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Everything posted by Reavens

  1. Apologies for a third post, sadly I cannot edit, I suppose I should have gone through the entire sequence before writing here, but the armour you recieve from the bounty hunters have a blank icon and appears as generic heavy armour. Not sure if that is an issue with all the other mods I have installed though.
  2. I spoke too soon, setting the "AlienRaceNode" from 25 to 0 in all of his dialogue fixed this. It might be worth updating this mod to address this issue.
  3. The encounter triggers perfectly fine, but the audio file does not - so "Karth" uses generic alien language. There is actually only one audio file that will function in the game and that's when he says "No." I've looked over the dialogue file but I really can't tell why it doesn't work.
  4. Sentinels do not seem to start with the implant feat? Or do they get it as they level?
  5. After some additional testing I've determined my quick and dirty fix does not work at all, and breaks the AI in many ways. So I guess I'll keep fiddling with it and hope to make it work. Ha.
  6. Lovely idea for a mod! Been looking forward to something like this. There's no "fs_lvl_sas_01.uti" by the way, unsure if that is an issue or not but something I noticed and might just be a problem on my end. Compatibility with "Improved AI" seems relatively easy to do, but I am not an experienced modder by any means so I may be missing something. I've already gone ahead and done my own quick & dirty fix to make them both work. I could provide you my tslpatchdata setup for you to determine if it's all in order, and then you could release a compatible version if you like.
  7. EDIT: Nevermind, I figured out the troubles I were having. This thread can be ignored or deleted. Apologies for wasting anyone's time!
  8. I appreciate the work you put in making this mod. There is something appealing to me personally in a "canon" playthrough. I have a question though, have you made any headway into a compatibility patch for Extended Enclave? It's a shame these two mods do not work together. I thought if anything I could edit it for my own use, but my modding experience is minimal, even if I have a fair idea of the conflicting files. It seems to be mainly dialogue, yet some of the audio overrides as well? I suppose I will just give up EE for the time being.
  9. To clarify, the door is set to "impossible" so I can neither break it down or lockpick it.
  10. I am stuck in the Administator's office after speaking with the Hutt and his droids. The 1.1 patch says it added a workaround for this bug - what should I do?
  11. Alright, thanks for the info!
  12. Hi, I was curious: I know that Sion will now fight Atton Rand on Malachor, but does he still fight the Exile? If not, is there some way to choose Atton or Exile? I ask simply because the "vanilla" scene was very well written, so it'd be a shame if it's been entirely replaced by the new fight.