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Everything posted by Aeroldoth

  1. I've just installed for a new game, so haven't played yet. But I'm wondering why you added knockdown only for ATL, and only the first hit. Why not all hits on both TL and ATL? I consider TL a weak power line... I even removed the level requirements to take it in my game, so you can use it at low levels before you get access to the OP lightning/wave/stun/insanity powers.
  2. Seems I spoke too soon. It appears there's a typo in the changes.ini file. It caused the bearded brunette head (07) to replace the blue chiss head (09) on install, leaving you with a white head and a blue body. The line is: normalhead=115 which I believe should be normalhead=2DAMEMORY9 changing that line in the changes.ini file before installation should prevent the error. If already installed, open appearance.2da and look near the bottom for P_MAL_I_SML_09 (line 533 for me) and scroll across to the normalhead column and replace the 115 code with the same number for MED_09 and LRG_09 rows (which was 117 for me). File dates look like someone changed the blue head files after initial release, perhaps deleting dark side skins (?), which is when I guess this error was made. I dunno. In any case, HTH again.
  3. I'm surprised that I found a solution ! Apparently the TSL patcher can be corrupted, and it appears the one packed with this mod is so. I got an alternate copy here: ...and used that one instead. The mod installed fine. I recommend the web hosts re-upload this mod with a working installer. I also suggest that other mods that only open a readme and don't install might work with a different installer. HTH
  4. The TSL installer does not work, clicking it only opens a readme. Admin/compatibility doesn't help. Without a working installer or instructions on how to install it manually, this mod is worthless. Win 7, 64 bit
  5. Working screenshots would be nice.
  6. Ceeiia wasn't in my game either, but I have a solution: 1) Copy k1r_ceeiia.utc ( from the mod's K1R 1.1 > tslpatchdata folder ) 2) Paste it in your override folder 3) Open it with Kotor Tool ( My copy gave an error about the appearance setting ) 4) Change the appearance to whatever you want ( I chose Alien_Twilek_Female01, but I assume any appearance will work ) 5) Load a save from before you start the tournament I'm guessing the mod didn't properly modify the appearance.2da file on installation, causing ceeiia's special appearance to not exist, causing her file to not load. Changing her appearance to anything else should fix the issue.
  7. K1R adds two twileks to the Dantooine enclave, named Garrum and Tar'eelok. I've looked in KOTOR tool and the override folder, but cannot locate Garrum's file. I'd like to change the robe he's wearing. Can someone tell me where to find/extract him?
  8. Me too. I tried extracting with 7zip, only to have repeated issues with part 3. The program froze over and over, so I downloaded the latest version, and it kept crashing. I restarted my comp over and over, no change. I downloaded winrar, and then deleted the previous extractions in case 7zip didn't get it right for some reason. I eventually wound up with what I THINK are the right files, but this file partioning really confused me.