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Everything posted by Exile007

  1. As long as he steers clear of romantic dialog about sand we're taking steps in the right direction.
  2. The trouble that I had with the encounter cutscenes was that I would have liked to have used a trigger (which would result in no bugs with the scene itself), but this would make compatibility with anything else a hassle because the .git file of the module would have to be modified. I think there's a way of modifying .git files in a module file with the TSL patcher, but I never really got that far in learning how to use the patcher. And in regard to the cheesy dialog, I tried to give the impression of religious, brainwashed zealots. Then again, I also wrote the dialog in a hurry. I tried to base a lot of my dialog off of notes in the dialog.tlk file. Maybe this wasn't the best way to approach it. Lord of Hunger did have this whole kind of reworking of the entire GenoHaradan group because he didn't like the way Obsidian wrote them into the game. There are a lot of inconsistent aspects across both games (for one thing the "h" isn't capitalized in the first game but in the second game it is for some reason). If you're going for dialog that makes the most sense, you might want to actually give the assassins like, personalities instead of just mindless zealots who would follow their leader to their death. xP But I'm babbling about what could have been so ignore this.
  3. File Name: The GenoHaradan File Submitter: Exile007 File Submitted: 23 Nov 2012 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: No This mod restores the GenoHaradan to The Sith Lords. Do not use with TSLCRM, it's not compatible. Frankly, I wouldn't chance it with many content mods, but feel free to try. Enjoy! Click here to download this file
  4. So I heavily overestimated the amount of free time I would possess in college (meaning I estimated I would have some free time, but in reality, it turned out to be closer to none). I don't think I can say that "this mod will be done when it's done" because I've really done a lot of modding over the last five years, and a lot of my projects are half-completed. This one I can say is more than half-completed, but it's still sort of rough. I've taken what little progress I've made since the first round of beta testing and submitted it as a download here. That way anyone who wants to see the GenoHaradan encounter played out can see it. Forgive me if it doesn't live up to your expectations. The mod is still considered a "beta", so it probably still has some bugs. I may decide one day that I want to finish this and make it TSLRCM compatible (oh god the work!), but this way some form of the mod is out there. I have included all of my source code, should someone desire to make the mod compatible with TSLRCM. You can also PM me, but don't count on an immediate response. I (Exile007) give my permission for the contents of the GenoHaradan mod to be altered, enhanced, or whatever as long as I am cited as the original author of the mod and credited as such. You can just copy and paste that in your readme if you want to tweak the mod and release it. I wish I could have stayed with this long enough to complete it to the very end, but hey, this is better than nothing right? *ducks to avoid Internet haters* Btw there was never any team (other than Beta Testers). Just me and a lot of free time. Unfortunately college kidnapped free time, so I was lost.
  5. Exile007

