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WildKarrde last won the day on August 17 2024

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About WildKarrde

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    Jedi Padawan

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  1. To second what @StellarExile said, I've also done it where I'll update the main download file so that new downloads are covered, but I'll also add a smaller "hotfix" download option specifically for anyone with a preexisting installation. Same idea, but it might be slightly easier for people to find if they don't scroll far enough into the comments to see the fix. (I think I originally saw K1CP use this method to publish important patches.)
  2. That’s an interesting idea. Personally, I think it would feel a little out of place because the other planets have active spaceports where Xor can blend in with the crowd, whereas Yavin Station is virtually empty and presumably harder for Xor to land unnoticed and sneak up on the party. But I suppose the Trandoshans already manage to set up their own ambush, so perhaps there is some precedent.
  3. Fantastic work! One thing I noticed, P_Kreia1hBB.mdl/mdx still seem to have the greenish cast from the vanilla model. Your screenshots note this as fixed, so I presume an older version just ended up in the upload archive? Regardless, this is easily the best character texture upscale pack that I've seen for KOTOR. Thank you for publishing these!
  4. WildKarrde

    Starship Combat Pay

    Fantastic, great to hear that it's all working now. That sequence looks pretty cool with the high-quality hyperspace tunnel mixed in there. @Timbo, since it looks like some of your scripts overlap with K1CP, you may wish to consider also putting together a K1CP-compatible version of your mod. The source code for K1CP can be found here: https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch
  5. Thank you very much, I'm glad you found it worthy of endorsing! Sure, I'll add in those options when I get a chance. EDIT: Well, it took me a few months, but both of these options are now available with version 1.3.
  6. WildKarrde

    Starship Combat Pay

    Interesting, at least that’s progress. Just to confirm, are you now only missing the pre-rendered cutscene where the Ebon Hawk lands on Dantooine? I.e. the sequence you see is: Fighter minigame Bastila’s dialog in the cockpit about how they should be safe for now on Dantooine Jump to the dialog outside on the Dantooine landing pad …just without the cutscene of the Ebon Hawk landing? Are you also using the KOTOR 1 Community Patch by any chance? I think K1CP edits a few scripts, including the k_pebo_sthdeathXX scripts, to move the landing cutscene from between 2 and 3 to between 1 and 2. If Starship Combat Pay overwrites K1CP’s changes, then perhaps using both together results in that cutscene being skipped altogether.
  7. WildKarrde

