Rtas Vadum

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Everything posted by Rtas Vadum

  1. Here I thought I wouldn't really have to mention it. I would think only one(although it might occur more than once), would really stick out. To be basic, the infamous Hitler Cam...er, shot. I don't think such related themes are really an issue, given that Lucas himself referenced Triumph of the Will in ANH, and given the general look of the Empire....well, the point should be obvious. I myself have no problem with it. Of course, I also like it because there isn't any real confusion as to how to get to the scene(although I forget if you specifically need to use the console now, or you don't). Along with that, it just flawlessly loads the next area, without needing to run back to the exit, or anything else.
  2. I have completed it once, along with having another run going now(which is chugging a bit, due to the fact that I keep finding things in certain areas that I have to change, due to my area reskin project), and I haven't come across any significant problems(although I'm sure that this is the preference). I still have to do a lightside run, and I might've missed a few quests here and there. Oh, and I have to say that I like the scene at the end of the HK factory. But it's not the dialog that does it. Nope, it's the camera angle used for HK 47. Some would argue, but I'd say it fits.
  3. Even if the mod in question allows you, when playing a female exile, to have the Handmaiden in your party, just like the canon says? In a technical sense, even a patch that any game developers release, would modify a game, although they usually get around calling it that, since they would be the ones that dictate what the canon story is. But when it comes to users doing the same thing, it almost has to be labeled a mod, since it isn't the developers who made the changes - never mind if the changes are ones that the developers wanted to make, but either couldn't because of time, or for some other reason. Maybe not. But the want to avoid playing it, just because it isn't the canon story, throws away, in some ways, half of the game. One can play a lightside character all they want, but for the most part, it will stay the same. If the same person doesn't want to play the DS side of things, then aside from occasionally picking it up again, that's all there is. As for what it is, acting or being at all like Palpatine isn't the point. There are ways to manipulate people in the game, but not on the same scale. Either way, the character isn't a Senator, nor are they one who has much, if anything, to do with politics. If you want manipulation, try Kreia. With RCM, it explains things better. And it isn't just the DS side of things that was unfinished. You think they would've devoted time to completing one side of things for the ending, and left it at that because of the schedule? Nope. For both sides, there is little to no explanation of what you mention, at least in the regular game.
  4. I don't think there are any area textures that were changed by TSLRCM, so there shouldn't be any problems there. As for placing the tga's in folders, yes, you can do this. However, you can only go one folder beyond the override. Such as, your directory can be: "[drive-letter]:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Override\Ebon Hawk\", but you cannot have any folders within the one named "Ebon Hawk"(or whatever you chose to name your folders - in this case, it is best to name it the same as the textures associated with it, so it is easier to remove later, if necessary), as the game won't look there. I'm not entirely sure why, but it does not work this way in K1. In K1 any textures(or any other sort of file the games uses), MUST be in the override folder, else the game will not use it. You did install the game, then the 1.0b Official Patch, then TSLRCM 1.8, correct? Anyway, she should appear if you go down the hallway behind the fountain(directly in line with the ramp, opposite the entry hall), and fight the creatures there. You should then see a few more coming from behind you, of the "Deadly" variety, Once you deal with them, she should confront you.
  5. How it is not? In spite of some facts that TOR just left in the dust, along with the game being official( I don't think there are any "Unofficial" Star Wars Games, are there? At least ones that might add to canon), it can be considered canon since the Exile is an offical character, and has some presence in the Revan novel, and TOR. As for the Handmaiden, yes, you cannot get her in the normal game, or even with TSLRCM. With a mod on this site though, it becomes quite possible. And why is having the option of playing a Darkside character a bad thing? It might not be canon(which is true for most games where there is such an option - heavy bias, I would say.), but in a game like this, it works. I could name several other games that do this, but I'm certain they are quite known by now(even if it seems most don't chose the darker option).
  6. Although I would love to, I don't think it would be even possible to get the game to look anything like the city in the movies, much less the graphics of Tron: Evolution. I'd like to have a slight glow on body models(somewhat like the animated lightsaber blades), a slight...shimmer I guess in the lines and texture on some of the areas, but that would require animated textures, which would need to be higher res, or lower res for more frames. But for the most part, what I've already done works. Plus, on Narr Shaddaa, with how dark it is, and the lines, damn does it look like a place to be careful. I suppose I could get the Citadel, and the Military base to be a bit darker, but I'm not sure how to edit the lightmaps. I'm certainly going to look into that.
