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Everything posted by ttlan

  1. I do appreciate this "yet". It sounds so pretty to my ears.
  2. Hi VP, I am not able to find a_stock_dara. Kotor tools don't show me this script, nss nor ncs. I am thinking, alone: Can we do it completely differently? Would not it make more sense (yes, that would be more logical, but is it technically feasible) to generate the lottery when we found the will (on the second salvager corpse), store it in a global variable (a list of variables for a list of IDs ?), and then show it in the Daraala store or in the inheritence given by Zherron, depending on the progress? I do not know if we can pass info from a module to an other one in an other maner than using the global variables. If we deal with Daraala, Daraala goes: she disappears in an invisible area of the map but remains on the map (for example, behind the temple of Rakatas). The inheritence is added to her inventory. Whenever this module is open, we test the position of Daraala. If she is hidden, she returns, really quietly and walking, crossing the plains. If we deal with Zherron, this is the same inheritance Zherron give us with the spécific item. Just a thought from someone who never develop in the world of gaming.
  3. Ok for a separate mod (where is it?). A question : I am not aware of all mods made for K2. Is there some who add one or many planets?
  4. Yes, HH The Bug is to use the same dialogue script twice, not the principle of two lotteries that add together. I have well understand that this is a writing problem. It has been, certainly, the same writting problem for Obsidian who has certainly struggled with it without finding the time to fix it. Perhaps Obsidian used voluntarily this repetition in order to save development time, because the goal is to make the loot twice. The bug is not in the twice lottery but in the twice dialogue. The twofold lottery is something required. Unfortunately, the twice dialogues can be seen, can be hear. I reported this bug long before the beginning of the writing of my site. By cons, the double lottery (or two different) is a necessity. I would have reported a bug if Daraala had returned empty-handed (and I report a bug with what is retrieved from Zherron). And, HH, believe that I completely understand the difficulty in writting this with what you explain to me. I wrote enough of millions of lines of code, including assembler, for never saying more in this topic if others had not restarted it. Beyond debug TSLRCM and K2, I act as the flame keeper. I can discuss, see protest against some options, but I totally respect your work and do not discuss about what I do not know.
  5. Well... At 12, she sees in front of her eyes, all of her teachers being burned alive, tortured, shredded ... and all her companions and all her friends. The Enclave is no more than rubbles and corpses. In addition, the Siths have stayed a few months on Dantooine, continuing to massacre the population. The trauma of Kaevee, at 12, is unimaginable, something terrible, something that the psyche of a child under 12 can not assimilate or canalize. Her mental constructs are blocked. Her language is blocked. All of her cues disappeared. At 12, and for 5 years, she will become a wild child that hide. Let's imagine... Can we imagine?... I speak of that with even more respect for the work of Obsidian that I did the translation into French of the Kaevee dialog options and I struggled with all her words. I've forgot to talk about the comments, written by Obsidian, to the attention of the actors (Voice-Acting - Kaevee Character): I think the work of actor for the voice of Kaevee, has not been easy at all.
  6. Welcome Mallik, We are not here to redesign the scenario of Obsidian, but to restore the deleted scenes and fix bugs. And above all, not to cut by ourselves scenes! Daraala gets the inheritance, thereby increasing its inventory. It is true that it had been better that a second lottery, different from the first, takes place. For now, they are two similar lotteries (not giving the same results, the principle of the lottery, but similar) that increase its inventory. And then! There are already enough problems with inventories of all vendors with, precisely, lack of items and certain items that never appear. I really do not see the shadow of the beginning of a problem with this double lottery instead of two different lotteries. The real bug, as I have already explained, is the legacy negotiated between with the Exile and Zherron. This legacy should be made of a lottery similar to the second lottery of Daraala with something more (depending on the progression). One of the main things critical acclaim with the release of this game is precisely the fact that Obsidian has greatly increased capabilities for the adjustments of various objects at the bench, compared to "Kotor 1 " from Bioware . Whether it's an opportunity to get a lot of items approximately just when we are going to be able to make our first lightsaber falls at just the right moment (which is not a mere coincidence in the script).
