Fallen Guardian

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  • Birthday January 30

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  1. What else ought to be fixed? It seems all the issues reported in this thread have been resolved by the reporters.
  2. Yes, the steam version will not work with the audio files as-is. Yes, I have managed to be quite untimely in uploading a fix for that. I intend to upload a fixed version tonight.
  3. File Name: SpaceAlex's K1EP - Invisible Head Fix File Submitter: Fallen Guardian File Submitted: 09 Apr 2014 File Category: Mods So, not too long ago, SpaceAlex released his long-awaited K1 Enhancement Pack to the public as a modder's resource. However, for those wishing to use it as just a mod, not a resource, it was frustrating to discover that some heads had been rendered invisible by some head models being missing. With this little fix (installed by the TSL Patcher) I have corrected the missing head problem. Thanks to SpaceAlex for doing literally all the work with the Enhancement Pack, and allowing people to modify and release as they pleased! ReadMe: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » SpaceAlex's K1EP - Invisible Head Fix ReadMe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AUTHOR: Fallen Guardian AUTHOR OF ORIGINAL MOD: SpaceAlex NAME: SpaceAlex's K1EP - Invisible Head Fix TYPE: Modified Content VERSION: 1.0 SIZE - Unzipped: 24.0 Megabytes, Zipped: 10.9 Megabytes DATE RELEASED: April, 7 2014 RELEASE THREADS: 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » DESCRIPTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SpaceAlex released his long-awaited K1 Enhancement Pack not too long ago as a modder's resource. However, there were some head files missing that made many of the NPCs in the game show up headless. This mod adds the files needed to correct that problem. NOTE: THIS MOD NEEDS SPACEALEX'S K1 ENHANCEMENT PACK IN ORDER TO WORK PROPERLY! INSTALL IT FIRST! DOWNLOAD HERE: https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=af290b5e544ebb56&id=AF290B5E544EBB56!121 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » LIST OF CHANGES - Adds in modifications to the heads and appearance.2da files, as well as model and texture files to make the previously invisble heads visible. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » INSTALLATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An installation which involves the TSL Patcher has been made ready for your use and is the simplest and easiest way to carry out installation. If you wish, for whatever reason, to not use TSL Patcher it will require you to manually copy and paste files from the tslpatchdata folder into the specific folders they need to be placed in. Note: I am not responsible for any incompatibility issues that may arise (whether the mod was installed with TSLPatcher or manually) from the use of this mod in conjunction with other mods. Though I will do my best to fix any legitimate bugs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » TSL PATCHER INSTALLATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Double click K1EP Head Fix Installer.exe found in the main directory of the "SpaceAlex's K1EP - Invisible Head Fix" folder. 2) Click the button labeled "Install Mod." 3) Click yes to the box that'll pop up... if you wish to proceed with installation. 4) Watch as all the little file names and progress reports scroll by and wait until the installer is complete. (NOTE: This will replace any files that have the same names as the ones being installed.) NOTE: THIS MOD NEEDS SPACEALEX'S K1 ENHANCEMENT PACK IN ORDER TO WORK PROPERLY! INSTALL IT FIRST! DOWNLOAD HERE: https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=af290b5e544ebb56&id=AF290B5E544EBB56!121 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » MANUAL INSTALLATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Go into the tslpatchdata folder. 2) Copy all files not named info.rtf, heads.2da, appearance.2da and changes.ini into the Override folder found in your KotOR 1 main directory (Default path on Windows 7 is C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR\Override). 3) Look up various tutorials on how to modify .2da's, and make the appropriate .2da edits to the heads.2da found in your override (in reality this step may be unnecessary for the most part. If not done, it will - at most - cause one or two heads to be invisible). NOTE: THIS MOD NEEDS SPACEALEX'S K1 ENHANCEMENT PACK IN ORDER TO WORK PROPERLY! INSTALL IT FIRST! DOWNLOAD HERE: https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=af290b5e544ebb56&id=AF290B5E544EBB56!121 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » KNOWN BUGS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ None. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » BUG REPORTING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are 3 ways to report bugs. 1: Post your issues in the release thread found in the Taris Upper City Emporium (the thread will be named Weapon Model Overhaul Texture Rework). 2: Post your issues in the release thread found in the Deadly Stream Mod Releases section (the thread will be named Weapon Model Overhaul Texture Rework). 3: PM your issues to me (Fallen Guardian) at either Deadly Stream or Lucas Forums. TO REPORT THROUGH TARIS UPPER CITY EMPORIUM 1) Go to the Taris Upper City Emporium section of the Knights of the Old Republic branch of LucasForums (http://www.lucasforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=645) and either create an account or login to your existing one. 2) Find the thread called "SpaceAlex's K1EP - Invisible Head Fix". 3) If the bug has not been reported already, post a VERY DETAILED description of what is occurring in your game. I will likely report back to you within a week. TO REPORT THROUGH THE DEADLY STREAM MOD RELEASES SECTION 1) Go to the Mod Releases section in the Knights of the Old Republic modding branch of Deadly Stream (http://deadlystream.com/forum/forum/17-mod-releases/) and either create an account or login to your existing one. 2) Find the thread called "SpaceAlex's K1EP - Invisible Head Fix". 3) If the bug has not been reported already, post a VERY DETAILED description of what is occurring in your game. I will likely report back to you within a week. TO REPORT THROUGH PM 1) Go to DeadlyStream (http://deadlystream.com/) or LucasForums (http://www.lucasforums.com/), sign into/create your account, and search for the user Fallen Guardian (http://deadlystream.com/forum/user/8932-fallen-guardian/) or (http://www.lucasforums.com/member.php?u=167390) 2) Send me a private message with a VERY DETAILED description of what is occurring in your game. I will likely report back to you within a week. The options listed above are the ways that are guaranteed to reach me in a timely manner. Posting comments on ModDb or Nexus Mods (or sending me PMs there) will most likely be responded to, but it will take longer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » SPECIAL THANKS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A huge thank you to SpaceAlex for creating, and releasing, his K1 Enhancement Pack. He did all the work, he just forgot a few head files. Thanks SpaceAlex! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » REDISTRIBUTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Redistribute this mod however you want - just give me (Fallen Guardian) proper credit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » LEGAL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE CORP/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSORS/SPONSORS/OWNERS OF THE AFOREMENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE AFOREMENTIONED COMPANIES/LICENSORS/SPONSORS/OWNERS AND THE AUTHOR(S) ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » FINAL WORDS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks for installing. STOP! Before you install this fix, you need to download and install SpaceAlex's K1 Enhancement Pack from here. Click here to download this file
  4. Version 1.0


