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Everything posted by Pazaak

  1. I've heard a lot of people talking about this Coruscant mod, but it's the first I've heard of it. Could someone provide me with a link? And by the way you're talking about it, I take it that it is compatible with TSLRCM?
  2. Peragus (Forced) Telos (Forced) So, these two don't count, OTHERWISE though. Dantooine- Not sure why I always go here first. I always sort of considered it the 'beginner' planet I suppose, even though it can sometimes be the most difficult. I always sorta thought the Exile should meet with Vrook first as well, as he's the only familiar name among the masters. I'll usually bring Brianna here to try her out for the first time, and Atton/Bao-Dur for the other member. Dxun- If Dantooine was a beginner planet, then this REALLY is. Dxun is by far the most 'tame' planet, having almost no enemies that use ranged attacks, and apart from being a small maze, has lots of fun sidequests. I always rather enjoy coming here, and I like getting Mandalore early. I ALWAYS bring Brianna and Visas here. Visas to try her out for the first time, and Brianna because she's her foil. I love bringing characters who don't get along with one another, makes it interesting. Onderon (Forced) Well, you're forced to come here after Dxun, so I go. In the normal TSL I'd always bring Mandalore & Visas, dunno why. Two evil people getting angry at my good actions always makes me laugh. In TSLRCM however, I bring HK, so he can get the final coordinates to the factory here. While by going here you technically meet Kavar before Zez, you still actually get a chance to talk to him last, which I always thought was best, Kavar seems like the 'leader' of the council in my opinion. Nar Shadaa- This place is always sacred to me, being my favorite planet, which makes it odd that I save it for so late in the game, but whatever. I ALWAYS bring Atton here, because I sort of consider it his planet, about his past, and whatnot. As for the other member, it's never varied so much before. I've brought Brianna/Visas/Mandalore/Bao-Dur and more in the original TSL. in TSLRCM, I switch much more often, Bao-Dur for certain restored events, Brianna for some, Visas and Mandalore for others. The party changes often, is the point. As for Zez, I always thought he was the most mysterious of the masters, so putting him this late in the game always made sense to me, not sure why. This is where all of my party is becoming jedi too, everyone except Atton by now, so it makes his 'coming of age' jedi talk all the more powerful when he spills his guts about his past. The one thing I hate about leaving Nar Shadaa for so late is that I barely get time to know Mira/G0-T0, and while I always make Mira a jedi afterwards, I never feel like I really knew her that well, no matter what my allies claim about how I'm 'making friends with the bounty hunter'. M4-78- While I don't use this currently, when the redux version is released, this is where I'll play it in the game. The plan here is to invite along Mira and G0-T0 so I can learn to like them, and of course, to enjoy the almost entirely new planet and say hey to Vash. Korriban- I've always thought this should be last. For a number of reasons. One, you fight Sion here, which I always thought was a nice final fight before endgame was initiated, and there would pretty much be a boss every half hour or so. The other reason is because of the Exile's visions in the tombs. I ALWAYS relate this to Luke on Dagobah. I think the visions of the self and the future should be saved for late in any story, not to mention that it foreshadows the future, and outright almost spoils it if you haven't been talking to Kreia very much. You go through so much here too, fighting visions of Bastila, Malak, Revan, your friends, the Mandalorians, yourself for gods sake. It's a pretty epic part of the game, and definitely deserves a spot right before endgame. And, well, the rest of the game is forced, one way track to end game, so I can't really say what order I go through them.
  3. Honestly, doesn't really matter to me. If it's entirely new, some restored, some not, none restored, doesn't matter. You guys could upload the whole thing and lie that it was "cut content" and I'd be none the wiser, or closer to caring. I'm just happy it's being done, and the fact that you guys are making an entirely new storyline is something I see as very cool. It'll make the latter half of the game seem a lot meatier, with a whole another planet to visit. Honestly, I always save Nar Shadaa for last, meaning after that, it's pretty much a solid line going towards end game, unless I decide not to go to Onderdon next, and fiddle around with some sidequests, but usually there aren't many. Maybe it'll even give me a chance to grow on characters like Mira, HK and G0-T0, who always joined VERY late in my playthroughs. Well, HK excluded in TSLRCM because you can get him MUCH earlier, but still.
  4. You don't say? Hm. Maybe the future is looking brighter then.
  5. Sudden revelation, Kreia is just a troll. She just does the things she does to piss the Exile and everyone off. She does everything she does for the lulz. That would explain so much.
  6. Pazaak


    This. I've added it to my list of "Must Have" mods. A lot of work went into this mod, that's for sure.
  7. Completely new area as well? Oh good! Can't wait.
  8. Pazaak


    Huh. Well, no loss really. It was sort of a help on gaming forums and such though. If one were asking questions and needed assistance in a game, or wanted to co-op, multiplayer, or whatever, one could easily just see the other people's gamertags/PSN's/SteamIDS and stuff.
  9. And that whole dark side "What if" scenario was the only thing I enjoyed about TFU series!
  10. Pazaak