  7. There is something great in the distance maintained between the characters. Even the agony of Atton, in the arms of the Exile, if it failed against Sion, do not bear the feeling of "familiarity" to be introduced by the use of "tu " in French. Kotor 2 would be disfigured by a behavior of its characters which would be normal among teenagers, but completely forbidden between adults, all of which meets for the first time. And, in Kotor 2, there is no doubt. Even the exchanges between the Exile and T3-M4 are made with respect. Only exchanges between Atton and T3-M4 might be on a familiar tone, or from a superior to a subordinate, because of the impossibility, for a thug, to develop a formal relationship with a machine. But no. Even in an exchange where Atton gets carried away (the one that ends with Atton saying to T3: "Yeah, well, if I'm mean to you, it's because I care." - it's 003EBO_dlg\att3.dlg), Atton will use the "vous" to address to T3. And I take the opportunity for correcting the French translation of this phrase, notwithstanding the VO : 75724 : Original : Yeah, well, if I'm mean to you, it's because I care. Old translation : Qui aime bien châtie bien. From latin "Qui bene amat bene castigat." This sentence introduces a concept of friendship which is not at all expressed in the original dialogue created by Obsidian and do not exist at all in the relationship between T3 and Atton (ie pazaak game between them!). Translation updated : Ouais... Et bien... si je vous parais vache, c'est que je m'inquiète. We are in the Old Republic, just after the time of the Legend of the Jedi, in a world of knighthood and nobility (of heart, spirit and behavior)... with thugs, bounty hunters, assassins, Exchange, the Czerkas, the Genoharadan ... and conflicts everywhere... and Siths. And do not forget, either, before developing the game, Obsidian (as all others), are required to propose to Lucas (and Leyland ...) character profiles for approval (and Mandalore is 63 (in Mandalore years (? - Mandalore Planet beeing of terrestrial class)).
  8. Hi GamerX51 Welcome. It is kind to want to improve things like the syntax of some sentences, but care must be taken about several things simultaneous. Indeed, as HH says, there are the VO, which block a lot of initiatives. But as regards Kaevee, that is not VO that block the reformulation of those sentences. these are the character traits of the personage, perfectly profiled by Obsidian, and I defend furiously and passionately. Why? In 3956 BBY, Darth Malak understood that the "New Revan" is on his trail and he destroyed all the star maps that Revan had discovered some years earlier (they may drive his former master, again, to the Star Forge, his new headquarters). With the Sith commander Saul Karath, former supervisor of the Republic Admiral Carth Onasi (a man Carth admired, who betrayed and caused the death of the wife of Onasi, two years earlier), Malak devastates Dantooine as he devastated Telos, and destroyed the Jedi enclave in a heavy planetary bombardment. He aimed, in particular, "strange ruins", near the Jedi Enclave. It was ruins of a Rakata temple. They contain a fragment of the star map leading to the Star Forge. All Jedi where tortured and killed, many of them high-ranking, and much of the population. The Sith will occupy this planet some time, looting, killing and torturing and then will abandon Dantooine that will begin to rebuild. The Exiled arrived on Dantooine 5 years later, in 3951 BBY, and discovered, in the Enclave, a yong padawan, Kaevee, recluse, who survived alone for five years. She is 17 when she is discovered by the Exile (this information is provided by Obsidian in the files of K2). So, since the age of 12, she is totally abandoned to herself. She only has, as interlocutor, a Sith holocron and lots of laïgrecks! She has no chance to talk to anyone. She has probably declined in speaking and spoke more like a kid a little rough, 7 to 9, (but she is an endearing character). So not! nobody touches the Kaevee language. And more generally, Kotor 2 is almost exclusively contained in its texts. Never lose sight that Obsidian was wonderfully subtle in the language and in its writing and, generally, no comma is to be moved. TTLan
  9. We do not imagine, we no longer imagine playing at Kotor 2 without TSLRCM. If the mod is done, can it be incorporated into TSLRCM? Thus, there would be only one reference for the open spaces.
