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Status Replies posted by HK-47

    1. HK-47


      Lol. If I didn't know better I'd say K2 is cursed. Doomed to be broken in any form.


      Can mods like RCM be applied to it on Switch?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)


    1. HK-47


      hahaha. Well, there was absolutely no forethought. JJ, the cast, and others have admitted that there was no plan. The fact they didn't give each film the proper time and... well anyway, it's obvious. I wish people would stop looking at the "good moments/concepts" and saying "it's all done well/perfect". It's not the moments, it's not about us OT or PT fans, it's not about Rey (or any female) being the lead character. The surface isn't the important part, it's what's underneath. Why and how were the moments reached and how do they connect? What respect for the characters from the OT and PT is shown? Why is x character (insert thing here)? THAT is what the issues are about. It's not about "what", it is (as is all things in life) about "why".

      This was a nice watch.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Question: Does it make sense to leave reviews on mods when you can't use them (i.e. you don't have a non Xbox version of the game)?

  3. KotOR 2 for mobile?! Well... time to get TSLRCM ready for mobile. 😁

  4. Mando. S2 finale. THAT is how a certain trilogy should've been. Not the bumbling mess we got.

    1. HK-47


      And yes, you read that right. I did call the ST a huge bumbling mess.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Mod idea.


    1. HK-47


      I... I... I didn't think such a thing was possible in the game. OMG! YES! DO IT! This would be SO AWESOME!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. Watch it until the end. Mandalorian, Season 2, Episode 1.

  7. I've had folks say they were going to contribute to the documentary and I haven't seen any audio coming my way yet. Let me know via PMs of your current status as soon as you can, please. Thank you.

    1. HK-47



  8. I have been killing my time attempting (and eventually succeeding) to get the Ossus Datarcrons.  This includes the horrible Endurance datacron jumping puzzle that I had to endure. I have a edited version of that jumping puzzle recorded so you can actually see what happens as opposed to what you'd get if you had your shader complexity in SWTOR set to high. I had settings set to low after failing the jumping puzzles many many times. So look for a video on YouTube later tonight, I guess.

    1. HK-47


      As annoying as Onderon was, Makeb is worse. So glad we only have to do it the one time now.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. Latest progress on cloaked party clothing robes:


    It's not readily apparent, but in addition to the cloak I upscaled her clothing texture and fixed some minor errors.

    1. HK-47


      Wow that's... wow. It makes her look so much better. I don't know why.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  10. That feeling when you discover that one of your sever hosts has apparently just vanished into the ether, taking ~10 years of SVN databases with it (and your last remote backup is several months old).

    Merry Christmas indeed.....

  11. ClassiCinematics has started on the K2 BIKs: 


    1. HK-47


      Beautiful. My biggest problem with how RCM has the sion arrival scene in-game, is the constant changing from game to bik to game to bik to game. The repeated resolution changing and break in the music/sound really takes me out of it. HQ versions of these would be awesome if it means better transition from bik to game and back. Though I personally have no issue with the original sion harbinger bik aside from the atrocious resolution, so if an option to bypass the RCM version for the HQ bik version is available... 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  12. Unfortunately for me, my Wifi at my house has broken which means my PC cannot connect to the internet.


    This may be bad for some of you because I havr an update for the K1 Gameplay Improvement ready to ship out (In the mean time, I will just be fixing whatever bugs I find in it so expect a long list of added/fixed features)


    My Steam has also logged me out meaning I can't access Kotor 2 at all (Kotor 1 is fine as I can use the exe for that) meaning that any Kotor 2 mods I was making will be put on hold.

  13. Everyone: We need more people to visit Deadlystream and encourage modding because more than 50% of users use Nexusmods or the Steam Workshop.


    PCGamer: Let's advertise a Kotor Nexus Mod-

    1. HK-47


      I saw an article about that somewhere, I forget where, and I said that the mod was cute. I then said that there were more and better texture mods over at, the home of mods like TSLRCM.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. I'm looking for the music that can found through any of the dailies, flashpoints on CZ-198.  I'll also take the music in the trailer for CZ-198.  Assistance would be appreciated - it's for a little video I'm putting together. (It's probably the last one that I'll do before the computer is packed up for the move.)

    1. HK-47


      Oh. I recognize it after listening again. Can't believe I missed the second part, as it's only from one part of the entire game and one of my favorite scores. The first section (before the "Game Update" text) is a short track named eventtheme_general_sithorder_02 with that specific part.

