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Everything posted by Canderis

  1. I'm locking this topic. Domino5555, if you ever need it reopened send me a message. -- Canderis
  2. Canderis

    Saving Star Wars

    Is anyone denying that? Disney is even expecting that.
  3. Canderis

    Rebels Finale

    SPOILERS AHEAD. . . . . . . . . Just like the clone wars, I had a serious love/hate relationship with Rebels. Similarly to the clone wars as well, I really thought it really found it's voice in the last season. It had more heart than most, if not all, the movies. But man, that finale. As much as I couldn't get "the eagles from LOTR" out of my head I thought it was a great end to the show. I'm very excited to see a new show with Ahsoka and Sabine teaming up. I'm also fully expecting Thrawn to have survived. I'm also very interested in the Mortis stuff they brought back in this season. I think that is a very interesting new layer to the Star Wars canon. I'm excited to see that be developed further. What did you all think of it?
  4. Canderis

    Saving Star Wars

    You can enjoy anything you please. The Star Wars you had all your life to now is inside its own little "legends" bubble where nothing can ever threaten to change it again. As for the rest of us, we can enjoy the change.
  5. Canderis

    Saving Star Wars

    Some people liked the movie. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you need to go get it banned from all those who do. Don't like the new Star Wars? Don't go see it. Let the rest of us enjoy it.
  6. About to start my first K1 playthrough in at least 8 years. Hopefully this will be the time I finally beat the game.

    1. jc2


      *Applause* Have fun!

  7. Which version of the game are you running?
  8. Updated version. Fixed a bug with at least the GOG version. Thanks to VP for finding this one! Revan Editor Setup Revan
  9. Sweet. I'm glad I could fix that nice and quick!
  10. Thanks for checking it out! Which OS are you on? UPDATE: This might have fixed the issue. Also added an icon. *REMOVED OLD FILES*
  11. *REMOVED OLD FILES* This is the very first alpha build. I'd like to make sure it works on Windows/Linux. The build contains full BIF and ERF extraction. Let me know if you have any questions or experience any issues!
  12. I've got so many cool ideas for my tool. Can't wait to finish the basics to start working on them!

  13. Well first, it will have a more modern UI. I'm wanting to keep it similar to KotorTool for now to try and ease the transition and to keep most old tutorials somewhat applicable. As for any other differences, you'll just have to wait and see! I have a lot of plans.
  14. Hi everyone! Feels good to be posting a new WIP after so long. But this is a bit different. Over the past 8 months, though much more in the past couple weeks than before, I have been working on this new tool. I had gotten the urge to mod over the summer, but as I am now a mac user I couldn't really do that without some really hacky work-arounds. So I decided I should just make my own modding tool that'll work on mac. But why stop there? Linux needs some love too. RevanEditor will work on all platforms! Mac, Windows, or Linux! Currently, the program is a full Bif file extractor. With that groundwork out of the way, it is time to start putting in other features and building editors. I want to release something very soon. I'm thinking of including Erf extraction, a 2da editor, and a gff editor for the initial release. Following that, I'd like to open it up for community suggestions of what features I should prioritize. I'd also like some volunteers to help me out with testing this on other machines. I'd also like to give a shout out to FairStrides and ndix UR for helping me out a ton with this project. Without them, this project would not be nearing a release anytime soon. And if you'd like to follow my progress, it is all on my GitHub!
  15. Hi, could someone upload and send me "acbonus.2da" and "actions.2da" from K1, unedited and directly extracted from Ktool? I need em for research purposes. Thanks! Edit: I'd also like to request 605dan.git from TSL. Thanks again!
    1. ndix UR

      ndix UR

      I would love to not be the one to have to write this! I have (JS) libs for 2DA/GFF I can give you.

    2. VarsityPuppet


      Collabs I love 'em!

  16. Some days I really miss working on mods.

    1. jc2


      You should come back!

    2. LDR
    3. N-DReW25


      I imagine you'd be able to make some good texture mods.

  17. I loved TLJ. It wasn't perfect, but I loved the direction it went.

  18. My opinion is to make a "proof of concept" demo and maybe just bite the Endar Spire off first.
  19. This. This is what I want. Now, if only i could port it to my xbox 360!
  20. Anyone know if it's possible to get the DLC for the original Battlefront 2 on an xbox 360?

    1. Mephiles550


      I think your best bet is to find a used copy on Ebay with the DLC already installed on it, but I've had very little luck doing so.

  21. All i've ever wanted was what the original battlefront 3 was supposed to be. Sadly, I will never get that game. So I'll stick to the original BattleFront 2. At least thats fun.