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Everything posted by Quanon

  1. After a frantic week of modding, it's done! I can now publish my new made reskin pack for Mission Vao. I remade all her body textures and her head ofcourse. All of them are now 2048x2048 in size. So there's a bit more detail on them. I kept the same look for her, no odd color changes, she keeps her "vanilla" look. Just in better quality! Download link: NEXUS or MediaFire No deadlystream release just yet, file refuses to upload... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + INSTALL + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Copy all the TGA files to your Override folder. That's it! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Minor preview in game: Renders from 3ds Max:
  2. No, not really, just updating the skin. I haven't changed the model There have been a lot of nice reskin packs out there for the regular armors/ robes, skyboxes and areas in general. I just couldn't find a party reskin to my liking. Not that they are bad, just not my taste or that matches better with the "new" look you can give the game. If you install a few it can all start to look a bit cluttered. EDIT: Did a last push for today: getting close to be done. Close up of the face with finished tentacles Clothing; just need to do the small pouches on the front of her jacket. And that armband on her rightarm, just doesn't fit. It's ugly as hell, now that I look at it again. Ingame test: I did a dialogue with her, but that didn't get on a screenshot? I also noticed her teeth and tongue are blue Another little tweak I need to get done.
  3. Back with another update: Another afternoon spend on getting all of Missions skins done. Her regular clothes have had some work done: boots, pants and her jacket are being worked on. The skin for her arm and gloves have had some work done to. I just need to set the color of the skin to blue. At the moment it's a nice pinky human flesh tone. Perhaps not healthy looking for a Twi'lek Quick little shot:
  4. What fun! Being at home for a few extra days, instead of work. I can continue on with my modding project. I've started to add in more details on the clothes. Nothing overly special. Just a small splash of extra color. And her shoes/ slippers? Are almost done, just the underside is in need of replacement. I'll then switch back to the skin. Doing these little preview renders, I'm wondering how much I can hide the seams of the UVmap. Right now they're a little exposed I think. The shoulder/ arms and hips/ thighs are going to be the hardest part. Not sure if I can get that really fixed. Looking at the old skin, they made her underpants and top a little longer, so it "hides" the seems. Another "not sure what to do" are her Lekku/ tentacles? Is it only on older Twi'lek that they are more "gnarly", rimples and dimples? Should I keep them smooth? At in a an extra color? Any suggestion on what the canon/ lore is on these. Anyway, another preview of things so far:
  5. I've started to add them back in, though it's very subtle at the moment. Perhaps a bit too faint. It's tricky to know how much is needed. Painting and looking at it in Photoshop is different than in the game. But then again, the game does have some close ups in the dialogues. Do appreciate the comments Luckily, I've got various versions and many layers. I can do a small set (more natural, more make-up, lots of freckles, less... zombie style ) and let the people choose which face to use. Anyway, here's how things stand so far! I got the face and body to match as close as possible. Also started to add back her underwear. Keeping the classic look. Grey sport top and undies. I can go back and do a different take on it, but first the classic game look.
  6. Today, had a bit of fun stitching all these parts together. I used various photos and body parts from a model, to get to this. It's not perfect; I might have to dabble with hand painting the elbow, kneejoints myself. A photo will never 100% match. The other bits work OK. I just need to get the color from the body to match with the head. The layer options I used on the head don't really work out on the body. Which I failed to do, it's sort of close, but still too different for my tastes. I'll have to do some research on the subject. And no fear, she'll be wearing more then what is now on display.
  7. Yeah, I got it fixed. The double eyebrow thing is gone aswell, I switched on the wrong layer Minor clean up work required, the eyeliner is a bit heavy, the lips don't match just right yet. Then I need to decide to get that "gloss" on her cheecks back, or go for a more make-up effect.
  8. Well, Been awhile since I posted anything in here. I've not been too lazy... well a bit, to be honest. I haven't done much work for my own mods, just helping out a few fellow modders here and there. Slowly, yes, I'm very content people have the patience to deal with me. A slug on sleeping pills goes faster. Still; I felt an itch, after playing around with other peoples skins (sounds sick), check my album for those; CLICK BAIT. I just had to have a go at it myself again. After playing around with the Twi'leks in 3Ds Max and a short play session in Kotor, another playthrough in the running, it was obvious Mission needed attention. So after 4~5 hours of labour here's what I have. Did some hunting on the internet for fleshy skins and portraits. Lovely model, named Adele/ Agness is now Mission Vao. Glorious. It did take me some time to get the blue tint back. Much going back and forth. There's still some work to be done, you'll see in the renders she has two pair of eyes and eyebrows. I didn't use the UVWmap overlay, I'll need to fix that. Then giving here outfits a redo as well. Then matching it to the head skin Skin is 2048x2048 at the moment.
  9. Well, to be honest, it would be a mod that is just funny and not really seriously intended to keep for the rest of the game. And true, replacing GOTOs voice is I think just impossible, I've no idea, how many spoken lines he has. But since, he's a party member, I bet it's a TON of them. Thanks for the link though. I started a new playthrough for both the games ^^
  10. Ugh, 3:45... Better get some sleep.