    Starship Combat Pay

    For some reason I can't reproduce the issue on my end, but attached is an edited version of the Ebon Hawk entry script from my mod with a few added checks to more rigorously prevent the banter dialog from running right before landing on Dantooine for the first time. @CapitaineSpoque, would you mind please testing it when you have a chance and reporting back if it works? Ebon Hawk Party Conversation Hotfix (Beta).zip
  8. Very strange, I can confirm that I get the same warning when I extract it with 7-zip. I don't think it's a serious issue because I was able to extract it with Windows' built-in zip extractor without errors, but just to be safe I've repackaged and re-uploaded it. Let me know if you still run into issues.
  9. You mean the placeable corpses lying around Peragus? "Peragus Tweak" by VarsityPuppet might do what you're looking for:
  10. Sure, you are welcome to include my animations if you like.
  11. My new bodies use animations for each pose, stored in a single supermodel (mostly so that I didn’t have to manually copy them to each different body model). The mirrored UVs don’t bother me too much (I actually didn’t notice until you pointed it out), but you definitely have a point. Feel free if you would like to have a go at it.
  12. Thank you very much, that made it very easy. Your scorched textures look very appropriate, I have updated the mod with an option to use them. Thanks for the recommendation.
  13. I actually changed it to N_miner01, which is the original texture that was downscaled into part of PER_Kolto2. So those are also slightly better resolution than before. Makes sense, I'll see what I can put together. EDIT: OK, I've added a video of the opening cutscene to the mod description. Hope you like what you see!
  14. Thanks for the offer, that would certainly suit injuries the miners are supposed to have. I don't suppose I could get a copy of whatever overlay you used to create the head textures? My miners' heads are based on pmhc02, pmhc03, pmhc04, and pfha02 from K1, which I don't believe overlap with your the heads in your mods. Although, maybe I could work something up based on their original dark side textures in a pinch I had actually forgotten until you mentioned that that I already adjusted the emitters to be more similar to the diving suits after I saw the thread where you and Dark Hope were discussing that. I have updated my mod description to note that.
  15. View File Peragus Medical Bay Enhancement This mod makes some improvements to the Peragus medical bay and the opening cutscene where the player wakes up: - The player now wears a breathing mask inside the kolto tank, similar to the dead miners in the other tanks. - The hose on the breathing mask has been replaced with a higher polygon version. It also now runs behind the user's neck (primarily so that it works with the player's "waking up" animations). - The kolto tank bubbles have been adjusted slightly based on the parameters for the bubbles on the diving suit in KotOR 1. - A water column mesh has been added inside each kolto tank. The water level in the player's tank drops as the player slumps down in the opening cutscene, as described in developer notes in the original DLG. After the opening cutscene, the kolto tank remains empty with no fluid. - The dead miners have been replaced with placeable models which bob up and down slightly in the water and use higher-resolution head textures ported from KotOR 1. Upscaled textures, courtesy of Sith Holocron, are also available as an option for the miner heads and the vanilla-style uniform. - The leftmost miner, which was originally identical to one of the others, has been replaced with a new female miner based on a ported KotOR 1 player head and DarthParametric's "Female Czerka Officer's Uniform" modder's resource. - A few clothing options are available for the dead miners: a) Vanilla-Style Uniforms: The same uniforms which they wear in vanilla, which are slightly different than the ones later worn by the player and the miners in the holologs b) Player-Style Uniforms: Uniforms based on the combat suit model, which match the ones worn by the player and shown in the holologs c) Underwear: Underwear similar to the wounded soldiers on Taris in KotOR 1 d) Kainzorus Prime's Mining Gear: Mining gear matching "Peragus Mining Gear" by Kainzorus Prime (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/401-peragus-mining-gear/). Requires "Peragus Mining Gear" to be installed. - Also available are alternative head and underwear textures with burned skin, based on textures by DarthParametric. Note that if you use them with options (a), (b), or (d), only the heads will be burned, and the uniforms will remain undamaged. If you would also like the miners in the holologs to wear the type (a) uniform, you may be interested in the mod "Beta Peragus Miner Pack" by N-DReW25 (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2018-beta-peragus-miner-pack/) Thank you for downloading, and I hope you enjoy this mod! Opening Cutscene: Med Bay Enhancement - Opening Cutscene.mp4 ------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION Run "INSTALL.exe" and follow the prompts. When asked, select your preferred option for the dead miners' clothing. If you are using the option for Kainzorus Prime's "Peragus Mining Gear", you must install that mod first. It is normal to see warnings that 101per.mod and placeables.2da already exist and have been skipped. To use the burned skin textures, copy the files from the folder "OPTION - Burned Skin Textures" into your game's Override folder after the main installation is complete. To use the upscaled head and uniform textures, copy the files from "OPTION - Upscaled Textures" into Override. Upscaled versions of the burned heads are in "OPTION - Burned Skin Textures\Upscaled". This mod requires a new playthrough and is not compatible with existing saves. If you are using The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) from the Steam Workshop, see this guide for how to combine installer-based mods with the Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=488641307 ------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPATIBILITY This mod requires The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/578-tsl-restored-content-mod/). It has not been tested without TSLRCM installed. It is also known to be compatible with the following mods: - The KotOR 2 Community Patch (K2CP) (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1280-kotor-2-community-patch/) - Peragus Tweak by VarsityPuppet (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/8-peragus-tweak/) - Ultimate Peragus Models Repair by PapaZinos (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2010-ultimate-peragus-models-repair/) - Peragus Medical Monitors and Computer Panel by Sith Holocron (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/ 1375-peragus-medical-monitors-and-computer-panel/) - Peragus Mining Gear by Kainzorus Prime (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/401-peragus-mining-gear/) This mod is compatible with texture-only reskin mods. It is incompatible with any other mods which edit 101per2a.mdl/mdx or use mask/helmet variation 43. For best results, install this mod after any of the mods listed above and any other mods which make significant changes to Peragus. ------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS KotorBlender by seedhartha tpcview and tga2tpc by ndix UR NWNSSCOMP by Torlack and tk102 K-GFF by tk102 DLGEditor by tk102 TSL Patcher by stoffe and Fair Strides ERFEdit by stoffe and Fair Strides Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra Holocron Toolset by Cortisol and th3w1zard1 The vanilla-style female miner uniform is based on the "Female Czerka Officer's Uniform" modder's resource by DarthParametric (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1955-female-czerka-officers-uniform-modders-resource/). It is used here in accordance with the permissions stated on its download page. Thank you to DarthParametric for suggesting that the moving water column could be made with a placeable, which sidestepped some visibility issues I was having with moving emitters in the area model. Thank you also to him for suggesting that I use his burned head/underwear textures and for providing his original Photoshop files as a resource. Thank you to Dark Hope and DarthParametric for identifying that KotOR 1's kolto tank bubbles look better with the settings from the diving suit bubbles, which prompted me to do the same here. (See https://deadlystream.com/topic/10826-dark-hope-wip/page/4/) Thank you to Sith Holocron for providing the upscaled textures for the miner heads and vanilla uniform. Thanks to N-DReW25 for pointing out in his "Beta Peragus Miner Pack" mod that the original Peragus uniform was based on the Czerka uniform and for demonstrating that DarthParametric's female Czerka uniform resource could be handily used for the same purpose. Thank you also for suggesting that I create an option for Kainzorus Prime's "Peragus Mining Gear" mod and that I offer both the original and upscaled versions of the textures as options. This mod includes material ported from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic by Bioware. ------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY 1.0 - Initial Release 1.1 - Added burned skin textures, suggested by DarthParametric. 1.2 - Added upscaled head and vanilla uniform textures, provided by Sith Holocron. - Adjusted texture mapping of the right arm on the female vanilla-style miner - Added script source code to the download package 1.2.1 - Made additional adjustments to the texture mapping for the vanilla-style female miner - Adjusted the leftmost miner's head position to be more similar to vanilla 1.3 - Added option for Kainzorus Prime's "Peragus Mining Gear", suggested by N-DReW25 - Moved the upscaled textures into a separate option, suggested by N-DReW25 ------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER AND PERMISSIONS This modification is provided as-is and is not supported by Disney, Lucasarts, or Obsidian. Use at your own risk. The author shall not be held responsible for damage to your game installation, computer, or saved games resulting from the use of this mod. This mod shall not be reposted, in whole or in part, on any sites other than Deadly Stream without the author's permission. Assets from this mod shall not be redistributed in other modifications without the author's permission. "Miners, not minors!" "...You lost me." Submitter WildKarrde Submitted 08/16/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes