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Everything posted by JCarter426

  1. I've tried and failed to put Selkath heads onto the player bodies. The anatomy is just too different. It may be doable by someone more talented than me, but it's definitely not an easy job. It would be more practical - still not easy, but easier - to fix the animations themselves on a new Selkath supermodel. Might be possible to get the original dialogue animations on it, too. This looks great, by the way.
  2. For most things it's not going to make a difference. On the Xbox, lightmaps, area models, etc are actually module files rather than BIFs anyway. And if it was fine on a 2002 Xbox then it should be ok on today's computers. I've done it and noticed no discernible difference. So the organizational benefits may make it worth it for you. The catch is it only works in that module. So if you want to use an asset in multiple modules, you'll have to duplicate it - which is less efficient, especially for textures.
  3. It's two separate strings. "Cannot Equip" and "Bao-Dur". But the Bao-Dur part might be used elsewhere, is the problem. Like for the feats only he can have.
  4. Yes, that one is indeed that simple. For the heavy armor row, changing the entries tec_list and baodur to 0 should let him choose the feat at level up. That's probably the way to do it. As you said, it's not the items or denysubrace. It's also not itemtype. There is an item property for limitation by subrace, but it doesn't seem to be that, either. My guess is it's something about those specific baseitem lines, like how Force jump is. Unfortunately, if so, that means there's no way to remove the "Cannot Equip: Bao-Dur" text either.
  5. "One Jedi attracts others." That's my guess, anyway - he wanted to keep the Exile prisoner as bait for other Jedi. He also might have hoped the Exile knew more about the problem than he/she actually did. Well, let's go in chronological order. Zez-Kai Ell hired Mira to watch over the Exile. The Exile shows up looking for Zez-Kai Ell, wanders around, and attracts the attention of the Exchange. The Exile goes to meet Visquis in what is obviously a trap. Furthermore, such a meeting is in violation of Goto's orders. Goto told the bounty hunters not to go after the Exile until he/she makes contact with another Jedi; Visquis had no business meeting with the Exile behind Goto's back. Mira goes in the Exile's place, so the Exile won't get captured, but she screws up and gets herself captured instead. In conclusion: And I agree that the original version made more sense, with the two of them going together, so Mira gets paid and the Exile gets to talk to Goto. But I'm not sure how the whole capture thing was supposed to play out in that scenario. Azkul was likely working for the Sith. If you side with him rather than Khoonda (or at least pretend to) you can ask him why he wants to attack Khoonda, and he says "people much more powerful than you or I are paying a great deal of credits to have the job done." And he knows he's talking to a Jedi. He used to be a Sith trooper himself, so it would make sense that he still had connections with them. Although which faction isn't really clear. I would guess Nihilus', given that Dantooine is a part of his overall plan already. The Republic wanted to talk to the Exile to find out about Revan. Some content suggests that Atris was keeping tabs on the situation, so she may have been manipulating them into doing her work for her, bringing the Exile to Telos. Though personally I don't think Carth would fall for it; more likely their interests merely overlapped, I'd say. As for why the Exile goes along with the whole thing, well, that's probably up to you, the player. But it's clear the Exile had heard about the Jedi Civil War, and then the Republic wants to make contact, so there are reasons to be curious. Hmm, I don't know why it's there in TSLRCM. All the bounty hunters have lines like that, but the UTCs in 351NAR, where the rescue takes place, are not set up to use it. The ones in 352NAR, where the meeting cutscene takes place, are set up for it, however. I believe that at some point in development, you were able to wander around the yacht and interact with all the bounty hunters before all the rescuing and fighting starts. It might've been from a previous version of events, or maybe it was never even supposed to be in the final game, only put there for fun during testing of that module.
  6. Well, the final video hasn't been rendered yet because there might be textual changes. I don't want to release credits that aren't accurate. But it's not much different than the current video, since it was stylistically designed to be the same length for the music. The only major difference is I made it scroll from the voice actors on.