  7. Now, this might just be the most cliched thing ever, although in some ways, it fits. Anyway, the obvious thing here is that this intends to change a number of areas, along with a few other things, to have a similar look to much of the world/clothing/etc, of the Grid in Tron: Legacy. At this point, the only areas in the game that will get this treatment, are: Peragus - 80%(Mostly need to just make sure I've done everything, and make sure that everything looks right) the Harbinger - 90%(Along with a bit of polish, I need to take some shots for the loading screens) Citadel Station(which includes the Military Base and the HK Factory, along with the Academy) - 70% Narr Shaddaa - 85% Ebon Hawk(Three options, Normal[blue lines], Corrupted(Red Lines), and Corrupt(Orange-Red Lines with a Red glow) - 90%(Just need a shot for the Corrupted version's loading screens) Trayus Academy(including parts of Malachor), Jedi Council Chambers - 90% Duxn Tomb - ??% Korriban - Testing M4-78 - WHAT? As for NPC's, there are quite a few that will get this treatment. Such as a few of the Party members(not including Mandalore, and Hanharr). Most other NPCs that will get this treatment, are ones that appear in the aforementioned areas. Screenshots will be added here: DeadlyStream Gallery
  8. Indeed, you cannot. If you want to have a model both shine(if it is supposed to be metal, leather, etc), and have a glowing area(eyes, lights, etc), then you would need to have two textures. Also, I can't say that I have any problems with the cape. Given that the personality G0-T0 has adapted seems to have quite the ego, I'd say it fits.
  9. You know, I usually never use Goto. Beyond taking the little trip to see Vogga (which might not explicitly be required), I just don't use him. With this though, I might have to do so a lot more.
  10. Hmm...now that you mention it, the quest you actually use those parts on(fixing the Speeder Bike on Nar Shaada), seems thrown in, even if it adds a fast Travel option for that Planet. Although I don't think that third one is ever used, but that's likely to just be among the many that aren't in K2.(Similar to the "belt" textures in the first game, implying that the belts would've been visible on the models, rather than just having their effects applied).
  11. There are other droids on the ship, and they use the same model that G0-t0 does. So you'd have to make a few other changes if you'd want to have this new model only appear for his party appearance.
  12. What SH means, is that even though you change the droid model, the game will still spawn a holograpic representation of G0-T0 during the scene aboard his ship, when first traveling to Nar Shaadda(For some bloody reason, I've seen this name so many times, but never recently when I have to type it). On his original model, he has that red eye that projects it. Where is the projection going to come from on this model? Also, I am quite interested in this. You honestly scared me a bit when you said you weren't going to finish this, though I understand what you meant by it.
  13. I don't even think Akkere was involved, given that I didn't recruit him for the Militia, and I went the DS route. Zherron was the one I was referring to.
  14. Maybe not a critical bug, but an item dropped by the Militia Captain(I forget his name at the moment), seems to be two swords that lack a name. It could be something else, since I didn't bother to click on it(or use it, rather). I know that previously, he dropped an armor item, which was the Militia armor. This time, I don't think he did, since I don't have it in my inventory.
  15. All you need to either edit or make a txi file is notepad. If your just editing an existing one, then just saving it as normal should work fine. If you want to make one, then you'll need to change the "Save As Type" box to "All Files" first, then add .txi to the filename(which should match the name of the texture you want to associate it with). As for what you want to change or add to the txi, that is simple as well.
  16. I'd prefer these as well. Although, I haven't found many that are like this(though I'd love to be pointed towards a few). Most stories, be they for any form of media, believe that a story can only be told from one angle, which can never cross certain lines. The way I prefer it is when champions don't exist, or they simply cannot get far enough to actually be such a thing. And if they do get close to the title, that is as far as they get. Why? I'm sick of these things. I've been, rather annoyed at stories that seem to force the apparent good route, no matter how bad it really is. Also, if they are the heros in the story, well, based on what they are, or what they do, calling them such is only due to the fact that they have a set goal that they won't deviate from. Will they take the villain's offer to join them? No, the villian gets killed for what they've done. At any point, will the hero(s) turn on either themselves, or someone else that is not the enemy? Of course not, what is the point of that? Take this instance. Lets say a killer, who has perhaps murdered quite a few people, and isn't going to stop. They believe that they are right, and nothing is going to change their mind. Now, at some point, the killer chooses to target someone close to the protagonist. They fail in this instance, and is caught by the protagonist. Now, they could just hand the killer over to the police, and have the matter settled, but that merely has the killer either bide time, or simply waste away, never once believing what they did was wrong. However, if the protagonist would chose to dispose of them personally, both for the various people they've killed, or for simply thinking to touch their friend, things are different. Depending on exactly what would be done, the person might just face death understanding just how wrong they are. Not only that, they have no possibility of ever doing it again. Now, a rather obvious thing is that some would consider this a Moral Event Horizon. Which isn't untrue, but not exactly. It might be, depending on what the protagonist's goal is. But I wonder what it is that most people would think of a story like this. Would having the killer punished by the law be enough, even if the killer still believes they are right? Or is it that seeing the killer truly punished for what it is they did, no matter the lines the MC crosses? As for the Harry Potter series, none of that really bothered me. Wait, I take that back. Two things do, one of them mostly cosmetic. The first is the fact that even when you have nearly every character fighting for his or her life, the most some of the main characters chose to do, is just stun whoever it is that they are in a fight with, and that's it. I get that they are the heros, but that doesn't mean they have to stay on the defensive side all the time. As for the second, well, it is the cosmetic one. As much as I understand the fact that the character is supposed to be relate-able(mostly meaning Harry), that isn't what I'd expect for what is a series of books about magic. It might not matter as much for the books, as one could imagine the characters wearing something that fits the setting and their character, but for the films it is. Perhaps some of the characters that wear suits might fit, and that I don't have a problem with. But most of what the main characters wear, almost makes you confused, since in some scenes, the only thing that says that they aren't just regular people, would be the wands, and the spells they are casting.