    So, not too long ago, SpaceAlex released his long-awaited K1 Enhancement Pack to the public as a modder's resource. However, for those wishing to use it as just a mod, not a resource, it was frustrating to discover that some heads had been rendered invisible by some head models being missing. With this little fix (installed by the TSL Patcher) I have corrected the missing head problem.
  5. Currently when downloading from Deadly Stream you'll come up with an empty ZIP instead of the mod. I've contacted the admins about this issue and hope to have it resolved soon.
  6. The one here and the one on Deadly Stream are both the same version, and both require Toasty Fresh's mod to be installed first in order for it to work.
  7. Thanks! I don't know if Toasty Fresh is going to upload his mod to Deadly Stream - he might do so when he releases his KotOR 2 version, but I simply don't know for sure.
  8. You'd have to run the models through mdlops a couple of times in order to make them KotOR 2 compatible. To my knowledge though, Toasty Fresh is working on a KotOR 2 version.
  9. Thanks! So long as Toasty Fresh's mod is installed first, everything else will install correctly.
  10. File Name: Weapon Model Overhaul Texture Rework File Submitter: Fallen Guardian File Submitted: 18 Feb 2014 File Category: Mods Toasty Fresh recently released his Weapon Model Overhaul, which replaced nearly all the low poly weapons with pristine new models and textures. However, I liked the idea of the textures for the weapons matching the game's original icons more closely than they did (or, in some cases, weapons being more varied than they were) so I set about editing Toasty Fresh's textures to make them look more like the original game's icons. And, with Toasty Fresh's permission, I am now releasing my work. ReadMe (NOTE: In order for this mod to work properly you must download Toasty Fresh's Weapon Model Overhaul and install it first.) Click here to download this file.