Alright, at your suggestion I reinstalled and ran the patcher once .
Here are the two files it produced and additionally a windows event viewer log showing the application crashing.
I am very happy there are still many passionate people loving this game enough to do all of this. Thank you for the help
Windows Event Viewer Log.txt
Hello @DarthParametric! Thank you very much for your response.
At your suggestion I downloaded the newest holo-patcher from that link and attempted to run the installer several times unsuccessfully.
It generated two text files which I attached here per your request. If you think of any of other suggestions I will be happy to try them
Hello guys, this project is amazing.
I am new to modding and to this site. I have been having an issue when attempting to install this mod.
It appears that whenever I attempt to use Holo Patcher, the program crashes. Might I be doing something wrong?