  7. Because they're a bit on the long side. Also, and this is just my personal opinion, I don't think a mix of themes works very well here, because of how short the credits are. TSLRCM is under a minute and a half, and then M4-78 half that. No matter how well the music is edited, it's going to sound abrupt if it changes in the middle of the beta testers or translators or whatever. There's no transition in the credits to justify a change in music, in my opinion. It's just too short. With that in mind, I aimed for one track for each credit. M4-78 is going to have KOTOR March, as previously discussed; for TSLRCM, in my proposal, I went with the Sith action theme, since I noticed that cropped up in a few mixes here, and it wasn't in the original credits. "Sith Action" is what I call it, anyway. If you string together the Korriban and Malachor battle tracks, it amounts to a single three and a half minute theme, and parts of this were used in other areas in the game. I edited that down for the TSLRCM credits. Just waiting to hear from the guys in charge now. Also, now is as good a time as any to talk about my original plan for the credits, which was rejected due to technical reasons. Currently, the mod credits are played in a separate video, after the original game credits run, and that's not going to change with the updates. However, at first I wanted to replace the credits entirely, and have it all in one video. Hassat Hunter and Zbyl were worried about the added file size, though - it could be as much as a gigabyte - so we're not doing that. But I already did the game credits, so I'm thinking of going through with it anyway as a separate mod. And that might require a new mix as well. I'll have to put it all together to be sure, but I think it would be shorter than the original credits (because the original credits are painfully slow) and therefore I'll have to decide what music to drop and what to keep, or maybe just do an entirely new thing. I don't know yet.
  8. And if you're adamant on keeping KOTOR March for M4-78, then it's actually already just about the right length, so all that's left is something to replace the Old Republic theme for TSLRCM.
  9. Well, there's another slight complication. A lot of the themes mentioned here are already in the game credits. The original game credit music is as follows: Star Wars credit music, mus_a_main ("The Sith Lords"), mus_a_800core, mus_nihilus ("Nihilus' Theme"), mus_jedi ("The Jedi"), and the unused "KOTOR March" - the credits are where M4-78 got that in the first place. Remember all those themes would be playing before these credits when you finish the game.
  10. Pretty much, yeah. As it is now, each module has its own OnEnter script doing whatever that particular module needs. My proposal would be to replace every single one of those with one universal script. The universal OnEnter script would have a bunch of code, like setting the current planet, whatever you want, and then a huge if tree. If 001EBO, execute a_bet3m4. If 512OND, execute k_512_enter. All the original OnEnter scripts. Any mods that edit the original scripts (including TSLRCM) would be unaffected. Any future mods would only have the issue of editing the one universal script. The biggest compatibility hurtle here is that every module's ARE file would have to be edited. But if everybody could get on board with that, then it would be a lot more convenient than it is now.
  11. No, not every one. Just all the landing areas. 101, 201, 301, etc. Plus some stuff to account for anything unusual, like all the warping around in the endgame. You could use the galaxy map for the bulk of it, and then edit OnEnters as needed. Although, honestly if I were doing it I'd edit every OnEnter - if only to have each and every module executing one universal script. I'm a little surprised they don't already do that, because of how useful it would be to have that ability.
  12. Yes, that's true. As well as whichever one triggers Kreia. For fun I typed up a full table based on my old planet script. This one accounts for a bit more, too: That should cover every conceivable area you'd want to distinguish... unless you really want Goto's yacht or something too. But anyway, if you throw that into the OnEnter script, then in your menu script you can just check the planet global and do another if tree to narrow it down to the 5 options. The reason I'd suggest splitting it in two scripts is a ) you're editing at least two scripts anyway, but more importantly b ) once you have one script setting the planet, you can then edit the menu script to put in alternative options, since we're limited to 5 total. Yeah, that would be my guess as well. And I guess if it is always firing when you get alignment points, then it could be of some use... but there's no guarantee. It's firing a lot, but not necessarily every time you go to a new location, if you don't encounter any choices. And I know for a fact there are no alignment shifts at all once the masters are found.
  13. If I recall correctly, k_align_movie only fires once, after the player has shifted towards the light side or dark side 25 points, or if they're neutral but have gotten a total of 50 alignment points, or once they've found three masters. So I don't think it would work here. The only reason the menu crops up in that script is this just happens to be when the menu is shifted to Darth Nihilus.
