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Everything posted by Pazaak

  1. Huh, those are pretty similar, exact in fact. Like I said, never seen a Bronze saber before, I was just considering that the color bronze is orange-ish, and must be similar. But now I see how similar they actually are in Kotor, at any rate.
  2. I like it. The rusty/copper color scheme really fits the whole droid world feel. And the reddish sky fits as well, makes it seem really creepy.
  3. Well, the not interacting with party members is normal, but I hear that might be changed in 1.8 As for Sion, it's your 'other mods' you speak of, no doubt. TSLRCM has problems with a lot of different mods, depending on what they are, and some make it almost unplayable. List your mods that you have installed, and I'm sure one of the devs will be able to tell you whether it's compatible with TSLRCM.
  4. Well, I think I may have gotten lucky. I was led here by another Star Wars forum, and on top of that, directly to the page of TSLRCM download. I hopped on the bandwagon at 1.7 too, so I got a pretty complete version, which once again, I suppose I was lucky for.
  5. I'll just go ahead and be biased, because this is a Kotor 2 forum, but I'll go ahead anyway. Kreia. Simply put, she is the best character I've seen not only in Star Wars, but in MANY other games/movies/media as well. She's a very deep and somewhat tragic villain. Deep down, is she a good person? Debatable. She certainly seems to care for things to some extent, and not to others. She is a manipulator, and works in the shadows. She doesn't lose arguments, ever. Nobody can hands down get under her skin, and nobody can one up her in any fashion. She has a retort for EVERYTHING. No matter how obscure the topic, she seemingly knows about it in some form. She's almost like your character's shadow, their conscience. Constantly rebuking them for their good/evil deeds, their romances, their friends, their actions, everything. She has a comment for them all, along with the pros and cons of every situation. She's like a god. She seems untouchable. And her plot to destroy the force is definitely the craziest I've heard about. How many people would have died had she succeeded? Everyone in the galaxy? Probably, unless they could survive such an ordeal like the Exile did, but Kreia herself said in times past and future, no jedi has ever made, or will make the same choice the Exile did, to sever himself/herself so utterly and completely. And in the end, when she put her plan into the rolls, she knew she wouldn't succeed. She said herself she expected the Exile to defeat her, and go on to be one of the greatest in the galaxy. She knows she cannot win, but still does it out of some twisted sense of justice, and weird love. She claims to care for the Exile more than he/she knows, and while this might just be because of how rare and special the Exile is, it seems to be a personal love as well. tl;dr: Kreia is the greatest Star Wars character of all time, in my opinion. She is simply unmatched in terms of character.
  6. Better story? I'll reply nicely, even though this angers me greatly. Kotor 1's story was all fine and dandy, but let's face it, it's VERY hollywood, and very much like the movies (In some ways, not in others.) Kotor 2, simply put, is not. It's dark, gritty and deep, elements all but missing from the light-heartedness of the first game.
  7. Pazaak

    The Clone Wars

    Speaking of weird stuff in the Clone Wars series, you guys hear the latest? I think I saw it on Kotaku, or something...anyway. Someone said something that Revan was once planned to be included in the series, I was like HUH? It'd have to be a force ghost or something, I don't think Revan could live a few millenia.
  8. Well, it seems the consensus is Silver. Sounds good, no complaints here. Let's just see how this works out, eh?
  9. Bronze? Good god. I forget that color even exists. I've NEVER seen it during any playthrough, not once. Plus I don't know how keen I am to the idea of a brown lightsaber. It's close enough to orange, so you might as well have orange, yeah?
  10. So, where exactly in game does it take place? It would have to take place after M4-78 at some point, because doesn't Sion talk about finishing what Nihilus failed to do? (Kill the Exile?). Then again, it would also have to take place BEFORE Korriban, or something. How would Sion know the Exile was still alive, exactly? The scene at Malachor where the random Sith tells Sion that the Exile still lives would have to take place after M4-78, not before, as shown in the older version. Otherwise Sion would just come to Korriban knowing that the Exile still lives, without explanation.
  11. Eh. Canon again, huh. Anyway, regardless of 'canon', I'm still looking forward to the things 'not intended for TSL' but 'still within possibility'. It'll still make the ending a lot fatter, with a lot more content, so who really cares? Who's to say the Exile didn't do such and such at Malachor? Then again, one could say the same thing about anything. That just because it wasn't shown, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Well, I'm happy either way, as canon means very little to me. So however you guys decide to take this I'll be happy, and have a much fuller experience.
  12. The whole "revenge for my loved ones" thing starts to get a little thin for me. Carth became most interesting upon finding out your character was Revan, in my opinion anyway. He transformed from the most-trustworthy character to the one you'd expect to shoot you in the back at any time.
  13. Huh. Never encountered that before, but like I said, I never fiddle with the workbench much except for lightsabers/robes.
  14. Ah, you don't say? So there's even more to it? That's never a bad thing, at any rate!

