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Everything posted by Pazaak

  1. Big lightsaber? What are we talking about here? Wider? Longer? Other inappropriate measurements? Not to mention some great places for immature jokes. In all seriousness, what exactly does this mod entail? Just a big lightsaber? It sounds neat, but also sounds like it could look awkward in proportions with the characters.
  2. I laughed. I never really found Carth all that useful either, or terribly interesting as a character. Just my opinion though.
  3. A mod? To my knowledge, you can just use your party members when working on a bench, can you not? Just control a party member with a high repair skill, or whatever you need, and go to the bench. I've always thought it worked that way, does it not? I've never really fiddled around with the workbench too much, and especially not on a melee-heavy character like a Guardian. Also, I suppose that would require a bench that isn't on the Hawk.
  4. Pazaak

    Nar Shaddaa Issue / Bug

    I've never had it crash there, but I've had it crash in other areas. It isn't the mod, as far as I know. It's just your computer dealing with the game (Not saying you have a bad comp or anything.) What I'm suggesting is, perhaps turn all settings to minimum? ESPECIALLY shadows, turn them off if you can. Shadows seem to wreck games for some reason, never understood why, probably because they are a part of everything, and extend from everything. So turning them off is pretty wild, in a sense.
  5. Just started watching "Gurren Lagann" for the first time. "Mine is the drill that will pierce the heavens!"

  6. I could help sway your opinion if I knew more than the guy's name. I was thinking about asking this in the official mod's thread, but it feels more appropriate here since this thread is about him specifically. I know he was Vash's padawan, but what else? Everyone seems to be talking about him like they know the guy, but I'm still sort of in the dark. Can anyone give a brief summary about him?
  7. Alright, alright! I've been swayed. Changed my vote from Blue to Silver for Vash. Not really just because it's the majority, but a lot of people are offering some pretty interesting points as to why she should wield a silver saber, and most of them I can't really argue with. For Vash? Silver it is!
  8. Canon schmannon. My canon for any game is the way I play it. If that means The Exile beats up a random vagrant asking for credits for no reason, well, then that's my canon. Unfortunately a lot of people are very feverish about what is "established" canon. Oh well, maybe someday people can come to see it my way.
  9. I can't really respond to this without getting mad, but the others are right. Those "Strange/emo/anime" colors you speak of, have appeared in many different Star Wars media, and have existed for a LONG time. They aren't something new and weird, and honestly, could be considered original colors as much as the film ones, just not very well known ones unless you're a Star Wars nut. Also, if the colors bother you that much, ya don't have to use them, they're quite optional. As for Vash using them? Well, it can't be that bad. tl;dr: Don't judge a lightsaber or it's wielder by the color of the blade, friend.
  10. I don't mean to knock the oracle or anything, but is there a source somewhere for that on Wookiepedia? I'm a little confused as to where one could even get the idea. I know the Exile leaves the party behind, but where does it state he went to train on dantooine and such? Not complaining, just curious. Did a dev say this? Was it in a comic?
  11. I vote blue for Vash. I'm not worried about 2 masters receiving the same color saber. If Vash was a jedi guardian, then blue is really the only logical choice, is it not? A few people were saying silver, but eh, can't say I approve of that one.
  12. I vote yellow for Kaah. A lot of people seem to be thinking this, not sure why exactly. I don't know a lot about the guy, but I suppose yellow is a good padawan color.
  13. Dantooine? That's the first I've heard of that. Why does the Exile go to Dantooine first? Pay last respects to the masters or something?
  14. And of course this is my area of constant pestering, allow me to suddenly join in!
  15. I'm actually happy about that. It would seem a little out of place, even if it were just a guest character. Any idea at how long M4-78 is looking at in-game? As in, how long it will take to complete the world? Main quest/Side quests included.
  16. Something I've noticed from a couple of the screenies, the droid that's shown with the Exile, that isn't a party member is it? If it is I'd certainly be impressed, even if was just for the one world.
  17. Sorry, sorry. I know, I don't really want anything spoiled myself, I'm just excited beyond belief for this mod. I can tell from the screenies and from your updates and comments about this that you guys are very hard at work, and this will be a very awesome mod. I'll cease asking questions about stuff and continue to make suggestions...once I think of any, that is. Until then, keep up the great work.
  18. Last question about party members I swear, just because I was wondering how it would effect something else. The fights between Atton/Disciple and Handmaiden/Visas, do you get to decide who dies/lives? Do you pick one of them to control for example? And two, specifically for the Atton/Disciple fight, what happens if Atton loses here? I'm assuming this takes place before the fight with Sion? Or after? If it takes place before, then the Atton/Sion fight is pretty much not gonna happen, depending if Atton wins or loses. I'm assuming it'll go like this, but...(Party Vs. Kreia Fight----> Atton Vs. Sion (Lives or Dies) ---> If loses, the no fight with Disciple. ---> If wins, Atton runs, then confronts Disciple. ----> If loses, no ending scene in core with Atton. ----> If wins, ending scene with Atton in core. Still, wouldn't you think that'd be slightly out of place? Atton just finished murdering the poor sod and he's like "Hey Exile! Where we off to next?" Dunno seems a little odd, but still.
  19. I got to thinking, and wondered something. It doesn't really seem necessary, but will there be anything with T3 on Malachor? It seems everyone besides the little guy has some part to play. It would make sense if he didn't, and stayed with the ship, which I suppose could be how it picked you up from the Trayus core, then again, your allies have been freed by then, so they could easily do the same thing.
  20. Still trying to get a feel of things before I make new suggestions, so two more questions arise. Uno, I've heard that the Handmaiden/Visas & Atton/Disciple scene and fight take place regardless of darkside or influence. But that might've just been a suggestion from someone a long time ago, can't remember. Should these scenes take place BEFORE the party confronts Kreia, how exactly would that work? One of them would be dead, I'd reckon, so they take place after right? But BEFORE the Exile Vs. Traya fight? I don't know, I'm a little confused. Dos, I've heard tinker bits of Mandalore having a few scenes. Yet, he's the only one not present when the party attacks Kreia (Bao-Dur and the droids not withstanding) so where is he at the time? Will we know? A clip bit on a really old trailer you guys posted seemed to show a bit with Mandalore with Visas doing a whole "Let's finish this" deal, and then after that right inside the academy facing down a legion of Sith students. Does he stay behind to buy the others some time to go fight Traya? That's what it seemed like, but I guess you can't really divulge too much huh? I'm trying to ask these questions so I sorta have an idea about how things will play out, so my suggestions wouldn't interfere with things you guys might already have planned.
  21. You don't say? Well, that's pretty much just doubly awesome. I thought the experience couldn't get any better, but you guys have even more up your sleeve than these 3 monster mods? Cannot wait, that's all I can say, for all of this to come together in the end. Also, glad to hear that, as odd as it sounds. I really wasn't too peachy on Vash showing up during the council scene. However, I AM glad that she's alive for a little bit more story, M4-78 proves to be doubly epic just with her being there. And if I'm not mistaken...doesn't Sion have a brief bit there as well?
  22. Alright then, that's all I needed to hear. Definitely looking forward to this now. TSLRCM + Malachor VI Complete Mod + M4-78 MOD = Complete Kotor II? Only time will tell, but hopefully when the other two are done, I'll be able to tell for myself. And by the Korriban link to it being re-done, does that in any way refer to Vash? M4-78 was originally the planet you traveled to, to find her right? So I assume that means we won't find her corpse on Korriban with this mod in? Or will we? I've seen the redux version of the 'Council Scene' on Dantooine with Vash there, and it isn't too great. She has only one or two lines in the whole thing, but I guess it could still work anyway. So, are you planning to restore M4-78 with or without her? Personally I'd rather without, as I think it makes the Korriban/Dantooine bits a little better, but either way is fine.
  23. Alright, I'll throw out the big question then. Will it be compatible with TSLRCM? I should most definitely think not, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
  24. Also, before I make any more suggestions a question if I may... During the academy, the Exile's companions enter before he does, correct? Obviously, as they attack Traya and whatnot before he even enters, but anyway, will there be any gameplay bits with just his companions? I saw a lot of talk earlier about his companions, and how you nurture them throughout the game, but they don't really get an ending they deserve like the Exile does. Just curious, beyond the already added bits, such as the Atton/Sion, Mira/Hanharr, Party/Kreia ect., will there be any bits dedicated to the companions? Or is all of this pretty much just trails and such for the Exile?
  25. Idea for a plot hole I've noticed that always irked me. When Mira sorta just wakes up on Malachor. I know she stowed away on the Hawk, but did she fly from it after it crashed? That doesn't seem survivable for one, and two, she's like two miles away from the crash site. Perhaps just show a short scene of Mira walking the surface of Malachor, having begun exploring after the crash, only to come face to face with some Sith Assassins or something? This could be a fight, or just a scene, and she would be knocked out. It even ties in with the plot, as the Sith students there likely know of Traya's plans, and that Hanharr is working with her. It's Hanharr's job to eliminate Mira, and perhaps the assassins know this, and leave her knocked out instead of killing her. Then the scene pretty much plays out of her waking up after being knocked out, and continuing on with Hanharr following her. The reason they could come in the first place could just be to investigate who it is, perhaps if it's The Exile, although they could probably sense if it were. Just saying, it always seemed awkward to me. Also, I noticed something said to have been added in TSLRCM but was absent. It says near the end of Malachor, Handmaiden/Visas ask if they can follow the Exile wherever he is going, but he says they cannot. This particular bit could be added in the 'Party Rescue' scene to add a little more life to it instead of the party just running off after they're freed. After the Exile says they cannot, you could just show Handmaiden/Visas nodding, or you know, not saying anything and it would work out. No other ideas at the moment, except that I really wish the Party Vs. Kreia scene could be finished fully with Kreia's VO, instead of Atris', as I believe that is without a doubt one of the best scenes in the game, if only I could hear it through Kreia's voice, but such is life, and there are more important bits to worry about. Will return if any more ideas arise.