    The GenoHaradan

    Version 0.9b


    This mod restores the GenoHaradan to The Sith Lords. Do not use with TSLCRM, it's not compatible. Frankly, I wouldn't chance it with many content mods, but feel free to try. Enjoy!
  6. At one time this actually was a quest with Journal entries, etc. But now it's just a string of events that happen over the course of normal gameplay. Right now I need to find like a solid five hours or so to take a good look at the files. Because across the beta testers I've gotten one solid bug that I need to fix, but then there are a few that seem to only happen to one tester, and then for me everything works fine the way it should. I need to figure it out if it was because I changed stuff after I released it to the testers or what.
  7. I'll be sure to stop by to mention if the mod is dead. Otherwise, assume that we're finding bugs. Right beta testers? *bats eyes* xD
  8. Yeah... I think that Bioware tried to please both crowds, until in the end no one was happy.
  9. Warning: this perspective is coming from someone who joined ToR because of the story, not for an MMO. It also might contain a spoiler or two. So after numerous ups and downs, I managed to ding level 50 with my Jedi Sentinel. I was a little bit disappointed with a glitch in the final mission of my class quest that forced me to wait until my Emergency Fleet Pass was available, start over, and then complete the quest. I was nevertheless excited to experience the endgame on an MMO. I've been told that you shouldn't judge an MMO until you're completely leveled. So I was told to go to Ilum, where all the cool stuff is located. Awesome! I had heard about those new flashpoints where you confront the Empire and blow them to bits. That sounds great! So I get to Ilum and venture into the Republic Base... and while trying to talk to quest-givers, this is what happens. There are several Empire players in the main Republic Base on Ilum. One of the things that I really liked about ToR was the distinct line between PvE and PvP. You CHOSE when you wanted to fight other players. However, on Ilum, Empire players find ways to flag you for PvP (I never figured out how they did it, but other players complained about it as well, everyone in general chat was pissed). So whenever I tried to go through the base, I was instantly slaughtered by geared Empire players. Eventually, a Republic player got the idea of creating an Operation to drive them out of the base (which was when I decided to take a screenshot of the mayhem). I'm all for players having fun, but I'm also against harassment, and I think this is harassment. A Republic player said that he or she sent a ticket in, but BioWare replied that Ilum is the "PvP" planet, which translates to PvP players being able to do whatever the hell they want. This is frustrating for me, to say the least, because I only play PvP to do Warzones to get my daily experience and credit boost. Maybe I just was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but it still gives Ilum a bad taste in my mouth. I did both flashpoints and got the hell out of there before I got flagged again or something. So then I travel back to the Republic Fleet where I unlock hard mode flashpoints, and level 50 PvP warzones. This stuff seems cool and all, but it seems sort of out of place with the rest of The Old Republic, which is incredibly story driven. The endgame kind of seems like a grind for gear, credits, and legacy experience. If there's no story, I don't really see a point in playing. But this is probably where I'm not enough of an MMO player to endure the grind. Therefore the only time I ever play with my beloved Jedi Sentinel is when I (bravely) venture to Ilum, do some quick and dirty dailies, and then send the credits to my new Bounty Hunter-> Mercenary, and then pimp him out with Legacy Perks (which is one of my favorite features in ToR). I'm very excited about the free to play option that will be coming soon, because it lets you play all of the classes for free, which IMO is the most fun part of the game. Also IMO: don't have high expectations for the Jedi Knight class. By the end of the story I was about to tear my hair out from the "forced epicness." So I feel like if you're a casual gamer, level 50 gameplay isn't for you - it's too much of a grind.
  10. Every line of dialog is voiced, yes. When it's done. Although I think those words still have some negative energy around them, so I'll give a better estimate. I just played through the game from a clean save on Peragus and found no bugs. Once I get the "all clear" from the beta testers, I will work on compatibility for 1.8. At this point, the mod will be released. So really if I did my job the mod could come pretty quickly.
  11. Does anyone know what properties of which module file need to be changed to prevent the player from changing the party? This is for Kotor 2.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      You can also do it by script... NS has plenty of it, for obvious reasons;

      " // Set the Area to Unescapable so the player can't bring

      // in party members.

      SetAreaUnescapable( TRUE );"

    3. Exile007


      I thought that SetAreaUnescapable made it so that you couldn't exit the area... didn't know you could also set it to prevent party selection.

    4. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      You can actually exit the area just fine with SetAreaUnescapable.


      So yeah, pretty misnamed function.

