often, he has quite the stories to tell.
  13. From the way you say it you'll think that we'll hit 50 in less than a week. I really hope you're not suggesting to spacebar everything except class quests and skip heroics.
  14. If you ask me Pinnacle Station is not worth downloading. Bringing Down the Sky is much, much better. Also, ME2 is going to be very different from ME1 and you're going to be really confused in the beginning (the vanguard class gets the most drastic changes) but after a few missions you'll find the game simpler and with much more action than the first one. Be sure to purchase the three story DLCs, they add 2 squadmates and a very interesting mission with an old friend of yours (or maybe even more ).
  15. So I just finished the whole trilogy and was looking to share my experience with somebody. I've got a friend, played some ME3 multiplayer with him and decided to make my own Shepard (btw he was the one who made me a fan of Star Wars), but I was wondering if there are any people here who also saved the galaxy from the Reapers (or not, who knows).
  16. Every class can be healer except warriors and knights.
  17. You know, this thing won't work unless there's communication between us.
  18. Well, if you guys want to gain some affection with your companions while we quest I say we split in groups of two and join forces for the heroics and flashpoints (and warzones, if you want to do those). There's not much need for healers while doing your normal quests, even less when you're in group with another tank or DPS, so I'll say two healers are enough.
  19. Nope, I'm ex-trial, that's where I got the characters from. Anyway, how much of you guys are on the fleet? I've counted 7 people so far - Mandalore, VP and his bro, HH, SH, zbyl and me. Did I miss anyone?
  20. Almost done with Ord Mantell and seeing as how many DPS and tanks we have, I'm gonna roll a commando healer. EDIT: Waiting for you guys on the fleet.
  21. To gain preferred status, you gotta buy something from the site. And since I don't have a credit card and my parents aren't willing to give money for a game... I think you get the picture.
  22. I had planned it so that I could craft anything within my own legacy for both my imperial and republic characters but the F2P restrictions messed up everything. Also, F2P can't send messages with items attached to them so that killed the crew skills for me. They are practically unusable right now. Anyway I kept only my crafting skills, all of the others are inactive - the 36 trooper has biochem and the 20 something sentinel has the skill that allows you to make crystals, forgot it's name.
  23. That's correct. My advice is to choose the sentinel because it's easier and much more fun to play than the guardian. Also, choose your skill tree by looking at the abilities you get at the top of the tree. IMO making a hybrid isn't really effective, unless he's half healer/half DPS and even then you need to have better tactics than the average tank/DPS/healer.
  24. So VP is a knight so he'll probably roll DPS, you are a DPS (?), what class is Mandalore (although I already think I know the answer)?