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Everything posted by Pazaak

  1. Well, not a lot comes to mind besides what's already been said, but I 'spose I got an idea for the proving grounds, or not, could be entirely separate too. How about something like an arena? An endurance round sorta thing. You start off with a few weak opponents, one or two or so. Then as it goes on, more and more opponents come out, and they gradually get stronger. This could be for the Exile, his companions, whatever, it's just an idea. Can't really think of much else at the moment, maybe The Exile could hear the voices of those he's killed over the journey? Haunted by them so to speak. So, if you're light side, you would hear the voices of those you helped along the way, and those who you killed in the name of good. And if you're dark side, you would hear the voices of those you slaughtered along the way, and those you helped in the name of evil. Maybe it could even be a memory room, like the Sith tomb on Korriban, where you could fight projections of these people. (Somebody mentioned something like this earlier.) For instance, apparitions of the Jedi masters could be there. And other people who had heavy influences on certain worlds. The HK-50's, the Ithorians, Jana Lorso and her Cerka thugs for Telos for instance. Administrator Adarae, and her gruff general guy whose name escapes me, and Azkhul and his mercenary types for Dantooine. The bounty hunters for Shadaa, the Queen and such for Onderon, and so on and so forth. It would be like you're reliving the memories, but on the other hand, it could be quite redundant to have to face them a second time. So maybe forget this one, it's just an idea. No more ideas for real this time, I'll check back if I have any more.
  2. Am I the only one who thought the VA for her wasn't THAT bad? I don't know, I must be really forgiving I guess. I was just happy to see the scene actually THERE, I must not have noticed if the VA was of poor quality or not.
  3. Was about 55 hours into my first playthrough of 'Tales of the Abyss', when the game froze during a save, erasing all data. Still having a hard time believing it.