       But the second part is the music from Balmorra. That specific bit in the trailer is regionevent_balmorra_main.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. I'm looking for the music that can found through any of the dailies, flashpoints on CZ-198.  I'll also take the music in the trailer for CZ-198.  Assistance would be appreciated - it's for a little video I'm putting together. (It's probably the last one that I'll do before the computer is packed up for the move.)

    1. HK-47


      In going through the music, it seems that a lot of the music is random sequences. A lot (probably all) from the "action_lowintensity_x" and from GSF music. A lot I have noticed is also found from doing Flash Points. I have them zipped and can make them available to you. The FP music I'm sure is specific, but the daily area music I know is not specific to any given area.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. Apparently, I've forgotten something I used to know.  I need to get textures that are usually part of droid's model to appear. The part is the rifle.


    How can I get Sithspecter's wonderful textures to show up? (Please let the answer be easy!)

    1. HK-47


      Same locations for me too. The only mod I personally have that could possibly in some weird way that doesn't makes sense conflict is JC's merchant inventory fix. I did spend a full day making sure I didn't have conflicting mods. Soooo.... that and the Vrook Vandar Dantooine Holorecording crash seem strange ones to have happen.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  17. Apparently, I've forgotten something I used to know.  I need to get textures that are usually part of droid's model to appear. The part is the rifle.


    How can I get Sithspecter's wonderful textures to show up? (Please let the answer be easy!)

    1. HK-47


      I've encountered the same thing with that mod. I have no conflicting mods. Yeah, the mod's Read Me states that the models were replaced with new ones.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  18. Wow, new automatic messages merger looks [functionally] cool! Props to Admins and Mods for improving the site's feature. :cheers:

    1. HK-47


      I noticed that too. A cool feature indeed.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. Has anyone here ever used this mod?  Could I get some details on differences between this mod and the TSLRCM? And finally, are there any videos of this mod out there?

    1. HK-47


      I used it before RCM came out with 1.4, perhaps before RCM existed. The most it did was fix bugs. Big game breaking bugs and the ones that were the most annoying. RCM does WAY more. From the looks of it, the new version fixes a lot of the things that RCM does too. RCM adds and restores things that were disabled or removed because of those bugs or unfinished content, where as that mod seems to just adjust things to account for things having been removed (like dialogue and such for story/quests). That would account for some of the incompatibility. RCM does one thing with mission/quest X, while UP does different with mission/quest X.

      That's not exactly "detailed"... but there ya go.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  20. Hi there all.  I've made three new blogs recently.  Check them out and post if you have relevant insights to share. Likes also accepted. ;)

    Blog #96 - What do you HATE about the M4-78 EP?
    Blog #95 - What do you LIKE or LOVE about M4-78 EP?

    Blog #94 - The Problem with Master Vash

    1. HK-47


      I plan to provide feedback when I get to the planet. I'm headed to Nar before the second part of Onderon, then Korriban, and then off to M4. I have a ways to go.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  21. I came across a video today. It seems someone is attempting to get Star Wars: 1313 made/released. Video found here. If it's legal and pans out to release, I'd personally rather have what was originally going to be made, assuming it's different. However... I don't have high hopes for it to go anywhere. Higher than Aperion, but not by much.

    1. HK-47


      Huh. Responses made by a member I follow didn't show up in the "Members I Follow" section. Interesting. Actually, I never got any notifications.

      I want to clarify that when I said "If it's legal", I meant it in the sense that there won't be a C&D sent out. So... "legal". But as I said, I don't see that not happening. I found the attempt at this funny.


      If it isn't legal, then "I will make it legal". 😁There. I said it, and I'd say it again if I had to.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  22. Bad news: My computer can no longer connect to wifi. Good news: every other device I own can connect to wifi and I can still mod Kotor using my PC. This might make updating/uploading mods and replying to PMs hard.

    1. HK-47


      I was gonna say, Windows is probably being stupid. Your phone should also have tethering capability, so you can use it's connection to the wi-fi and still be fine. I intended to post this when I saw yours, but I forgot about it.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  23. Hey there!  I thought someone may have made a fix for the gaps and bulkhead issues in the Ebon Hawk cockpit. (I originally thought @DarthParametricmight have fixed them but they're not on his file uploads page here.  Did someone else fix those and upload them here? (Can't find them.)

    1. HK-47


      Found it. Not 100% sure it does exactly what you're after. I need to download the updated version. I have the first release!


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)