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Everything posted by Dark_Ansem

  1. ah one has to stop game updates, not steam updates! yes, you're right. no chance of actual new patches.
  2. I'll remember that. thanks. so I have to re-apply all mods each time it updates?
  3. so, I do not understand the ratio behind the upgradeability of items, or its absence. I've looked through the properties of defeault lightsabers and I noticed that all of them have the same property set, for upgrades- which is incomplete. it does not list Qixoni crystals nor the actual color crystals they should have, nor the "door sabering property". I also looked through melee weapons, who should have the same structure, and instead they are empty and upgradeable. I am confused. I al also confused on how to make "upgraded item" (that is, items you take at the workbench and you can disassemble like if you had made them). any ideas? EDIT: I also looked at baseitems.2da and checked back with the Dark Jedi Lightsaber item. even more confusing.
  4. can you add all the mods of Team Hsiss?

  5. well, I think for the npc it should be the other way round: start with like, 2 classes and then get the "jedi" one.
  6. actually it shows up to 3, the GUI. I tried it with KSE.
  7. just 2 classes: not even via script that can be changed? via KSE more can be added. npc stating classes matter: not even via script? no new force / lightsaber forms then. what about editing existing ones? what did you do in your "tweak" mod then?
  8. would the Steam versions work with the mod? I could dig up the cds but if they have been optimized for damn windows 7 x64 I wouldn't mind spending 20€ for having those babies both always available. Opinions?
  9. would you consider re-uploading your files?

  10. Dark_Ansem


    also, how to merge all various pc heads possibilities in one file compatible with the Restoration mod? once they have been recovered, of course..
  11. also, how many classes can npcs of the party have? not to mention the PC. not to mention, how can we set the starting classes of pcs so that they have a more intelligent start level? also, "new-ish" damage types? I mean, taking existing ones and combining them, for example? not to mention: editing/making of new combat/force forms. possible? ADD: think it's possible to make force powers/feats that exclude one other? I mean, one selects at level 1 the basic one and new ones appear/be selectable only after that AND make others unselectable/not appear?
  12. I want to know which items are exclusive to Kotor1 and do not appear in Kotor2. Quest Items do not count. I'll start with. Star Forge Robes Darth Revan's Robes Krayt Dragon Pearl thanks mandalore for: Heart of the Guardian Mantle of the Force
  13. wish Malachor mod got finished. ah well, thanks for everyhing
  14. yes VP please. post your findings on feats. that system could use an overhaul if possible. item properties are hardcoded: ok, so no new ones. but what if we expand upon the values provided by vanilla game? to have more options, more DC throws, more numerical values for regeneration etc.. if anything, passive force powers can make up for non-possible feats. no new force classes, then. I guess any improvement will have to be done with the existing 9 classes. EDIT: also, new music and new sound effects. I know new sound effects already can be done, I am unsure about new music.
  15. you don't mention Force Powers or item properties. nor if it is possible to create new "fully upgraded" items. nor new classes. also, that is not a direct answer to my question. would my idea work ot not for feats?
  16. hardcoded: that we cannot mod. for example, can we make new feats? or at least alter substantially existing ones so that we keep the same number of feats but make them more useful?
  17. can someone list what to date is known to be hardcoded in The Sith Lords, and the possible workarounds for it?
  18. when will we get the update this mod desrerves?
  19. Dark_Ansem


    can someone retexture the sith holocron to look like this http://a4.ec-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/54/e6cc0785b1d1430abf87758c32e3163e/l.jpg ? another good one is this one http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll74/shandor74/6-19-7.jpg but the previous one is my favourite.
  20. too bad we can't load the modules up in the Aurora toolset!
  21. not for a small duration, for a whole battle.
  22. but hanharr is so stupid. and unlikable. would the mod that change this work? also, where one can suggest more mods to incorporate? also, what kind of mod beside fixes you encourage to incorporate?