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Everything posted by jswartz0181

  1. I didn't need Force powers to stun them. When they were down far enough, they become stunned and no longer fought.
  2. Which is exactly why I asked, upon thinking about it, if the orange and bronze votes would/could be added together. And in case anyone's wondering, regarding that screenshot and which is which: Is it? If so, I would love to know how to! Of course, I'm also not a modder.
  3. You mean to tell me you see a difference in the colors? Or are you just talking theoretically? Since I was next to a workbench, I figured I'd do this just to see: One of the blades is orange and the other is bronze. Unless there's just something wrong with my game, I cannot see any difference.
  4. jswartz0181

    TSLRCM 1.7 typos

    Since I've just encountered it, I'll throw it out there. Return to Telos, following the battle with Atris, she says "I feel that I understand what drove you to battle. to fight the Mandalorians." Either "to" should be capitalized, or the punctuation needs to be fixed.
  5. Yay for my arguments sort of holding up and swaying people on both counts! Of course, thanks to Trayusstudent1, I have to ask.... since they're practically the same color, can the orange and bronze votes be looked at as combined? Or do the others who have voted for either one only want the one they voted for? I mean, since I see little/no difference between them, even though my vote was for orange, I'd still consider it a "win" if it was bronze. And if I had voted bronze instead, the reverse would hold true. In other words, am I the only one who sees them as the exact same color, and thus the tally really being 11 to 10?
  6. And personally, I would say if it was specifically meant to be compatible with TSLRCM, why not have it hosted on here if it's an option?
  7. That looks like it was the line I saw. Curse playing really late last night!
  8. I remember seeing one with a Mira conversation, but can't remember which one specifically.
  9. Could be a guess, but my assumption is it's "big" as in 54 lightsabers, not anything physical. But that's just my interpretation.
  10. Probably not the answer you're looking for, but why not just select the repair cross-class feat one level-up?
  11. I believe you need two single bladed sabers, in addition to the one for Visas. So you need at least three sabers.
  12. I say orange. 1.) Like my argument for Vash's blade color, not a single NPC uses the KotOR 2 blade colors. That's just not right. 2.) Yellow is used by Bastila in KotOR already. Do we really need yet another KotOR character with a color not in the movies (since that's an argument people seem to like)? Again, especially since the KotOR 2 colors are completely unrepresented? And since there are enough blue (cyan is too close to that), and Vash I say should be silver, that leaves orange/bronze (basically the same color). *See #3 3.) As much as I love viridian, when you select that as the Exile's color, they specifically say that it was a totally unique color for them. Seeing another Jedi with that same color, not connected to the Exile, would just be strange.
  13. I say silver. 1.) Silver is already used as her blade color in variations of her cut content. 2.) Correct me if I'm wrong, but not a single NPC uses the KotOR 2 blade colors, right? That's just not right. 3.) Her fall not counted, Atris also has a blue blade in pretty much every image of her, meaning there are already two blue bladed Council members. How about some variety? 4.) Despite blue being my actual favorite color, blue lightsabers are freaking everywhere (in and out of KotOR)! Again, how about some variety?
  14. Does this only work if you have him join your party after freeing him? If not, it didn't happen for me; he was still hunched over while talking to him on the EH and after arriving on the first planet afterward.
  15. I've decided it's time to reinstall RCM and other mods I want (installed the Super Enhanced mod despite not really wanting it, solely to remove the Force armor restrictions (and this was before MrPhil's mod was done), and it'd just be easier to start a new override folder). Well, I'm toying with the idea of adding USM to the mods I'll add, but I have one major reservation about it, and was hoping someone might be able to help me. I LOVE the silver, cyan, and viridian blades in K2 (and never use any other colors for Exile once I get them), yet according to USM, only a few of the hilts include the K2 colors. Does anyone know which ones specifically offer those three colors as options, or at least if any of the ones that allow those colors are not dumb? Don't want to install it only to find that I can't use my favorite blade colors in the lightsabers I would actually use.
  16. Well, according to Wookieepedia (I know, I know): Is this the same cut content? And if so, why change that? Would be nice seeing some silver blades. Viridian too.
  17. jswartz0181

    New Site

    Couldn't remember where all the site errors were posted before, so I'll throw this one here. When external links are clicked, it not only opens the link in a new tab (at least in Firefox), but also in the same tab, thus opening the link twice. And if you chose to open the link in a new tab, it still opens in the original one too.
  18. Was just wondering. Of all the colors Twi'leks come in, red has always been my least favorite.
  19. Okay, I have to ask. With the Twi'leks, is red going to be the only color, or will the full (or somewhat-full) spectrum of skin tones be available?
  20. Is that also the reason for the error messages when trying to add mine, or is there something legitimately wrong with the site? EDIT: Yet apparently it did add, despite before saying there was a problem. Who knows?
  21. It's a UK holiday, not US. But I do know it's the day after Christmas despite that fact.
  22. Would they accept just some graphic that says something like "Removes the armor restriction on Force powers"? I've seen files before with nothing more than that as an image. http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Ultimate_Sound_Mod_For_Both_KOTOR_TSL;64759 as an example
  23. WOOT! Now it's just a matter of me playing.... well.... both games.
  24. I've not yet played 1.7, but if it's anything like previous versions (and I can't see why it would have changed), you yourself don't go there on your own. Instead, when it's time, HK will make his way there by himself (you don't have to do anything).
  25. To be fair, it's not listed in the compatibility list anywhere (compatible or otherwise).