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Everything posted by Exile007

  1. I don't want to modify the .git files. That's just asking for incompatibilities in other mods. I made a version of it a few years ago. It's on youtube. The title is "The Fragile Alliance Falls Apart". The scene has been tweaked in a few ways... I won't give away how, but I feel they are improvements.
  2. Just a small update. I've compiled a short list of stuff which needs to be done before I have a beta version (maybe even final if I'm doing my job right). These are obviously spoilers, so viewer discretion is advised.
  3. So apparently Miles Sound Tools is not a free download anymore... anyone know other ways to listen to sound files from the KotOR games?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Exile007


      I'm not sure if the link to youtube was intential or not.

    3. Exile007


      Just kidding. Thanks!

    4. Extreme110


      Actually, I don't know why I posted the YouTube link. I was meant to post the Mediafire link (Firefox has a bug in copying and pasting links), but it doesn't matter anyway.

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  4. I'll be sure to make it TSLRCM friendly. I departed a little bit from my original idea in order to make it less work for me to make it compatible. The biggest issues that I can see are in the on-enter script of the Refugee Landing Pad, which is one of the only on-enter scripts I modify. But all I have to do is decompile TSLRCM's version, make some changes, and compatible. Cool. I'll send you the mod once my tweaking/bug-fixing is complete. And as Hasset Hunter said, I'm not working with any of the TSLRCM developers on this, so compatibility isn't the immediate concern. The immediate concern right now is that one of the GenoHaradan Disciples is missing his head...
  5. Hey everyone. As you may know, I'm working on restoring the GenoHaradan to TSL. If you didn't know, I'm working on restoring the GenoHaradan to TSL. I've been working on this project for a little over two months, although I'm using some resources I created a few years ago. The purpose of this thread is to ask if anyone would be willing to help me beta test the mod. Unfortunately I don't have enough free time to mod and play the KotOR games. The mod is, as far as I can tell, pretty playable. The quest kicks off on Telos and ends when you finish Nar Shaddaa, so you'll need to either start a new game or be at the end of Peragus to avoid any mod conflicts. Please drop me a message if you're interested or post in this thread. Here are some screenshots I took today while tweaking/bug fixing. Thank you and enjoy!
  6. Yellow - his Sentinel skillz are reflected in his aptitude for computers.
  7. Ah, sarcasm/jokes doesn't get translated well over the Internet.
  8. I disagree, I think it's far more interesting for a sect of disciples who worship death to be hunting down the player, and nearly succeed in killing him/her (which is good because in TSL the Exile is practically immortal at the Nar Shaddaa stage ). Instead, we have a couple of gangsters/thug bosses wanting some cash-money, and looking to cash in on the Exile. IMO, GenoHaradan plot had more depth. ^Pointless though, cause the plot was cut. @LoH: I look forward to see how you tie this into the rest of the game! Make sure to give the GenoHaradan the screen time they deserve!