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Everything posted by jswartz0181

  1. That itself is a parody of the Discovery Channel promo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=at_f98qOGY0. And personally, I wouldn't go about claiming WoW is so great based on the number of people who play it. 13 million people CAN be wrong. I mean, you could easily say tons more people than that believe the moon landings never happened!
  2. Although Republic Knights isn't bad, as has been mentioned, DS already has a history. I myself hate looking up stuff for older games *coughlikeTSLcough* and finding old pages referencing some site that no longer exists with some must-have download/info. And with a name change, that's exactly what would happen here, correct? How many references to DS are out there where people might come across and not know where to turn if the name were to be changed? Plus, a thought on RK.... wouldn't that kind of limit things to KotOR after all? I mean, let's say one day my dreams come true and a new TIE Fighter game comes out and is worth something. It's not Republican or Jedi, so would RK fit as a name?
  3. Query: Would that include Hawking adopting HK's speech structure?
  4. I could be mistaken, but I believe the fix from VP mentioned is the module fix noted as incompatible in the original post here. There are two parts to it: one for Peragus (which is now incompatible), and one for Trayus.
  5. Check the Downloads section here.
  6. jswartz0181


    I think you just missed it before, as it is in there. Among the Telos IV restorations.
  7. When you say you loaded an older save..... how old exactly? I do believe this is a vanilla glitch. The way around it is to load a save from before you entered the academy (that's what I had to do anyway when it happened to me).
  8. It's certainly understandable, seeing as it was the old forums and aren't available, but I do believe that that was mentioned in the old thread. Both were removed from the main site and moved to the fan mod wiki or something or other and the Team Gizka page was deleted entirely.
  9. I didn't have any problems. EDIT: At least in the uploading department. But it looks like it's not actually showing. :/ And now when I go to settings, that's what I see. Le sad. :'(