    1. LiliArch


      Sounds like my regular schedule.

  11. Quanon

    Party NarShaddaa07

    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    I really like the Trandoshans. Badtempered lizards.
  12. Quanon

    Party NarShaddaa06

    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    Dance with the dead: Out of body... It fits
  13. Quanon

    Party NarShaddaa05

    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    Still no pants; he'll need sunglasses instead though. I've overdone the glow effect a bit hard.
  14. Quanon

    Party NarShaddaa04

    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    Glorious no PANTS toydarian enjoying life.
  15. Quanon

    Party NarShaddaa03

    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    That's why Atton was so keen to get back!
  16. Quanon

    Party NarShaddaa02

    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    Predator is lurking. "I'm a m*'3'~Fracking T-Rex!"
  17. Quanon

    Party NarShaddaa01

    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    Volumetric light testing in a Nar Shaddaa club.
  18. Lol Actually I was thinking about replacing the droid with the toydarian; see what it gives. And replace his voice with Fassas/ Wattos? from Ep1. It would match well, GOTO bitches all the time on the Exile. Fassa does so to on Anniken. To bad we can't give'em a big gun of sorts.
  19. Had another fun evening with some Kotor models and RoR skins by Redrob.

  20. Quanon

    Rod RoR 02

    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    Showcasing lovely skins, for the many aliens, from RoR project. Skins done by Redrob.
  21. Quanon

    Rod RoR 01

    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    Showcasing lovely skins, for the many aliens, from RoR project. Skins done by Redrob. Had better luck with the Rodian, I got the worst faults out. But still, a few vertices in his right thumb keep being moved by his upperarm bone? I've been fiddling with the bone/ skin system, but can't seem to get it fixed. His eyeballs where acting up to, appearing a ghastly white instead of the pearly black, weird stuff...
  22. Quanon

    Trans RoR 03

    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    Showcasing lovely skins, for the many aliens, from RoR project. Skins done by Redrob.
  23. Quanon

    Trans RoR 02

    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    Showcasing lovely skins, for the many aliens, from RoR project. Skins done by Redrob.
  24. Quanon

    Trans RoR 01

    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    Showcasing lovely skins, for the many aliens, from RoR project. Skins done by Redrob. The models need a few extra fixes, MDLops tears them apart at weird places, so whenever I start to pose the models, odd cuts appear. Getting the mesh to behave as it should... takes awhile. Not perfect yet on the Transdoshan saddly.
  25. I don't understand this? Who says a Toydarian has his private parts between his legs? He's an alien... Never noticed this "issue' untill now. But to each his own I guess. It would be cool to replace GOTO with a Toydarian. Perhaps I'm biased to leather thongs on twi'leks to give any comments on that part