  14. That's why my first thought was OnEnter... while the galaxy map does account for most travel, it doesn't account for all of it. And, for example, if you wanted to have a menu for the Ebon Hawk (perhaps as the standard, "anything else" option) then it would never tell you that. The code to attach to OnEnter would be something like: int nCurrentModule = StringToInt(GetStringLeft(GetModuleName(), 3)); if( nCurrentModule < 100 || nCurrentModule == 950 ) SetGlobalNumber("K_CURRENT_PLANET", 0); else if( nCurrentModule >= 100 && nCurrentModule < 200) SetGlobalNumber("K_CURRENT_PLANET", 1); ...etc You should be able to write one generic thing and then throw it into each OnEnter.
  15. Oh, I thought he wanted it to load based on wherever the player last left off. So if you if you're on Onderon it shows Onderon, for either trip. I guess you could use the current planet integer instead, though. If the script to store the global data checks for that first, then it doesn't really matter.
  16. Yeah, if it were actually serving its original purpose. Now that you mention it, if it actually were working correctly then it wouldn't be ideal for this (if a value is only stored when the rapid transit system is used). But for the purpose of the main menu, all that's needed is a means to store the current module. K_LAST_MODULE is a global string that is not being used for anything, so it's as good as any, right? You could make a new string or numeric, but that's more work. Yeah, sorry, I meant GetModuleName(). That returns the string of the module. If you want, you can copy the code from my script jc_c_planet in my Toolbox. I think I accounted for every possibility in there. 950 counts as the Ebon Hawk, etc. For the OnEnter or OnExit or whatever method, you'd have to add something like SetGlobalString( "K_LAST_MODULE", GetModuleName() ); at the end of the script.
  17. Yes, I may be overthinking it. But things in this game rarely work the way you'd think. It's made me paranoid. Well, we don't care about that? We only care about what module we're in right now. GetModule();
  18. Well, it gets fired every time you enter that module (not just the first time) and then the script would store that as the global string. But OnExit fires when you exit that module and transition to another one, so it might not make a difference. It depends on whether OnExit isn't fired when you exit in certain circumstances. I'm pretty sure OnEnter must always be fired when you enter, though.
  19. Ah, I did a test and my saves were indeed lying to me. A shame. I don't think the OnExit method would work, though. It wouldn't account for when the player gets warped through other means. OnEnter should account for those... I think. Actually, it might not make a difference. I've never tested that, so I can't say. Oh, if you're going to be that specific about the module, then you'll need to check all three digits. int nCurrentModule = StringToInt(GetStringLeft(GetGlobalString("K_LAST_MODULE"), 3));
  20. I looked through my saves and they seemed to be storing the last module correctly already.
  21. Yes, the global string K_LAST_MODULE. It would be trivial to grab the first number from that and convert it to an integer based on the planet. int nCurrentPlanet = StringToInt(GetStringLeft(GetGlobalString("K_LAST_MODULE"), 1)); Then you'd need an if tree to filter it down to 5 options, but seems doable. There already is one for current planet, but I'm not sure if it's used properly in K2, since it's left over from the rapid transit system in the first game. But if that works you could use that instead, either way.
  22. I can't comment on the issue, but regarding the credits, I have all the new stuff set up and I'm just waiting for word from Zbyl and Hassat Hunter now before rendering out the final version to be put into the mod. I understand they have some other stuff to finalize first, and they're both busy guys, so that's why that hasn't happened yet.
  23. ???? I really wonder how that happened, though. He has different body models, but they're the same size as everybody else's. It's like they did his head wrong, then fixed every body to match the head instead of just fixing the head.
  24. Ah, that's good, then. I must confess that I'm not entirely up to date on these matters. I may be "TSLRCM Crew" but I haven't even played through the whole thing, because the last time I played KOTOR II at all was before TSLRCM was a twinkle in Hassat Hunter et al's eyes. That's kind of the reason I want to go through it again soon. Yes, but that would likely be more work, and present more mod compatibility challenges, and would ensure you get more rare items than the developers intended - indeed, all of them. I may look into altering how rare items are granted, but I'd prefer to maintain at least some of the randomness.
  25. Wow, I thought the droids looked nice but new models for Bao-Dur? I didn't think that had been resolved. I haven't really taken a good look at the new compiler yet myself. Nice work. I had noticed Bao-Dur's head was off when I tried putting him on non-dismembered models in the past. I'm not sure what happened there but I know I'm going to have to edit his head for a project eventually so that's going on my lengthy to-do list, assuming you or someone else doesn't beat me to it (please beat me to it).