  12. I need to ship out the beta to my testers before I get to work on that. I'll include a compatibility patch for 1.8.
  13. Oh man now I have to do that stupid compatibility patch for the GenoHaradan Great stuff guys!
  14. After getting both fans in my laptop replaced, now I can start working on the mod! In all seriousness, I feel like I've added in everything that really needs to be added in to have a good mod. Yeah I could have given every GenoHaradan Disciple a unique appearance but I get scared of .2da files easily. If you would like to be a beta tester, please contact me. Do keep in mind that being a beta tester involves more than just playing and having fun before everyone else. In fact, it probably is less fun because I'll give you an outline of things that are supposed to happen with the changes. You'll also need to keep track of any bugs that you encounter and forward them to me. This isn't to discourage anyone from testing, but to get a serious commitment. So yeah that's pretty much it. PM me if you're interested. What's that? I need to post a flashy screenshot? Damn kids these days.
  15. Just thought I'd drop in to tell you guys that now that I'm finished with school I can work on this again. It might take me some time to catch up on various private messages, so please bear with me. Also I have come to a conclusion about the release of this mod. I will release one version for vanilla TSL, and one for 1.8 when it comes out. If 1.8 isn't out by the time I head to college in August, then I'll see about whipping up a compatible version for 1.7.
  16. No. It's not really a high priority for me. Most people won't recognize the difference anyway.
  17. Hi guys. I've been recovering from a pretty nasty bug (like an actual cold virus not a bug in this mod ) so I've been out of the modding run for a while. Next week Spring Break starts so I'll look to do some fixing then. And for the sake of spoilers, I'll just say that you meet with the GenoHaradan during your quest on Nar Shaddaa. Update 4/16/12: So much for getting stuff done over break... I'm not dead though!
  18. I would like to think that I did a better job than TSLRP did... but the GenoHaradan really belong as the focus of a planet, not some sidequest. If I ever were to do a total conversion mod (God forbid), then I would make Nar Shaddaa a planet and swap the Exchange with the GenoHaradan.
  19. I'm going to take that as a compliment. @darth_gil: TSLRP was never officially released. Even if it was, it's not like they have a copyright on who can mod what. No one's getting paid to do modding. That being said, my version of the GenoHaradan differs in several ways. The GenoHaradan encounter takes place during the second act of the game (searching for the Jedi Masters) as opposed to the third act (post-rebuilt enclave sequence). In my opinion, this is a better place to have the encounter. I feel that the third act of The Sith Lords should be dedicated to the resolution of plots instead of introducing new ones. The TSLRP version of the GenoHaradan kind of felt shoe-horned in for the sake of having the mind-reading sequence. My version of the mod does not include the mind-reading sequence, but does include some other cut content in its place. Edit: as far as I know, Lord of Hunger is no longer working on his revisioning mod.
  20. Unfortunately, the devil is always found in those last few details. They always take longer than expected to iron out, whether they're in a research paper, mod, or powerpoint. The last few things always are the most time-consuming. Maybe it's because the finish line is in sight.
  21. LOL small changes. xD I'm thinking I'll release it primarily for vanilla TSL, but I'll include the files to make it compatible with 1.7. Maybe I can get some free time this weekend to do some bug fixing.
  22. Would people be interested if I released two versions of this mod - one TSLRCM friendly and one that is incompatible? Because the way I see it, there's no point in me trying to work on compatibility for version 1.7 because of changes in 1.8 that will nullify any compatibility.
  23. Hehe, it's like the old TSLRP forums again, just no life threatening messages. I'm playing through TSLRCM for the first time for the purpose of testing a mod. Before now, I had based the mod off of some trailers I had seen on YouTube, and I wasn't a big fan of what I was seeing. For the first time in a while, T3-M4 beeped during the introduction to Telos, instead of the game skipping over his dialog. That's so cool to me. Not sure why. Just wanted to say that I appreciated all the work done on this mod as I continue my playthrough. Wish you the best of luck in 1.8.
  24. Done with the beta version of this! Sweet. I'm really stoked to finally get this thing out the door. Please message me if you're interested. In the mean time, I'm going to work on TSLRCM compatibility. And here are some screenshots. Enjoy!
  25. As we say at school, "beast mode." I've seen a few variants of the Atton vs. Sion scene, and I have to say, this is my favorite by far. I can't put my finger on a specific detail, but I think it was because the scene looked a lot like other well-done cutscenes by Obsidian in the game, like when Kreia loses her hand to Sion. Congratulations and best of luck on continued progress!