  17. File Name: Mission Skin Pack File Submitter: Rtas Vadum File Submitted: 28 Jun 2012 File Category: Skins A Modification for: Star Wars: Knights oF The Old Republic "Mission Skin Pack" Author: Rtas_Vadum ---------------------------------------------- I.Description As Twi'leks have many varied skin colors, it is of little surprise that there are those who would prefer a more unique one for the Twi'lek party member, Mission Vao. Included here are Red(Lethan), Purple(Tyrian), and White. ---------------------------------------------- II.Installation Chose the folder of the color you would like, and add these files from it, to your K1 override folder: p_missionH01.tga(Head texture) p_missionBA01.tga(Underwear texture) p_missionBB01.tga(Clothing texture) p_missionBB01.txi(evmap texture - gives the shine effect on the boots) p_missionBA01.txi(evmap texture - gives the shine effect on the underwear) po_pmission.tga(portrait) po_pmission3.tga(image on party selection screen) twilek_m03.tga(Griff's head texture) N_TwilekMD01.tga(Griff's body texture) ---------------------------------------------- III.Removal Delete the files mentioned above from your override. ---------------------------------------------- IV.Compatability If another mod changes Missions and/or Griff's textures, it will not be compatabile with this one. Beyond that, there should be no problems. ---------------------------------------------- V.Permissions If you wish to use any part of this in your own mod, credit must be given. Contact me either on DeadlySTream, or LucasForums. ---------------------------------------------- VI.Disclaimer Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is a property of their respective owners. There is no affiliation between the author of this modification and either BioWare Corp, or any affiliated companies. Click here to download this file
  18. Version 1.0


    A Modification for: Star Wars: Knights oF The Old Republic "Mission Skin Pack" Author: Rtas_Vadum ---------------------------------------------- I.Description As Twi'leks have many varied skin colors, it is of little surprise that there are those who would prefer a more unique one for the Twi'lek party member, Mission Vao. Included here are Red(Lethan), Purple(Tyrian), and White. ---------------------------------------------- II.Installation Chose the folder of the color you would like, and add these files from it, to your K1 override folder: p_missionH01.tga(Head texture) p_missionBA01.tga(Underwear texture) p_missionBB01.tga(Clothing texture) p_missionBB01.txi(evmap texture - gives the shine effect on the boots) p_missionBA01.txi(evmap texture - gives the shine effect on the underwear) po_pmission.tga(portrait) po_pmission3.tga(image on party selection screen) twilek_m03.tga(Griff's head texture) N_TwilekMD01.tga(Griff's body texture) ---------------------------------------------- III.Removal Delete the files mentioned above from your override. ---------------------------------------------- IV.Compatability If another mod changes Missions and/or Griff's textures, it will not be compatabile with this one. Beyond that, there should be no problems. ---------------------------------------------- V.Permissions If you wish to use any part of this in your own mod, credit must be given. Contact me either on DeadlySTream, or LucasForums. ---------------------------------------------- VI.Disclaimer Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is a property of their respective owners. There is no affiliation between the author of this modification and either BioWare Corp, or any affiliated companies.
  19. I think Telos is almost done, I mostly have to finish a few more textures. I would like to make the modules a bit darker, but that isn't a serious concern at the moment. Czerka? Corrupt? Who would've thought? I would have that text in actual basic, but most fonts would clash a bit. However, know that those aren't just random letters. I figure that is like a news terminal, and thus most of them are relevant to the game. Now maybe it might be stretching it a bit, but given my fascination with the Rectifier...I had to do it. And not just the ship either. I obviously have more to do with it, but it is a start.