  10. Vanilla bug In the genus "Correcting mistakes most flagrant, " the galactic map is wrong. But I do not know if it's a big job to fix it. If using canonical material (Star Wars - The essential Atlas), the planets "Telos" and "Peragus II" are not at all at their places. Coordinates of the planets on the map Telos IV - Q4 Citadel - Q4 Peragrus II - Q4 Onderon - O9 Dxun - O9 M4-78 - O9 Nar Shaddaa - S12 Dantooine - L4 Korriban - R5 Malachor V - S4 And Dantooine should be moved to the left. TTLan
  11. In the dialog 151HAR_dlg \ repcapt.dlg If Revan is female Admiral Cede instead of Admiral Onasi is speaking to the Harbinger Captain. All dialog options are from a "speaker" designate as "RepGen" instead of "Cede" and this is describe as "Republic Captain" in the player's log instead of "Admiral Cede".
  12. Vanilla bug : The Remote, from Bao-Dur, has been upgraded twice by Bao-Dur and a conversation with GoTo suggests that it is to upgrade it so that it is able to act as a maintenance droid when there are fight situations. I do tests, version after version of TSLRCM, but for now, this little ball of technology does nothing in that way. Is this a correction considered to be done? Well As it does not seem to be obvious, even to be obscure, I will clarify things: 003EBO_dlg\baorem1.dlg 003EBO_dlg\baorem2.dlg 118181 : Bao-Dur {remote 1}{In party with G0-T0, T3-M4 or HK-47 for the first time}{Considering}{CONDITION: One droid in the party plus Bao-Dur}It might be helpful if I made some changes to my remote's maintenance laser to do spot repairs. 118184 : Go-To That would be a welcome improvement. My combat effectiveness could be better sustained providing an advantageous arrangement. 118180 : Bao-Dur {remote 2}{On Ebon Hawk, remote's repair upgrade}{GAMEPLAY PROGRAMMER: Bao-Dur working on the Remote}There. You should be able to do some quick fixes. You won't be able to perform serious repairs, but you should be able to patch up any broken droids. 120127 : [bao-Dur's remote has been upgraded with the ability to repair other droids in the party.]
  13. Thanks, HH I PM him.
  14. Hello, Kotor 2 allows a joint venture of people who meet together and share some hope. But that's not at all a bunch of friends. Especially not two heads mature, charismatic and powerful as the Exile and Mandalore. In the spirit of Kotor 2 and characters profiles, a mutual respect is needed that is translated into French, by the use of "vous" and not "tu". I already modified many erroneous usage of 'tu' in Kotor 2. MrPhil, do I have permission to make some amendments? Also, could you send me, if you agree, your other works (HK factory, and others if there is). Naturally, you keep the credit. Only the perfection of Kotor 2, for the Keeper of the Kotor Flame, is important. Sincerely TTLan
  15. Admiral Onassi or Onasi To comply with the writings (the comic "Knights of the Old Republic") and Kotor 1, we must remember "Onasi". In the Vanilla English version, this error appears 9 times in dialog.tlk. In the Vanilla French version, this error appears 17 times in dialog.tlk (this have been corrected by
  16. They are .bik files using Bink Video Codec The best way is to use the native tool from RAD Game Tools to read them Many features in addition.
  17. What happens? Why the 1.6 back to the surface? Work with the 1.7. The 1.6 is no longer supported. And you must, with each version of TSLRCM, restart from the character creation. Do not use your previous backups.
  18. If you think a correction to single minor problem is preferable to 2000 or 3000 corrections and major restorations, it's your problem. TSLRCM 1.7 supersedes alone dozens of disparate mod. And 1.7 fixes 1.6 and goes much further.
  19. After installation, you must restart a new adventure since the character creation.
  20. Hum... Seem that all links to, in the Mods confirmed to work with the TSLRCM 1.7 list like do not lead anywhere. I'm back to Under : Firefox NoScript ( white listed) AddBlock plus
  21. Thanks, Zbyl2. I communicate the information - it will not please him.
  22. Testing 3 conditions with only 2 slots. Would the easiest way be to create a new script, testing two conditions one shot?
