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About Emperor_Tzphard

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    Jedi Apprentice

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  1. Thank you so much for this mod! I am overjoyed to have Darth Jesus Ben-Kenobi back for KOTOR! Seriously though, thanks for the port
  2. Thank you so much for this! Might make a good body for some of the merchants on nar shadda etc et al as well.
  3. This is the second version of the very beta wip TSL version of the mod, if you want the KOTOR version scroll up to Overridev3.7z. It removed the scroll icons until I can get a tsl friendly version, and overhauls the LS DS points icons along with the forcebar and a select few of the force power icons, but is functional and a proof of concept. Ignore the blaster icon in the dual weapon slot for now. Its a bug/placeholder. overrideTSLv2.7z
  4. Beta v3 for KOTOR still heavy WIP biggest changes are in the selection icons, the attack icon WILL BE replaced, don't worry. Overridev3.7z And for TSL, so far Ive just got the forcebar replaced. OverrideTSLForceBar.7z
  5. Getting some of the other UI elements worked on right now such as the alignment indicator.
  6. Here is a test version of the KOTOR version of the mod, note that it is VERY incomplete, ugly in some areas, has a few flipped textures, one blaster texture where it shouldnt be, and is a 100th of what i intend to do, nevertheless it's a good proof of concept. I also intend on replacing the force powers sounds and the games music eventually, but until then, here is a basic proof of concept containing a small amount of mostly Darkside force power icon replacers. Override.7z OverrideV2.7z
  7. SWTORS are mostly 52x52 with a bit depth of 32. KOTORS seem to mostly be 32x32 but im seeing some 64x64 for the non feat icons. I'm noticing that the icon in the game seems to be flipped, which is odd as the icon in the override folder is in the correct position. Not unfixable but odd.
  8. Ive had a couple of ideas 1, a stylalized number at the bottom corner, kinda cheesy but it works. 2. by using different icons given in SWTOR to show a "progression" The Inquisitor lightning zap icon for force lightning level 1, another for level 2, and force storm for level 3. Honestly this is a vodka fuled modding spree, Ill likely want to rename/replace certain icons in a few days with a better version, for now I'm just gathering the icons I need and reading up on Tga/tpc overwriting/conversion. Notably if the icons dont need to be resized its ok, if not, I'm going to have to load up gimp and replace the vodka with some coffee for the next few hours. Managed to get a test Icon successfully in game, (though not the one I will use for dual weilding) now it is just a matter of properly implementing the rest.
  9. Like many in the community I was excited by the allowance of TOR content in KOTOR, I eagerly downloaded the headmeshes released for both games and sat while twiddiling my thumbs waiting for more content. Quickly realizing that those people in question had lives and were busy, I decided to take the initiative and create my own icon port for KOTOR 1 and KOtor 2. Keep in mind I am tired of seeing so many people say that they are going to post content and never do, so I swear to post some of this tonight. I hope to have different icon sets themed around whatever the player wants to play as (neutra, jedi sith) but lets be realistic. Ambitious projects die and go, but I hope to post a few snippits of this mod later this evening for download for the general public in case my vodka fueled modding spree peters out later tonight.
  10. Holy Sh-t, I soo want. This is making me want to do my own ports as well. If you release this It is going to be an immediate download. Love how appropriate it is for the Hawk! I wonder if porting the entire Smuggler ship using it as one big model file might be better if for one reason, what if you decide to remodel the entire thing?
    This mod is a must have for my KOTOR 2 playthrough, and I am NOT dissapointed in it, love the mod and the connection it gives to SWTOR!
    Totally badass mod that I am VERY grateful exists. ANy chance of a femme pureblood anytime soon?
  11. Thank you so much for this mod, it is a must in my override folder. Perhaps a complation will be in order once you finish all the mods? regardless, thank you.
  12. Someone get that wookie a razor! Seriously though, looks epic! Selkath/Rakata updates might be a bit tricky but hoping that they might make an appearance. I'd imagine of all of the possible SWTOR ports that droids would be the easiest? due to lacking facial animation, still, thanks so much for working on zallbar. was going to do a second playthrough right now but might wait to see zallbar in all his new wookie glory.