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About SmallChicken

  • Rank
    Jedi Apprentice

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  1. Is there a picture along with this mod, sir?
  2. It's a great day, to be crazy.

  3. SmallChicken

    Ultimate Sound Mod

    Does this add blasters? I'm seeing a texture that i hope isn't because of this mod.
  4. Domino5555, We have been working on adding more characters and adding textures and even more stages of fights. We have been working on a lot, but to be honest me and Aneeryrlue or atleast I haven't had a lot of free time to sit and work on this Ultima Duel Room. Hoping to get some time to work on it more, but between work and things I don't know where that will leave me. Sincerely, Small Chicken
  5. Jedi Sentinel is fun if you do it right . GrandMaster Arcturus, have you decide dark or light, maybe grey? And which prestige? Or are you roleplaying, not choosing a side yet to get a feel for you character? Maybe in the end picking a prestige based on how you come as a character, instead of what prestige suits your fancy lol Waiting for reply, Small Chicken
  6. Jerallo, Male, Portrait 15, Sentinel, Two Weapon Fighting. [Please don't double-post. There is a little link called "edit" in the lower-right of each of your posts if you need to add something.] Hoping to see people vote for portrait 15 as it is uncommonly ever used!
  7. Get expectations
  8. This mod works fine. The problems I was having were my fault. Everyone Enjoy! Small Chicken
  9. Sith Holocron, Thank you for this mod. I was wondering if this will work with the Animated Galaxy Map. Cause I've been have a horrible time trying to get it to work with each other. I'f it works with it, would you mind messaging or reply here on the forum, a way I could relieve my self of this problem. Thanks, Small Chicken
  10. How do i install this? Its not working correctly the way i installed it. Directions would be nice! Thank you, Small Chicken P.S. looks amazing!!
  11. SmallChicken


    This really looks nice!