Tycho Ordo

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About Tycho Ordo

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  1. Doesn't seem to do anything for me. It still looks normal.
  2. Yeah, I already tried that option A works fine thanks!
  3. Do you have a Version of this for K2?
  4. Hey, i really like your mod, but what is quite annoying is that all the aurebesh text is now gibberish, a few of us here can read that stuff and it is rather annoying. I remade two of the textures myself but a lot of them would be quite a challenge to reverse engineer without the original Photoshop or similar file you used. Would be great if you could fix that or give me the files in a format where the text can still be easilly edited(e.g. psd, xcf or similar) in which case I'll fix all the texts for you. The files with Aurebesh text are: PLC_SwScrn01.tga TEL_BBrds.tga TEL_BBrds2.tga TEL_BBrds3.tga TEL_BBrds4.tga TEL_CBx.tga TEL_HSn3.tga TEL_HSn5.tga TEL_Mon1.tga TEL_Mon2.tga I already remade TEL_Mon2.tga and TEL_HSn3.tga from scratch(and upscaled Tel_Mon2 in the process)
  5. Well made, except now all the aurebesh text on Telos which previously made sense is random gibberish, mostly just abcde or pqrstuvy, for a mod that obviously took alot of effort this is incredibly lazy. Would it have been that hard to type cantina, Merchant or czerka corporation, like they did for the original files..