  23. Hi, I am currently consulted about a mod and its compatibility with TSLRCM 90SK's SUPER Content Mod;89554 Does anyone has used it with TSLRCM? It does not appear in the list of compatibles mod (nor in that of incompatibles). Thanks TTLan
  24. Thanks a lot, HH. HH, I fully understand that the shortcut chosen by Obsidian leads, purely and simply, to the sum of two inventories. However, where is the problem? It is unthinkable that the return of Daraala happen without new products added to her inventory. It is the purpose of her approach. It is also the purpose of our approach (us, the players) after testing various options. That the increase of the inventory of Daraala be done by the sum of two inventories of the type "Initial Opening of a seller store", is not a problem. Where is the problem? The two dead salvagers, including the one with the will, are supposed to be the very first to set foot in the lower level of the Enclave. They are suposed to reap countless objects of great value. The reverse should happen. In fact, the bug, if there is a bug, is rather on the side of the content of the legacy we usurp, when we go to see Zherron ourselves with a false will. This legacy should be the same as the second inventory of Daraala, eventualy with a lightsaber in addition, under scenaristical conditions. We understand, although forced and resigned, that the game can not offer, freely, 15 or 20 items when we deal the false will with Zherron. By the way: why? I do not know why the game can not offer, freely, 15 or 20 items, because we have inherited of them! Really? The actual legacy left by Zherron skews the notion of inheritance of the scrap dealers. In pure logic, this legacy should be the same as the famous second Daraala inventory. That is the bug, if we find a bug. I do not understand that increasing the inventory of Daraala, which will roughly and simply double the number of items for sale, is a problem. We will have, as usual, to choose and buy items normally, "working" at our purchases / sales to manage our funds. Where is the problem? The only real problem is the shortcut found by Obsidian: the restart of the conversation. The increase of the inventory of Daraala is, itself, on its side, perfectly correct. This partially corrects, for Daraala only, the poverty of the inventories of all the sellers in Kotor 2. Those inventories are ridiculous. There are objects (you can see them with KSE) that will never be found or put on sale (thank you, TSLRCM, for partially remedied this problem by allowing some objects to finally appear, either from vendors, or by being found automatically). There is of what to roar at seeing the inventory of Kex, gunsmith of the Mandalorians armies! Mandalore himself tells us they have retrieved full of weapons from caches and have too much supply for their needs! The Kex inventory should include the complete collection of mandalorians armours and weapons, plus some others, in monstrous quantities (i.e. 50 to 100 copies of each). I am not talking about injections and others gadgets we are able to manufacture by ourselves. If we want to make the game a little more epic, an approach is precisely to be able to equip themselves with the resellers. Only Jedi artefacts are quests and can not be found (should not be found) in the resellers inventories. In the same vein and at the same place. Let's talk about the lower level of the enclave, which should provide plenty of Jedi artefacts to scrap dealers - now dead - but also to us, as we are going to search this area more intelligently than the scrap dealers because we are at home in the Enclave. Adare says she needs the levy on the price of the artefacts found in the Jedi Enclave in order to rebuild Telos. One cannot think to calculate, as a child, that to rebuild a planet, like Telos, it is counted in billions of credits. Therefore, if Adare takes 10%, we must find objects for tens of billions of credits in the lower level of the Enclave, which was not searched, except by those scrap dealers and by us. Did you noted the list and the value of the miserable pittance found? Again, as with the vendors, there is a bug on lotteries objects. The lower level of the Enclave would be the cave of Ali Baba! I thought that the "Continue" clause was usable to add more than 2 conditions or two actions. Why not introduce a correction, everywhere, to an old bug that happen for all loots in K2 (not in K1 where level is limted to 20). Something like if (nGlobal > 30) { int nGlobal = 28; } This will avoid null loot when item level > 30 (nGlobal + "X"; X depending on RareItemChance when used).
  25. ttlan

    Escape Mining Facility?

    Those are the strings ref. 50345 to 50348. Seem not to be used at all. Probably an abandoned project of a quest. Hassat Hunter should know more: dialogue between the two characters, if they still exist in the files. But, if the material still existed, my hand to cut that the team would have restored it. But it should be interesting to meet the single survivor of the pockets of poison gas and of the assassin droids that HK-50 launched toward the miners, and hear her point of view in order to add progression steps in an other quest : "Recent History". Perhaps something replaced by the Atton's dialogs I've always wondered, and I still wonder, if this joke from Atton (who appears only if you have completely finished the game more than 3 times) has a meaning beyond being a mere joke. I don’t have time to make researches about that (and, perhaps, there is nothing to find). "I'm Atton. I actually wasn't supposed to make it into the final game, but I was created at the last minute. Blame my agent. I was actually slated for a spin-off to Jedi Knight, but I don't want to talk about what happened *there.*"