    Shut down? That's a shame. Any particular reason why?
  11. You'd be surprised. I'm a console man myself. I picked up the xbox versions of Kotor/Kotor2 back in the day WAY before I ever even considered getting the PC versions. Then talks about TSLRCM were out and about, and I wanted in on that, so I resigned myself to getting the PC versions as well.
  12. Yeah, yeah. How are you guys going about that though? To replace summa the Nar Shadaa stuff present in the original M4-78? I'd have to assume you're just adding a lot of new stuff, and from the screenies and status updates that's what it seems, so, sounds good.
  13. If I had to stroke a guess, I'd wager it'd look quite a bit like the Ebon Hawk in the beginning of the game, in the tutorial.
  14. Man, good to see this is firing up again. 2011 proves to be an eventful year for K2, lemme tell ya. M4 and MVI are coming along great, good to know Geo is as well.
  15. Well, your computer might be too weak. Give it a try. Put all settings to minimum, start it up, and see what happens. If it works, then experiment, trying setting it a little higher, and if that works too, then be happy. If you like, keep setting it one step higher each time to see if your PC can handle it, until it cannot, and then set it to the highest you can without exceeding what it can handle.
  16. EDIT: Eh, I'd be getting the thread more and more off-topic if I continued, so I'll stop. Suppose I need to have myself another playthrough...apparently I've forgotten a few plot elements.
  17. Erm...still drawing blanks, I know I've done that sidequest at some point on some playthrough at some time, but eh... I forgot why we're even talking about Duros bounty hunters in the first place.
  18. Huh. Weird. I can almost see WHY they cut it, time constraints not withstanding. It seems oddly out of place, was Sion originally supposed to appear on Nar Shadaa? Otherwise, why would he be taking credit for anything? How would he know, or even believe that the Exile was dead? Also, isn't he supposed to be some sort of bad ass Sith Lord? Why is he going to Nihilus and going "Na na na boo boo, I killed the Exile!". Why should Nihilus care? Why should Sion even care? Also, why would he gloat about it? Because Visas failed where he didn't? I'm sure Nihilus doesn't care, and I'm sure Visas attempting to kill the Exile was just a precaution, I don't think Nihilus thinks of people as issues anymore, he probably just sensed a disturbance, as Visas says, and wanted her to go find it, he likely didn't even know it was a person. So, when was Zez-Kai Ell supposed to save the Exile? And how? Was the Exile originally supposed to just go into the JJT without Mira attempting to first? Also, I always thought that was weird. Where the hell did Zez go during that time? He went to save Mira, right? Well, he obviously screwed that up, in fact, I don't think he even went to the right place, he sure isn't in the JJT. He doesn't appear again until G0-T0's yacht is destroyed. So was Zez supposed to save you at some point in between this? The fact that he has that strange absence might be a cut part of the game, actually, and would make sense if you said he attempts to assist the Exile around that time. Once again for the Sion scene though, that would still be weird even if it wasn't during Nar Shadaa, but AFTER. Sion shouldn't believe the Exile was dead, unless he thought he/she died in the JJT, or, you know, on any number of dangerous and deadly things the Exile engaged in. And after that, he leaves and claims to go to finish him/her off himself, right? So, couldn't that technically just be the Korriban scene? Where he waits for the Exile? It doesn't even seem like you were supposed to fight Sion at another time besides on Korriban/Malachor if you think about it like that. Then again, my knowledge relating to any restored content is very little, and I'm just rambling. tl;dr: RAMBLE RAMBLE RAMBLE RAMBLE RAMBLE.
  19. "The Masked Attacker?" Explain. Can't say I'm savvy to this.
  20. You know, I've passed by that guys channel about a thousand times, and always wondered what they were. After doing some research, I've found they're incredibly popular, but what are they exactly? Just the game put in the form of the movie? Like you're basically just watching a playthrough of the actual game? Only, y'know, more cinematic-like? I'm a little a confused here.
  21. Yeah, I just saw it too. Great job guys, the second people get here now, even if it isn't directly linked to the DL page, they'll know this is the home of TSLRCM.
  22. Since I haven't a good enough PC to run it well anyway, I'm not too ecstatic about the release as a whole. Should my PC be better off come beta time, eh, I'll give it a try I spose.
  23. Pazaak

    Hey :)

    Oh, you guys.
  24. Sorry, can't seem to remember. I wasn't a member of said forum, just was led there. I think Kotaku or somebody did a story saying that the latest version of TSLRCM was out, and that people should try it. They, or whoever, (Can't remember), put a link leading to a topic on a forum, which in turn led me to the downloads page here. If I happen to remember the name of the forum, I'll let ya know.
  25. I read that wrong for a minute. 'Real of possibility' huh, Mandalore/Visas had a secret affair? Oh good, haha. But in all seriousness, yeah, I feel you. Canon-esque plot points are still important to keep the story and continuity well fleshed out and whatnot.