  15. Pazaak

    The Clone Wars

    I've said this before, but I don't much care about canon either way, I think it's pretty neat. Darth Maul as a character in the movies? Boring, evil, one-dimensional, neat lightsaber. He was a forgettable character for me, and never found a place in my heart like Vader, Fett, or Sidious. If you do a little research though, Maul is an oddly interesting character, with a pretty tragic past. I agree with what was said previously though, in all likelihood, it's probably a clone, or a ghost, or a hologram or something. There is some pretty insane stuff in Star Wars, some people surviving things that are impossible to do so in real life, and even difficult to believe in Star Wars, but Maul being alive is pretty radical if it's true. Lucas is always under a lot of pressure to keep things fresh and new in the Star Wars media, as are other projects which don't involve Lucas at all that wish to keep things fresh in their own way. If bringing back Maul puts a new take on an old aspect of Star Wars, who am I to complain? It could prove to be very interesting.
  16. If I even began to explain an answer to such a question, it would be essay-length. And I could point out intricacies and extremely negligible details that one would call me insane for remember from both games, be they good or bad. I'll make this short. I enjoyed Kotor 2 significantly more than the first. No bias, considering this a Kotor 2-esque forum and all, but I do believe that. Kotor 1 was probably my favorite game of all time when it came out, and my hype for it was out of this world. I was skeptical when Kotor 2 was announced, and thought of it as many do about the Prequel trilogy compared to the Original trilogy, "Not as good." Lo and behold my surprise, when it turned out to be quite the opposite. The graphics were sharper, the gameplay was smoother, and the story and characters deeper and darker. What was not to love? Lo and behold my surprise once again when the game was not finished, buggy, and broken. These things did not change my opinions about it though, and it solidified itself as one of my favorite games of all time, and knocked the original Kotor out of it's cushy throne. Like I said, I would be here for days if I explained myself further. You don't want that, I don't want that, nobody does, so I'll leave it with this. In my opinion, I thoroughly enjoyed Kotor 2 more than I did Kotor 1.
  17. God damn. People like you are why I fell in love with sites like this, and Star Wars in general. That dedication man, that dedication...
  18. This. I like my set-up simple and archaic, and windows XP provides that, as outdated as it is by today's standards.
  19. I've experimented a lot through playthroughs, but it always seems to come down to four characters for me. 1. Atton. Not really because he's useful here, because honestly? Atton is a pretty poor choice for this bit, but the extra dialogue he has and his "rematch" with the Twin Suns is worth it. Combat wise, I've never really liked Atton. He's an everyman, being okay with guns, swords, force powers, whatever. He doesn't really excel in any area, or, not the way I use him. 2. Brianna (Handmaiden). This is more of a personal choice, because she's my favorite character. I also like the fact that she's a tank, though. Brianna can be beastly when equipped with a Dual-saber, a nice robe, and whatnot. Her extreme vitality ratings and high strength make her an excellent asset to any mission. Plus, I always treat her like a Paladin. Giving her the best buffs/heals, yet she's also able to dish out some fair damage. And has EXCELLENT defense/vitality. 3. Mira. Honestly, this is more of a poetic choice for me (Story). Mira is the one who informs the Exile's companions that he/she is in danger, so I always sort of thought it would make sense that she would be the one to lead the rescue mission, and therefore be involved in the actual rescue ITSELF. Besides that? Not much. Mira's gunslinger skills are definitely top-notch and unrivaled, but her low vitality and whatnot makes her a less than reliable choice here. 4. T3-M4. Hey, let's face it. The little guy is overshadowed a LOT, and sad to say, during many points in the game there are more "useful" characters to have around in your party. This bit of the game though is where T3 really shines. He destroys anything on G0-T0's yacht, seeing as most of them are droid enemies until the end, and he really proves what a useful member of the party he can be. Anyone else? I don't recommend. Honestly, Atton and Mira could probably be taken off that list for combat purposes. And I suppose Brianna could be replaced with Mandalore if you're shaping him into a melee user. Bao-Dur? Why use him when Brianna, the other guardian is better? Although, Bao-Dur does have some nice skills that come in handy on the Yacht that Bri doesn't. Visas? I suppose she could replace Atton, but once again, Atton's rematch with the suns is pretty neat. HK-47? Eh, not really. Not to knock his stuff, but I think of that one more as a story choice. HK doesn't really seem the type to mount a rescue mission, even if it is for one of his "companions", or in this case, his new master. I suppose HK-47 could replace T3. Kreia? Hmmm, maybe. Honestly Kreia is exceedingly useful in any situation, she's a pretty powerful force user. Disciple? Eh, can't comment. I play a male Exile, but I know he's a guardian, so I'm assuming if you play as a female you can substitute Brianna for him. Hanharr? I play a light-side character pretty much all the time, so I wouldn't know. I know Hanharr is definitely the most powerful physical attacker in the game, so, he could definitely replace Brianna/Disciple/Atton and go with T3 instead.
  20. This intrigues me greatly. I love Brianna to death, but I've never really seen what the Disciple was all about. (I play a male Exile). Some lines would have to be tweaked or removed though, correct? Isn't Disciple a potential love interest for a female Exile? Those lines would likely have to be removed for the male Exile. OR, OR, OR. They could stay. And work vis-versa. With a female Exile wooing Brianna. Now THAT intrigues me even more. Oh, right, the mod. Anyway, it's a pretty neat idea. Especially the bit about G0-T0 as your remote. I always save Nar Shadaa for near the end of the game, so I usually get G0-T0 a little late, and don't really get a lot of playtime in with him. Honestly, battle-wise, he isn't anything too great. Story wise? Yeah, alright, he's pretty interesting. The simple fact that he would be in my party without actually BEING in the party though, makes me really want this. It might be cheating, or unfair advantage to some extent, having a "True" fourth party member (Remote, obviously, not being very combat savvy.) However, if this works out? Brianna, HK-47 and I will be rocking it like it's hot across the galaxy with a floating orb with a glandular problem and feverish OCD about keeping everything "tidy".
  21. Well, I guess you could help me out, you seem to be in the anime know-how. I'll be blunt, I'm not big on anime. There are a few that I worship to death, and find them to be the greatest cinematic-esque masterpieces out there, up there with the greatest movies of our time, and the times before. That said, I don't really watch my anime in Japanese anymore. I used to, back when I was into it more, but now that I'm seems to be too much work. I don't really enjoy reading along while I attempt to watch as well. Plus, I just generally seem to enjoy anime more when I can hear it in my own native tongue. If somebody asked me what my favorite anime was? I wouldn't have an answer. I like big robots, so stuff like Gundam is usually pretty cool for me. I like Sci-fi, (Obviously, considering where we are), and I like Mafia-esque stuff, although I've only really ever run in to one good "Mafia" like anime. I really don't want to say I'm losing "touch" with anime, but I really am. I seem to be enjoying it less and less, even when others constantly tell me how foolish I am for thinking that way, and how much THEY enjoy it. I read your reviews for those two animes, never seen either of them. Never read them either, although that's the other thing. I don't read the manga versions. I don't really have the time to sit down and do that anymore, plus I'd rather be watching something anyway. Anyway, about those animes. I've heard of the second, never really "got" it, I guess. Never heard of the first, and it doesn't sound too interesting. On a side note, your reviews were well-done, I'm just a very hard person to please when it comes to things like this. So, what I'm trying to say is, anime help? Recommendations? For my very strict guidelines for anime, and whatnot? I know saying I only watch my animes in English pretty much limits that to 10% of all anime in existence, but...I'd watch an anime in Japanese if it were really enticing, I just haven't really found one like that yet. Anyway, appreciate the help, and good reviews.
  22. Is it weird that I read all of your posts in an HK voice? 'Cause I totally do that.
  23. Pazaak

    Fear Me

    Welcome then, friend. Hope you have a good stay and whatnot. Don't let all that anime rot your brain. Or in the words of Rick James "Anime is a hell of a drug."
  24. Ah. Thanks very much. I was going to suggest a certain color...but then realized it'd be odd if he suddenly had the crystals for said color laying around. Although once again, considering events that took place there according to your source, it IS possible. Kreia, (Or is it Bao-Dur?) Regardless, somebody says that ones lightsaber should reflect it's wielder, crystal color included. If Kaah's personality is as described in that source, then it should be one that matches it. In my opinion, then it should be yellow or orange, which seem to be popular choices according to the poll. Honestly, I can't really explain why without spoiling I suppose. So, Holocron, in accordance with Kaah's personality, Yellow/Orange sort of fit's it, don't you think? If he acts the way I think he does (Brash, fiery, inexperienced pupil-type), then that "spirited"-ness sort of reflects a fiery color like Yellow/Orange. Then again, I'm reading WAY too deep into this aren't I? Cripes, I need to get out more...